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NINJA , cant really complain about a Free god Tier Lego can we ,,,,,,,,,,

NINJA , cant really complain about a Free god Tier Lego can we ,,,,,,,,,,

Aug 5, 2021, 15:4608/05/21

NINJA , cant really complain about a Free god Tier Lego can we ,,,,,,,,,,

well considering the Gear ,,,


I really have no complaints about a Free Lego , Hopefully the rest live up to NINJA  


Aug 5, 2021, 15:5608/05/21

This forum would complain about a free Ferrari because they didn't like the color.  Please  tell me that is not your real CB team.

Aug 5, 2021, 16:0208/05/21

This forum would complain about a free Ferrari because they didn't like the color.  Please  tell me that is not your real CB team.

They'd complain if given $1 million in gold, because it's too heavy.

But you have to admit, devs have given the community plenty to legitimately complain about.

Aug 5, 2021, 16:1808/05/21

This forum would complain about a free Ferrari because they didn't like the color.  Please  tell me that is not your real CB team.

Ya it is, But I am working on it ,,, as you can see from my NINJA gear pic,, not a hell of a lot to work with , but it will get better , 

Katum got lost in the Lurch ,, but thats my next 6 unless I pop a Gogorab

But maybe I will do CH first , But YA,, Really need a Speed Lead so Katum I guess ,, then CH 

The LEGOS that are 50s can sit there for now i think,, cant think making any of them 6 would substantially help me ,, But maybe you have a better thought on it 

Ya, I waste time and Effort making those Legos 50s when i should Built a solid 6 * CB team ,,

Oh well , Im here for another 6 months or more  , Lets see what Visix brings me 

Aug 5, 2021, 19:3008/05/21

Does your Athel not have Warminster? How is it possible that she is doing so less damage? Do you have any poisoners? Why do you have a 50 Elaine if you have a Scyl waiting to be 6 starred?

Aug 5, 2021, 21:0508/05/21

Ya it is, But I am working on it ,,, as you can see from my NINJA gear pic,, not a hell of a lot to work with , but it will get better , 

Katum got lost in the Lurch ,, but thats my next 6 unless I pop a Gogorab

But maybe I will do CH first , But YA,, Really need a Speed Lead so Katum I guess ,, then CH 

The LEGOS that are 50s can sit there for now i think,, cant think making any of them 6 would substantially help me ,, But maybe you have a better thought on it 

Ya, I waste time and Effort making those Legos 50s when i should Built a solid 6 * CB team ,,

Oh well , Im here for another 6 months or more  , Lets see what Visix brings me 

Level 60 is important for clan boss because of warmaster/giant slayer (and all the extra stats)

Normally id expect to see a defence down, a poisoner (not always a poisoner but often) and if its not an unkillable team i would expect to see an attack down as well 

Do you have someone like frozen banshee for poison? or a jareg for attack down? ...not gonna interfere as you havent asked for help, but im sure you could get more damage with poison etc.

Aug 5, 2021, 22:1608/05/21

Does your Athel not have Warminster? How is it possible that she is doing so less damage? Do you have any poisoners? Why do you have a 50 Elaine if you have a Scyl waiting to be 6 starred?

Started with Elhain , Got her to 50 then pulled Athel, so I built her to 60 ,,,

NONE are Full masteries yet , Actually Just got KAEL ,,,,,,,,  

And as you can see i got Side tracked lvling up the LEGOs ,, Some bad choices, but they are there 

and thats where they will stay except NINJA ,,, 

Katum and Warmaiden are coming up,, got WM full Booked with Dups running out of Deadlands

As you can also see, spent way too much time in Keeps ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Alt Farming Mino and Dragon now ,,, Need a ton of 6 star Speed artys 

Gotta Farm Spider too,, But dont have a Good AOE HP burner , till NINJA 

Like i said,, Im getting there ,,, and ya,, SYL is going 6 , BUT NINJA popped up first 

and STUN doesnt work on BOSSES anyway  and GOGORAB is High Speed with AOE rez

and LUGAN is actually fillin a Good Spot with a hdecent heal and De/Buffs and He turns fast too

So for where I am  Dungeons 13/14 and Keeps too ,,, Im working it ,, slow but Sure

Aug 5, 2021, 23:5908/05/21

can you share a screenshot of your champs - lets see if we can help you 

Aug 6, 2021, 00:0008/06/21

I have my Ninja in Relentless / Perception, and he's a BEAST. I use him basicly everywhere.

Aug 6, 2021, 00:4308/06/21

The following debuffs are usefull vs. CB:

  • def debuff (Ninja)
  • weaken (Athel)
  • Hp burn (ninja)
  • poison -
  • atk debuff -

The following buffs/support skills are usefull vs. CB

  • unkillable -
  • counterattack -
  • increase def -
  • remove debuffs/stun -
  • ally protect -
  • buff extension -

Your CB-team lacks nearly everything that is usefull at CB. An improvement that can be done immediately would be Reliquary Tender instead of Elhain. Reliquary is no top tier CB champ, but at least she has the small atk debuff on her A1 and can remove the stun. That is more than Elhain does, what is easy on the other hand, Elhain does exactly nothing vs. CB.

Aug 6, 2021, 08:4808/06/21

You made a mistake. Get Athel full masteries. Then get someone who you need full masteries. Your Athel canbe easily doing 2x as much dmg as now with masteries.