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Clan Quests - Shared gold proposal

Clan Quests - Shared gold proposal

Aug 7, 2021, 04:5808/07/21

Clan Quests - Shared gold proposal

Patch 4.50 that was released recently saw an introduction of some additional clan based activity, including clan quests, clan gold and a clan shop.  I think it's fair to say that this implementation was a disaster, with it being almost universally hated by the player base.  I was waiting to see what Plarium might do but with the recent post ( it is evident that they are still missing the point

The solution here is obvious.  Plarium just needs to change it so that the gold from the clan quests are shared among everyone currently in that clan.  The effort to implement this only involves the following:

  • Change the game code so that when a quest is completed, that reward is given to each clan member
  • Modify the amount of gold that is given as a reward for each clan quest to avoid a gold rush.  I am assuming that the current shop prices were determined based on the expected gold collection that would be achievable by each clan member, and therefore would result in too much gold being given out if it was left at the current values

The question then becomes how much gold should each clan quest give.  To help with this, I have ran some numbers and think I have found a happy medium that will provide a similar gold output to what it is now.  To understand this, let's run through the current gold output.

First, assume it's a level 5 clan with 33 quests, plus access to elite quests.  The total gold that could be collected in a single week would be:

  • 550 gold for basic quests (11 quests * 50 gold each)
  • 1,650 for expert quests (11 quests * 150 gold each)
  • 3,300 gold for elite quests (11 quests * 300 gold each)
  • Net total gold collected per week = 5,500 gold
  • Average gold collected per clan member (assuming 30 members) = 183 gold.  This is technically not correct as all 33 quests could be completed by just 11 clan members (who would get an average of 500 gold each), with the remaining 19 missing out entirely (getting 0 each)

A similar exercise for a level 20 clan with 90 quests, plus access to elite quests.  The total gold collected each week would be:

  • 1,500 gold for basic quests (30 quests * 50 gold each)
  • 4,500 gold for expert quests (30 quests * 150 gold each)
  • 9,000 gold for elite quests (30 quests * 300 gold each)
  • Net total gold collected per week = 15,000
  • Average gold collected per clan member (assuming 30 members) = 500 gold.  Again, some might be higher as they did more advanced quests, and others would be lower.

So in summary, it looks like the current implementation is assuming an average gold collection of 500 gold per clan member regardless of clan level, with the main benefit of increasing clan level simply being that more quests are available so more clan members get that average.

So the question then becomes, if the gold was shared to all clan members, what numbers would they need to be to maintain a similar gold output?  My proposal is:

  • 5 gold for all clan members per basic quest complete
  • 10 gold for all clan members per expert quest complete
  • 15 gold for all clan members per elite quest complete

How this would look for the above two example clans?  First, the level 5 clan with 33 quests, including elite:

  • 55 gold for all clan members for all 11 basic quests complete
  • 110 gold for all clan members for all 11 expert quests complete
  • 165 gold for all clan members for all 11 elite quests complete
  • Net total is 330 gold for all clan members for the week.  While this is less than the 500 gold per week that the 11 clan members would get, it is a better outcome for the remaining 19 members who currently get 0.  It is therefore better than the clan average of 183 gold per week, and consistent with a low level clan.  This also translates to 3 legendary fragments per week for the clan, and would mean clan members would need 33 weeks to complete the fusion.

And then the level 20 clan with 90 quests available:

  • 150 gold for all clan members for all 30 basic quests complete
  • 300 gold for all clan members for all 30 expert quests complete
  • 450 gold for all clan members for all 30 elite quests complete
  • Net total is 900 gold for all clan members for the week.  This is higher than the current 500 gold per week but I would expect this given the clan is level 20.  Even 900 gold per week is low if you are aiming for a legendary book that is 3000 gold, but again the intention was to maintain the gold output of the current implementation

So what are the benefits of providing clan gold to every team member.  It would remove the rush of quest collections at the start of the week.  Advanced players can leave the easier quests aside, knowing that someone will take it and they will get the gold anyway.  

Instead, it would encourage players to target specific quests that might be difficult for others, as the clan would want to maximise the amount of gold collection per week.  Once a clan reaches level 20, all 30 clan members need to be doing their 3 quests per week for maximum results.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk
