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Clan Quests

Clan Quests

Aug 6, 2021, 15:0908/06/21

Clan Quests

I think in order to solve the issue with people sniping clan quests, there should be a request feature for them. The Clan leader should have a say in whether or not a player can do certain quests. This would then limit high level players from taking easy quests immediately and leaving harder quests for lower level players. 

Aug 6, 2021, 15:1008/06/21

I agree

Aug 6, 2021, 15:1208/06/21

Yeah, this would give the Clan Leader an actual leadership role, because as of right now, they're not that different from a regular player. 

Aug 6, 2021, 15:1308/06/21

Except that they can kick people I think

Aug 6, 2021, 16:2108/06/21

This idea is really excellent!

Aug 6, 2021, 19:1908/06/21

Or just put enough quests in for everyone to save hours of micro managing 30 peoples tasks on a spreadsheet at least i get paid for that crap in my day job, the implimentation of this by plarium is dogsh*t i really cant believe they are shocked by the response to this crap complete clown show

Aug 7, 2021, 00:2108/07/21

Adding more quests isn't going to solve the issue of the stronger players sniping easier quests all its gonna do is make it so that the lower level players have more of the harder quests. I'm sorry, put people have proven they need this little bit of micromanagement because they're too selfish. They don't think about the team, so sadly we should implement the clan quests request option.

Aug 7, 2021, 00:3208/07/21

They should let more people take the same quest, at the end of week (reset) give the reward divided between the people who do that quest. 

Strong people take hard quest to avoid have less reward.

(sorry english is not my main lenguage) 

Aug 7, 2021, 00:3408/07/21

I think the best plans i have seen is that the rewards are shared with the clan, if you want to give the people like 10% for doing the quest fine so they do one worth 50 gold, 50 gold goes to all clan members and they get 5 or a system like that. 

Also I do beleive there should have been 30 quests from the start and a 1 quest per person limit per day so everyone has a chance to get a quest without the leaders having to micro manage something that is spouse to be for fun.

Right now they way it is setup whoever can cherry pick all the good quests when the timer starts, like me who was asleep did not get any quests so no clan gold for me.

I really do not like the excuse that they put out that they did it this way so clans would talk to each other more.

I am sorry I do not play single player games to be a social butterfly =)

I have not said a word in my clan in the 4 months I have been in it and most likely never will.

Aug 7, 2021, 01:1608/07/21

I think the perfect solution would be to allow each clan member to take up to three quests per week.  Who cares if more than one person takes the same quest.  You would earn the amount of coins that you worked for each week.  Then the second part of it would be every quest completed by a clan member goes into the amount needed to help level the guild.  Simple as that! :)

Aug 7, 2021, 09:3008/07/21
Aug 9, 2021, 06:03(edited)

Minin, I think that's another good idea and maybe preferable to mine. I also missed out but because I decided to discuss with my CL and the rest of the clan before hand. So even though I was the first person with option to choose I didn't because I was trying to be fair. And yes, if the quests are supposed to benefit the clan, then it would make sense that once completed, they should benefit everyone as well. 

Aug 7, 2021, 10:4208/07/21

I have been in a few clans trying to find a fit

Many clans tell you what to do / how to do it / when your allowed to do it / How much you need to do it

More of this behavior from clan leaders is just a toxic mix I wish not to see  in this game

A big 👎 from me on this idea

Aug 7, 2021, 12:4308/07/21

in our clan [HGV] you do what you want, no strict rule, we play for fun :)

Aug 9, 2021, 04:3208/09/21

I  like  it,  I'll  make  sure  this  gets  passed  along.  

Aug 9, 2021, 06:0808/09/21

I prefer the idea that the number of quests is increased so everyone can take part. 

Or keep the same number of quests and allow more than one person to take the same quest. 

Aug 9, 2021, 06:2408/09/21

Actually I like the idea of implementing enough quests for everybody much more...

RAID is already massive on wasting time. I tell you...some Clan leaders do not want to have to spent more time to organize and bureaucritise Raid by having to work on requests...just to compensate for a very bad Clan Quest system.

Do not place the burden of bad decisions on the players...make the devs correct their wrong decisions.

OracleCommunity Manager
Aug 10, 2021, 12:5008/10/21

Hi, guys! Yes, we actually are going to reconsider the existing quest system, so the number of quests can make the quest-taking process fairer.

Thank you for the feedback, I've forwarded it to game designers.

We are thinking about the further refinement of the quest system overall but we would like to avoid entrusting a Clan leader with too much power for several reasons: to prevent possible abuse of power (for instance, preference for friends), to avoid overloading the leader with too many responsibilities and to allow personal freedom for each Clan member. However, it is not to say the current system should be carved in stone and will not change.

Could you please elaborate a little bit more on your vision on how exactly the Clan leader should control the quests distribution?

Aug 10, 2021, 12:5908/10/21
Aug 10, 2021, 12:59(edited)

Hi, guys! Yes, we actually are going to reconsider the existing quest system, so the number of quests can make the quest-taking process fairer.

Thank you for the feedback, I've forwarded it to game designers.

We are thinking about the further refinement of the quest system overall but we would like to avoid entrusting a Clan leader with too much power for several reasons: to prevent possible abuse of power (for instance, preference for friends), to avoid overloading the leader with too many responsibilities and to allow personal freedom for each Clan member. However, it is not to say the current system should be carved in stone and will not change.

Could you please elaborate a little bit more on your vision on how exactly the Clan leader should control the quests distribution?

There are two simple solutions to this...and they have been named many times before:

Award Clan Gold to all Clan members...that way you will not have a Clan leader burdened with the work of assigning quests.

Increase the numbers of quests so everybody in the Clan will have his even number of quests available.

Actually I do find the talk about Clan leader and possible power abuse to be a very low-grade attempt to shift the blame of your bad system to Clan leaders. Is this really your style of thinking, that the Clan leaders are to be held responsible, if you mess up the whole system despite being warned about it many times before? 

You should be ashamed...

Aug 10, 2021, 13:4708/10/21

Is only one solution each clan mamber have same 30 / 60 /90 quests can complite just 3 a week end of the story vindictus game  have system like that and work fantastic. 

Plarium is game brain death to figured this out them self. 

Aug 10, 2021, 20:0508/10/21
Aug 10, 2021, 20:06(edited)

My idea is: Let clan leader control how many quests anyone can take.

Example: Prior reset I will set "number of quest allowed per player" to 1. Every player chooses up to one quest (yeah, faster players, or who can log in, can take better or easier quest). On Friday (or when I see that most players have chosen any quest) I set the value to 3 (maximum value) in order to allow players to take remaining quests and help the clan to progress.

But as has been mentioned zillion-times, sharing the quest reward with clan (basic quest 60pts / 30 players = 2 points for everyone, expert is for 5 and elite nets 10pts) will at least ease the friction and clan infihting.

Aug 10, 2021, 20:5808/10/21

Its fixed!!!!!

I missed  out on all Clan quest first week and ended  up with 0 clan gold

I am now at 750 clan gold in week 2 😍 All because Plarium added clan gold to milestone rewards with CVC (Amazing job Plarium!)

Also its now 12 hrs since clan quests has been reset and I was able to take 3 clan quests and complete them for clan gold and there are still quests  in our clan  that need to be taken(sitting unfilled and not taken)

This all tells me Plarium fixed the issue and everyone will have Clan gold from now  on 😀

THANKYOU Plarium !!!!!!!!