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Could use some insight from you guys !

Could use some insight from you guys !

Aug 5, 2021, 06:4208/05/21

Could use some insight from you guys !

OK, So I'm having a little problem with a speed tune i'm currently working on. Well, it's more of a single champion issue that is going to be a part of my speed team that im having difficulties with. Basically, I have two level 50 S tier Decrease DEF champs and I can't decide which one to rank up to 6 star. The 2 champs in question are:

Drum roll please...................................................................................

Stag knight


Now I know Stag knight is probably the better choice being basically a legendary having DEF AND ATK Down in his A2 for 2 turns on a 4 turn cooldown. But...... i'm really doing this speed tune for the arena so I can make it to Gold I (Hopefully) and while the extra Decrease ATK is nice, Warmaiden offers the same DEF down in an AOE that has better DMG multipliers. And being a rare she will be much easier to book ( currently have 5 books on WM, and have used 3 on stag knight) Yes, I did pull them weeks apart from eachother. S.K. I actually got from one of my first ancient shards! (before I even knew how strong he was)

So you can see my dillemma in that I intend for either of these champs to go second after my speed/turn meter booster, yet I know warmaiden will hit harder and I should be able to max her very soon whereas Stag knight I wont be able to book completely probably for weeks or even a cpl months because I don't spend money on books. So This will limit me on my cooldown reductions and DMG increases and Buff/Debuff chance Percentages that I could have gotten easier on warmaiden. Her kit is all around better for Attack also, and really having 3 nukers on my speed team rather than 2 sounds better. I am weighing in my head how beneficial the extra Decrease ATK would be in arena battles with Stag Knight, if I find myself in more fights that last longer than 2 cycles. Yet, I can't help but think that more than half of my arena battles last not longer than 2 or 3 cycles at most. So this is where I could possibly benefit from Warmaiden having that extra ATK power. Also, I know you can make Stag Knight's Attacks decently strong also, but Ive already got both of them pretty much built how I want them with Warmaiden putting out far more power than stag knight and S.K. having more ACC, Survivability, HP, Etc. 

 If you guys could give me some feedback, and let me know what you would do I would appreciate it and hopefully it will help me make a decision as I'm close to being done farming for 5 star food ( 4 down, 1 to go ) Thanks!

BTW - If it helps I can take a screenshot of my gear, ETC. just let me know. The team I intend to use for this build will be; 

                -   Starter - High Khatun 

                 -   2nd - Stag Knight/Warmaiden (Defense DOWN AOE Attack)

                  -   3rd Nuker - Kael 

                    -  4th nuker - I have Ninja at rank 6, and Chonoru at rank 6. She is strictly attack and admittedly somewhat fragile having geared her for all out attack, but she has the highest attack rate out of all my champs! 

*I think if I go with Stag Knight, for that extra Decrease ATK, Ill use Chonoru with him. They will pair well after my first turn, her A3 is an AOE that removes all Increase DEF from enemies, then attacks all enemies. That, coupled with Helmsmasher mastery I have on her make for a SOLID hit completely ignoring all enemy DEF with Stag Knight, and the extra ATK down debuff will help ensure she stays alive for my second cycle to use this incase the enemy Buffs DEF After I start.

Aug 5, 2021, 08:4308/05/21

Stag Knight is a great champ even outside the arena. You want progress in your dungeon missions as well, Stag Knight helps.

Later on in the game you will probably build at least one (maybe even more) further def down champs, that can come in for Stag Knight in magic affinity content (35% chance of weak hit = 35% chance for no debuff) or other situations where you need their additional utility more that the atk down. But I would wait for better champs than Warmaiden, champs like Uugo, Dhukk or Tayrel. If you have a Stag Knight, build him.

Aug 5, 2021, 10:4508/05/21

Stag  has  been  a  huge  carry.  I  still  use  him  in  Gold  IV  Arena.   put  him  in  a  shield  set  and  you  will  have  a  lot  more  life  for  the  Arena  and  other  content.  even  against  Magic  Affinity  he  lands  his  decrease  attack  and  defense  almost  100%  of  the  time.  you  can  always  farm  for  War  Maiden  but  bot  Stag  Knight.  Upfrade  Him  and  you  will  bot  be  disappointed 

Aug 5, 2021, 13:5008/05/21

Yeah, I think I'm going to go go ahead and upgrade my S.K... I guess I was a little concerned about the debuff not landing versus Warmaiden's 100% when booked but I just moved his ACC to 100 and ascended him to rank 5 so he's the far better choice for me. Him having more HP and the ATK down also make him much better for Clan boss which Im hoping to be able to use this speed team in arena and brutal CB without any changes. Thanks guys. 

Aug 5, 2021, 17:5708/05/21

If you are not Booking your WM with Dupes from the campaign Dungeon ,, your wasting Books you could have put on Stag ..................

My WM is Fully Booked from Dupes farmed Deadlands campaign  Brutal 

Subsequently so is my Beserker too ......

Sbsequently all the Books I did NOT put on my WM and Beserker went on my Stag

Aug 5, 2021, 19:0208/05/21

Yeah, I think I'm going to go go ahead and upgrade my S.K... I guess I was a little concerned about the debuff not landing versus Warmaiden's 100% when booked but I just moved his ACC to 100 and ascended him to rank 5 so he's the far better choice for me. Him having more HP and the ATK down also make him much better for Clan boss which Im hoping to be able to use this speed team in arena and brutal CB without any changes. Thanks guys. 

sniper mastery

Aug 6, 2021, 15:2108/06/21

If you are not Booking your WM with Dupes from the campaign Dungeon ,, your wasting Books you could have put on Stag ..................

My WM is Fully Booked from Dupes farmed Deadlands campaign  Brutal 

Subsequently so is my Beserker too ......

Sbsequently all the Books I did NOT put on my WM and Beserker went on my Stag

s.k. TAKES EPIC skill tomes whereas Warmaiden takes rare skill tomes. or dupes.

Aug 6, 2021, 22:5208/06/21

s.k. TAKES EPIC skill tomes whereas Warmaiden takes rare skill tomes. or dupes.

Well,, You got the Drift of it ,,, 

 I did not waste Books on WM or Beserker,, I put them elsewhere ,,, CH , Athel ,, 

where ever they went it wasnt on Heros I can Farm Dupes for

Aug 7, 2021, 01:5108/07/21

Others pointed out you can never have too many aoe def down champs. Stag is def better than wm, but I think your a new account wm might be easier to use because books are very important as you need the def to always be up, and both champs need full books on the skill for the 100% chance and to make it 3 turn CD.

WM was my first 60 def down champ, as you can just farm her and save books. Hell you could probably almost level another champ all the way to 60 just from farming enough dupe wm.

I don't use wm much anymore except for faction wars but don't regret maxing her.