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Clan gold

Clan gold

Aug 7, 2021, 08:4608/07/21

Clan gold


IMHO the fairest way to get clan gold would be through the points that each player accumulates in CvC tournaments. This way each member's contribution is rewarded respectively and it provides a motive for more participation and contribution. 

Then make the clan quest without reward or a small reward equally distributed among the clan members. Also, since there are some quests that are extremely more difficult and resource demanding than others, why not scale those rewards accordingly? 

Imagine the toughest quest of all dealing the X amount of clan gold to each member and the player who achieves it gets the symbolic reward of "Clan's Champion Medal" which will not have any practical use other than the acknowledgement that they had walked an extra mile for the sake of the clan.

That would create a nice Clan spirit and make the game more fun to play.

Thank you for considering my proposal.

Aug 7, 2021, 09:1608/07/21
Aug 7, 2021, 09:16(edited)

So actually you are describing the system as:

Spend more money in CvC tournaments.

For all FTP players...this is not your game.

Is this what you want?

Aug 7, 2021, 09:3508/07/21

You missed the point. I'm concerned with the fact the Clan quests generate in-clan competitiveness and bitterness and I'm trying to suggest a way to mitigate that, if not reverse it and make it a clan-maker instead of a clan-breaker.

Most of the players in my Clan are F2P. I'm a low spender i.e. monthly gem pack or mix pack for extra energy, tokens etc. I save resources (books, glyphs, forged items, great hall medals etc) to use during CVC so that the Clan benefits too.  Why not be awarded for this sort of resources management?  

Is it better as it is now, that whoever comes first takes 3 missions and gather gold for their own good only? 

Why every suggestion must be faced with a negative attitude? 


Keep in mind that I've never spent money for CvC and neither have I suggested or implied something like this to my clan. We're just at 1st tier and our goal is just to grab the milestone rewards at 600K pts.   

Aug 7, 2021, 10:3908/07/21

I have to 100% agree with OP on this  one

Be a PERFECT fix 🙂

Aug 7, 2021, 14:1708/07/21

I  fully  agree.