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Fusion calendar

Fusion calendar

Aug 4, 2021, 23:1408/04/21

Fusion calendar

You still haven't released it.  Come on, this sort of basic communication about how we'll have to spend our time for the next 2 weeks is humanity 101.  Communication is always a plus and gives you a massive cushion of goodwill.  I mentioned this prior to the last fusion calendar and you said you'd look into it.  That obviously didn't happen.

Look, I know you guys messed up a few fusions ago and said that the second arena event would be longer and then you had to lower the point totals because you messed up.  I get it, nobody likes to make a mistake.  But just an ounce of being prepared and QA could resolve that and making a mistake is not a reason not to do something in the future.  You guys fell off your bikes.  That's fine, get back on!  And be functional adults who communicate with other adults they interact with.  Give us a fusion calendar instead of waiting until the fusion is already going... again.  It is the same thing with the events and tournaments... just put the countdowns in place.  This shouldn't be so hard for you guys.
