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Unlimited multi-battles

Unlimited multi-battles

Jul 29, 2021, 20:3407/29/21

Unlimited multi-battles

So, I know you guys already said no to this but I really wish you would reconsider.  During the Ninja event, those extra multi-battles made your game orders of magnitude more enjoyable.  I know you are planning on tossing a few as a reward into Clans, but just give us all unlimited multi-battles and change the multi-battles you get daily (30), from the raid pass (70), and from the clans (0-20 looks like) to insta-battles and every single person who plays your game will enjoy it a lot more.  You keep claiming you understand our complaints about how much time the game takes but you've given zero indication that you actually understand it or plan to address it.  This would address it instantly.

Currently, what you seem to be telling players and content creators is that they should get third-party autoclickers.  Now, that is obviously a bad move on your part, but to just spell out why: it shows that your justification of removing that speed tool was a complete and utter lie.  If you were concerned about our account security, you sure as heck wouldn't be telling us to use third party autoclickers which have permissions and are logged into our accounts.  Just make the game more enjoyable for literally ever single player and give us unlimited multi-battles with a certain number of auto-completes that the whales can pay to get more of.
