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I quit playing about 2 weeks ago.

I quit playing about 2 weeks ago.

Aug 5, 2021, 12:5908/05/21

I quit playing about 2 weeks ago.

The state of affairs in the game just keeps getting worse, it seems.  Every new addition brings with it new bugs and other issues. Before other known bugs and/or problems are fixed.  Emphasis should be on polishing the content instead of creating half a dozen new revenue streams.

3v3 arena meant to compete you had to have not just one speed team to compete, you now need to have 3.  I'm quite sure that it unreasonably increased Plarium's revenue stream as the whales spent to build 3 viable teams.

CvC comes out and they schedule it on days where most reasonable, working people have a difficult time participating at the level it takes for a clan to be competitive.  And again; another revenue stream as the whales buy books to bolster their score.

Now there are clan quests.  I'm sure there is another revenue increasing factor in that portion of the game. I wouldn't know, since I stopped playing 2 weeks ago.  But from reading the forum it's another mess.

There are tons of bugs that have been in the game since I started over a year ago.  They are still there but expansions to the Raid world continue.  I have come to the conclusion that revenue is more important to Plarium than the experience of the customer and unless I see some major changes in corporate attitude, I won't play again.  Now if it changes (never going to happen) I will be back.

But until then I have stopped playing.  I have not just stopped spending money (and lord knows I spent a metric butt ton of it) I have stopped playing completely.  I had a heart attack 2 weeks ago and the aggravation brought on by this mismanagement of the game has led me to say, "I'll be healthier without Raid".
