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idk what to think of this.....

idk what to think of this.....

Jul 31, 2021, 11:3607/31/21

idk what to think of this.....

I love the new change. I think a lego is amazing, even at the cost of 4 sacreds and chickens. But, I'm about day 135. That means I'll get to 270 right after a rotation has started. That means I have to wait over 12 months for a lego. Please make the 4 month track players individualy!

Jul 31, 2021, 11:5407/31/21

I understand where your coming from at your account lvl in Raid.

The change coming  is really end game  players (1 yr into the game basically)

I thought more about this and said this to myself. You have 1 yr under your belt in this game and about to play your second year.....would you rather

12 sacred and 12 rank 5 chickens  OR  3 Free Legend champions? after your second year of playing?

Its a clear choice for me as I can farm the 12 rank 5 chickens from rare champs and there is no way I will summon 3 legends from 12 sacreds.

But any proposal that will better this deal is welcomed and has  my full support 😉

Jul 31, 2021, 13:1807/31/21

I understand where your coming from at your account lvl in Raid.

The change coming  is really end game  players (1 yr into the game basically)

I thought more about this and said this to myself. You have 1 yr under your belt in this game and about to play your second year.....would you rather

12 sacred and 12 rank 5 chickens  OR  3 Free Legend champions? after your second year of playing?

Its a clear choice for me as I can farm the 12 rank 5 chickens from rare champs and there is no way I will summon 3 legends from 12 sacreds.

But any proposal that will better this deal is welcomed and has  my full support 😉

true. Just bums me out if I played this game 2 weeks earlier than I began I would get an extra lego.

Jul 31, 2021, 18:3807/31/21

Based on what I read in the announcement, seems to me it will track players' progress individually, just like the current system for login rewards does - simply replacing the current sacred shard and rank 5 chicken rewards by fragments for Cleopterix and then other legos. Not sure if they would let the new calendar start after all players who are already on the 271+ day calendar finish their current one, or if they'd just reset the calendar for all those players and put them on day one the day after the update - most likely the former. But either way it would make no difference for you, who haven't reached day 270 yet. 

Jul 31, 2021, 20:2407/31/21

Based on what I read in the announcement, seems to me it will track players' progress individually, just like the current system for login rewards does - simply replacing the current sacred shard and rank 5 chicken rewards by fragments for Cleopterix and then other legos. Not sure if they would let the new calendar start after all players who are already on the 271+ day calendar finish their current one, or if they'd just reset the calendar for all those players and put them on day one the day after the update - most likely the former. But either way it would make no difference for you, who haven't reached day 270 yet. 


Aug 1, 2021, 21:5208/01/21

You  have  the  right  to  think  any  way  you  want.

The  joy  to  think  the  way  you  want  is  one  of  the  beauties of  Raid.

I, personally,  think  the  change  is  a  harsh  blow  to  the  player  base.

I  don't value  the  change  based  on  a  Legendary.

I  value  the  change  based  on  Resources.

4  Chickens  +  4  Sacred  vs.  1  Fragment  Leggo

12  Chickens  +  12  Scared  vs.  3  Fragment  Leggo

It  doesn't really  matter  how  people type  it  out.

The  change  is  still  unfavorable.

You  see  I  have  70  Leggos  on  my  account.

Getting  4 Epic  heroes  from  Sacreds  


Getting  1  Leggo  heroes  from  Fragments  

--->  Mean  absolutely nothing  to  me.

I  have  beat  everything in  the  game  with  my  current  Roster.

The  heroes  remaining  I  have  left  to  pull  are  only  for  my  own  enjoyment.

What  matters  to  me  is  the  point  values  I  get  from  events  &  tournments.

4  Sacred  Shard  =  2k  Summoning  Event  Points

4  Sacred  Shard  =  1k -  2k  Chase  Summon  Event  Points

1  Fragment  Summon  =  0  Summon  Event  Points

1  Fragment  Summon  =  500  Chase  Summon  Event  Points


Why  does  the  point  values  above  matter?

It  matters  because  the  game  does  Garaunteed  Leggo  Events  based  on  points  &  shards.

-  Fusion  Leggo  Event  --->  You  need  X  amount  of  Summon  points  to  get  Fusion  heroes

-  Fragment  Leggo  Event  --->  You  need  X  amount  of  Summon  points  to  get  Fragments

-  Garaunteed  Summon  Event  --->  You  need  to  pull  X  Sacreds  to  get  X  Champion

Swapping  4  Sacreds  for  1  Fragment  Hero  is:

-  A  2k  Summon  Event  Point  deficit

-  A  500  to  1,500  Chase  Summon  Event  Point  deficit

In  addition,  The  4  Sacreds  will  give  you  4  heroes.

Even  if  the  heroes  are  garbage,  you  could  still  use  them  as  4  star  food.

The  ability  to  use  them  as  4  star  food  helps  you  gain  points  during  the  Training Events.

Furthermore,  The  game  has  hammered  the  last  nail  into  the  coffin  by removing  4  -  5  Star  Chickens  from  daily  login  rewards.

-  The  removal  of  the  Chickens  will  cause  another  deficit  during  the  Training Events.

-  These  small  deficits  will  snowball  causing  a  huge  lack  of  points  during  Training  Event.


I  don't own  Cleo...

Yet,  The  sacrifice  to  acquire  Cleo  is  to  great  in  my  opinion.

I  think  it  will  hurt  alot  of  people in  a  negative way.

However,  It  doesn't  really  matter  what  I  say.

The  game  will  do  what  it  wants  to  do  despite what  people say.

Aug 1, 2021, 21:5908/01/21

Perfectly summerized  Player  J!

Aug 1, 2021, 22:3408/01/21

aways nail it on the head with your break downs J nicely put and agree

Aug 2, 2021, 10:3508/02/21
Aug 2, 2021, 10:36(edited)

Agree 100% with what Player J has said.  I've said the same thing as well.  It's not just about the sacred shards pull chances.  It's about the opportunities that these shards give you in a lot of other areas of the game.  The shards are an invitation to participate in so many other aspects, and can be used to derive so many other benefits.  

Just logging in each day to get fragments for a potentially dupe champion doesn't add any value to the game.  It doesn't drive the player to make a decision, or to do something.  This change doesn't add value into the game, but rather detract from it

It's great that others can see the bigger picture

Aug 2, 2021, 11:5308/02/21
Aug 2, 2021, 11:53(edited)

I dont think its just a case of comparing 4 chickens and 4 shards against a lego.

Im only at mid game but already most legendaries i get fail to progress my account, looking at cleo- i wont use her outside faction wars. Just as i recently pulled stag knight, tayrell and fu-shan... all decent champs, but none of them needed outside faction wars as i already have working arena teams and dungeon teams (and i dont even need tayrel in FW as ive finished high elves)

So a champ i use only in faction wars, against four chances to get a champ i actually need?.... i know what i prefer (the shards)