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Clan Quest Issues and Thoughts on Fixing Them

Clan Quest Issues and Thoughts on Fixing Them

Aug 4, 2021, 20:0308/04/21

Clan Quest Issues and Thoughts on Fixing Them

Obviously there are a lot of issues with the initial implementation of Clan many I felt the need to post here for the first time in my 2+ year stint on Raid.  Hopefully Plarium will quickly consider some changes before players just quit out of frustration.  I'll keep this as  brief as I can.  These are just a few of the glarring issues and some thoughts on how to mitigate them: 

1. There are no "Clan Rewards"

Every member of a clan needs to receive a certain amount of Clan Gold when a quest is completed, and the completing member should recieve a bonus for being the individual to complete the quest.  That would make it much less of a fight between members and much more of a cooperative effort.  Right now it's just a free-for-all mess. 

As of now, these are just individual rewards taken from a pool of rewards available to clans as a whole.  As it is, the only clan reward from this system is the level up, and the biggest impacts it has are on the number of quests available and potential rewards which are again, individual rewards, and they aren't worth anything to members who don't get to grab a quest.  What's worse, is that the only way to get the individual rewards, is to essentially take them from your own clan members.

2. No way to cancel a quest, or even a way for a clan leader to reassign a quest.

At the very least, a clan's leader should be able to have some control over quests, whether it be limiting members to fewer than three quests, assigning quests, or potentially setting power requirements or granting permission to take on quests. 

The only recourse for dealing with a player who insists on taking too many or taking the easiest quests is to kick the player, and I haven't tried it, but I'm doubtful that quests which a player has chosen will become available again if the player is kicked.  This has got to be fixed.

3. Quests are not equal and there aren't enough to go around (initially).

Without changing the number of quests or rewards available, the best solution I can think of is have members "request" a quest and get approval from the clan leader or potentially from a deputy before being able to start it.  Then it would be up to the clan leader to try to make assignments fair while still making sure that quests get completed for the clan as a whole.   

This is a serious issue.  I already have players complaining about not being able to get quests because they were late to the party, and members grabbed more than one quest (especially easier ones like summoning 10 rare champions) at a time so the situation is even worse.

4. The only way to police Clan Quests is by kicking members...

who don't follow the rules set by the clan.  This is absolutely rediculous.  Clan leadership has got to be able to police an activity like this by something other than just kicking members.

5. The bonus silver from campaign is worthless...

Additional campaign xp or increased dungeon silver would be more appealing. 

At levels high enough to make completing the Expert quests the bonus silver just doesn't add any value, and the extra multi-battles are almost as worthless.  Campaign is ideal for leveling up food, but it is well established that dungeons are most efficient for generating silver.  

Lets encourage Plarium to take this matter seriously and make some improvements.

