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Warmaiden help pls

Warmaiden help pls

Jul 21, 2021, 16:1607/21/21

Warmaiden help pls

I want my elhain to have lifesteal boots, speed main stats. I want my warmaiden to go first I got 4 star speed immortal boots. I am trying to get my Warmaiden speedy. Now I can't get acc on her 😭. Help pls for ideal combinations of 4-5 STAR gear?

Jul 21, 2021, 16:4707/21/21

You need to be farming dragon.  I never recommend getting gear in campaign, but your gear is probably so bad that common 5star speed boots probably should be farmed for the majority of your team.  What level dragon can you do? 

Jul 21, 2021, 16:5007/21/21

Buy her Rhino Spark.  I read it works wonders.

Jul 21, 2021, 17:0307/21/21

Craft perception gear. Farm for a accuracy banner. Or despeed your elhain if necessary.

Jul 21, 2021, 17:3507/21/21

Warmaiden's  main  stats  are  Accuracy  and  Speed.

Those  are  the  two  main  stats  she  needs  to  do  her  job  in  Arena.

Good  sets  for  Warmaiden  are  those  that  include  those  stats...


Divine  Speed

Swift  Parry


...and  by  far  best-  Perception.

I  would  recommend  you  do  a  lot  of  Dragon  farming.

You  could  also  farm  Faction  Crypts  for  Materials,  and  the  Campaign  Stages  where  Accuracy  and  Speed  Gear  drop  (and  while  your  doing  that,  you  could  do  Lifesteal  as  well).

Warmaiden  can  do  her  job  at  50.

If  you  need  better  stats-  you  can  60  her  to  get  a  Banner.

If  you  reach  the  requirements,  you  can  leave  her  at  50.

Stats  to  use  would  be-

Speed  boots  with  Accuracy  substats.

Accuracy  chest  with  Speed  substats.

(Since  you  can't  reach  enough  Accuracy,  you  can  use  this.  If  you  can  reach  it,  go  ahead  and  use  whatever  piece  has  a  lot  of  Speed,  or  an  Attack  %  chest).

Crit  Rate  gloves  with  Accuracy  and  Speed  substats.

Weapon,  Helmet,  and  Shield  with  as  much  Accuracy  and  Speed  possible.

Attack  ring  with  Attack  %  substats.

Crit  Damage  or  Attack  amulet  with  Accuracy  substats.

And  lastly,  if  you  will  use  a  Banner  look  for  Accuracy  with  Speed  substats.

Jul 22, 2021, 11:4407/22/21

Warmaiden's  main  stats  are  Accuracy  and  Speed.

Those  are  the  two  main  stats  she  needs  to  do  her  job  in  Arena.

Good  sets  for  Warmaiden  are  those  that  include  those  stats...


Divine  Speed

Swift  Parry


...and  by  far  best-  Perception.

I  would  recommend  you  do  a  lot  of  Dragon  farming.

You  could  also  farm  Faction  Crypts  for  Materials,  and  the  Campaign  Stages  where  Accuracy  and  Speed  Gear  drop  (and  while  your  doing  that,  you  could  do  Lifesteal  as  well).

Warmaiden  can  do  her  job  at  50.

If  you  need  better  stats-  you  can  60  her  to  get  a  Banner.

If  you  reach  the  requirements,  you  can  leave  her  at  50.

Stats  to  use  would  be-

Speed  boots  with  Accuracy  substats.

Accuracy  chest  with  Speed  substats.

(Since  you  can't  reach  enough  Accuracy,  you  can  use  this.  If  you  can  reach  it,  go  ahead  and  use  whatever  piece  has  a  lot  of  Speed,  or  an  Attack  %  chest).

Crit  Rate  gloves  with  Accuracy  and  Speed  substats.

Weapon,  Helmet,  and  Shield  with  as  much  Accuracy  and  Speed  possible.

Attack  ring  with  Attack  %  substats.

Crit  Damage  or  Attack  amulet  with  Accuracy  substats.

And  lastly,  if  you  will  use  a  Banner  look  for  Accuracy  with  Speed  substats.

Yes, looked through my gear, found acc chestplate and 5 star speed boots. priorities: 1. max speed boots. 2. max acc chest. 3 acc sets and speed sets

Jul 22, 2021, 12:3007/22/21
Jul 22, 2021, 12:31(edited)

The only stats really important for Warmaiden are speed and acc. Look at my Warmaiden: the gloves have critdamage as mainstat, even if I don't have any critrate. I use this (definetly far away from perfect) gloves not because of their mainstat. I use them for 2 reasons: Acc (setbonus) and speed (10 + 1 from item, ~ 5 from setbonus).

I use Warmaiden only in Faction Wars, so she is only lvl 50 and got the gear that is not good enough for my main AoE def debuffers (Uugo and Deacon Armstrong). But it's working good enough. 

Don't step into the noobytrap of her A2 offering atk-buff and extra hit when crit. I guess you don't have the items to make her a good damage dealer and debuffer at the same time. Ignore her damage. Her job is AoE def debuff!


Jul 22, 2021, 15:0007/22/21

The only stats really important for Warmaiden are speed and acc. Look at my Warmaiden: the gloves have critdamage as mainstat, even if I don't have any critrate. I use this (definetly far away from perfect) gloves not because of their mainstat. I use them for 2 reasons: Acc (setbonus) and speed (10 + 1 from item, ~ 5 from setbonus).

I use Warmaiden only in Faction Wars, so she is only lvl 50 and got the gear that is not good enough for my main AoE def debuffers (Uugo and Deacon Armstrong). But it's working good enough. 

Don't step into the noobytrap of her A2 offering atk-buff and extra hit when crit. I guess you don't have the items to make her a good damage dealer and debuffer at the same time. Ignore her damage. Her job is AoE def debuff!


That's what I'm tryiing to do. Also, all the youtubers fell in the noob trap and have good crit rate?

Jul 22, 2021, 15:4807/22/21

They  have  good  enough  gear  to  reach  the  required  stats  and  get  her  to  hit  as  well.

You  wont  probably  be  ready  with  the  gear  to  do  that  yet.

Jul 22, 2021, 17:4207/22/21
Jul 22, 2021, 18:43(edited)

That's what I'm tryiing to do. Also, all the youtubers fell in the noob trap and have good crit rate?

If you have a whale account with perfect gear, you can equip your Warmaiden with damage, critrate, acc and speed at the same time.

You told us, you have problems to make your Warmaiden faster than your Elhain. I'm 99,9999999% sure you can't get critrate and damage to her without losing acc and speed. If you have (just for example) a helmet with substats critrate, acc and speed: great. If you have to choose between a helmet with substats acc and critrate or acc and speed, take the latter.

You didn't understand the trap. The trap is not "having good critrate". The trap his "getting good crit rate while making compromise on acc and speed to achieve that". Damage (including critrate) is a bonus on Warmaiden. If you can't achieve that, no problem. Accuracy to land the debuff and enough speed to land it, before your damagedealers attack, is not a bonus, it's the main thing. If you don't achieve that, your Warmaiden is useless.

The screenshot of my Warmaiden was supposed to show a way to equip her if you don't have perfect artifacts (like me, my artifacts are far away from perfect). The gloves I pointed out in the screenshot are more or less bad. A whale would sell gloves like that immediately. But if you are not a whale and have to use the items you get, you have to see how to make your champs work. I'm not in the same league as any of the Youtubers or other whales. But I still could make my Warmaiden a quite good debuffer. I got 220 acc and 171 (base + 74) speed on her - and that with a lot 4* lvl 12 items.

Jul 23, 2021, 02:5607/23/21

If you have a whale account with perfect gear, you can equip your Warmaiden with damage, critrate, acc and speed at the same time.

You told us, you have problems to make your Warmaiden faster than your Elhain. I'm 99,9999999% sure you can't get critrate and damage to her without losing acc and speed. If you have (just for example) a helmet with substats critrate, acc and speed: great. If you have to choose between a helmet with substats acc and critrate or acc and speed, take the latter.

You didn't understand the trap. The trap is not "having good critrate". The trap his "getting good crit rate while making compromise on acc and speed to achieve that". Damage (including critrate) is a bonus on Warmaiden. If you can't achieve that, no problem. Accuracy to land the debuff and enough speed to land it, before your damagedealers attack, is not a bonus, it's the main thing. If you don't achieve that, your Warmaiden is useless.

The screenshot of my Warmaiden was supposed to show a way to equip her if you don't have perfect artifacts (like me, my artifacts are far away from perfect). The gloves I pointed out in the screenshot are more or less bad. A whale would sell gloves like that immediately. But if you are not a whale and have to use the items you get, you have to see how to make your champs work. I'm not in the same league as any of the Youtubers or other whales. But I still could make my Warmaiden a quite good debuffer. I got 220 acc and 171 (base + 74) speed on her - and that with a lot 4* lvl 12 items.

just noticed, farming masteries for warmaiden, mino places hex on weak hits????