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Tag Team arena

Tag Team arena

Jul 27, 2021, 18:5807/27/21

Tag Team arena

Hi i am having trouble moving up in tiers , i started 6 months ago and im still in tier 1 , i do not understand is it me or is it that hard to move up in tiers . I will post my teams and roster as well .


this is my defensive teams . 


This is my offensive teams , i would post my champions all together but its pretty large . I do not have a lot of good champions and i am free to play as well

Jul 27, 2021, 19:0807/27/21

Tbh - no offense - but every one of those three teams would be almost effortless for even a basic cookie-cutter arena team to beat.

Your speed team (team 1) isnt running a speed aura, and even if you were to switch the lead to Khatun, it's still extremely unlikely you'd ever win a speed race against anyone running a better speed aura. However, I'll give you some credit, in that it's probably the most likely to win of the three teams.

The other two teams though, are just cannon fodder. They're slow, with no speed boosters, and any reasonably fast team will just eat them apart.

Jul 27, 2021, 20:1807/27/21

1) First of all: Tag Team Arena has, unlike the classic arena, limited player numbers in all tiers above Bronze 1. It's very hard to climb up in Tag Team Arena.

2) Your teams are not build well, the champs don't synergize with each other.

A standard arena build with easy to obtain chamions could look like: High Khatun (lead postion, speed aura), Warmaiden, Spirithost, Starterchamp like Kael. This team would have a turnoder due the champion's speed from artifacts: High Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael. 

They would ct in the following way: first move High Khatun A2, speedbuff. 2nd move Spirithost atkbuff. 3rd move Warmaiden, def debuff on all enemies. 4th move Kael, attack all enemies.

3) The named champs are easy to obtain, Spirithost and Warmaiden drop as loot in campaign (stage 4 and 9). Others can do the same job even better. You have a Tayrel. He can take Warmaiden's spot. He can do the same thing she can do (def debuff on all enemies), but he has even more nice moves if the fight takes longer. But basically all arena teams you build should follow the strategy above described: speedbuff, atk buff, def debuff, strong attack. 

Teams that are slow and go second are much harder to build.

Jul 27, 2021, 20:2007/27/21

team 1 throw high khatun in position 1 for speed aura 

apothecary can be handy as a team speed boost to help try get you going earlier 

but as mentioned above those 3 teams alone would be in need of some work yes some good champs but id say others would find way to wipe them 

post up your roster so we can see if there are other options you can try to progress

Jul 28, 2021, 16:0607/28/21

thanks i am working on it now