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Energy not refilling

Energy not refilling

Aug 9, 2021, 19:0508/09/21

Energy not refilling

I have been playing for only about a month now, and I have a couple of questions about energy. (I'm playing on my Windows laptop, if that matters.)

1) In the status display at the top of the window, what's the number after the slash? For example, my energy indicator currently reads 300/101 - what does the 101 mean?

2) The energy level doesn't seem to be refilling. A week ago, I had about 1500 energy, now as I mentioned I have 300. When I click on the energy indicator, it says "full", so I'm reluctant to spend gems to refill it.

Anyway, I'd appreciate any help you could give me on this.

Aug 9, 2021, 19:3208/09/21

1) First number is your current energy. Second number is your max energy. Current energy is regenerated over time and can also be increased by rewards from missions, quests and energy potions. You can increase the cap up to 130 by leveling up your account. 

2) As mentioned, energy will stop regenerating when your current energy is at or above your max energy. It's not a hard cap though, you can get more energy than the max through rewards etc. Use up what you have and it'll start regenerating again.

Aug 9, 2021, 20:4108/09/21

101 is your current maximum amount of energy your able to store - 300 / 101 u have capped out and until you go under the 101 you wont see any additional power.

Aug 10, 2021, 12:2308/10/21

Thanks, that's good to know. I'm learning more about this game all the time, and I appreciate the help.