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Campaign Missions - need work

Campaign Missions - need work

Jul 20, 2021, 17:3807/20/21

Campaign Missions - need work

So I am a relatively newer player, and maybe missing some things, but I can tell you that the Campaign missions are so bad, that I want to quit already. Since I cannot seem to add Feedback in that section, I wanted to add it here. 

I get the grindy progression but many of these missions are already complete, yet I do not get credit. Others are immediately credited as soon as they appear because I have already completed them. Still worse are the ones I do again, and still do not get credit. For example, Win a chest piece with ATK (%) as the primary stat from stage 5 of the sewers of Arnoc. 

Now I already have tons of these, but ok, I will go there and do it again. after wasting energy 4 times, I get one to drop. But I do not get credit. I do it again, and another one drops...with ATK % as the primary stat. Still no credit. 

This has happened to me many times and I have spent countless amounts of Energy and Silver. If this is intentional, its a horrible way to treat players. If it's accidental/bug, it should have been fixed a long time ago. At this point, I have very little interest in continuing to progress. Because of that, I lose interest in the game overall. Sharing my thoughts for developers so you can make that process more enticing for new players, not agonizing. 

Jul 20, 2021, 18:1807/20/21

It's grindy, yeah, and I do remember being just as annoyed when I did it originally.

But in hindsight, I shouldn't have really bothered wasting my time. At the point of progression that you're currently at, I would focus more on just building up my team. You can always come back and do these later when you have the gear to be able to just plow through them in seconds. It's annoying still, but less so.

Jul 20, 2021, 20:3607/20/21
Jul 20, 2021, 20:45(edited)

I have that very mission live on my alt account, gonna have a bash and see if I clear it.

Took me 10 runs to get it, a crappy 1* chest piece as well.

All I can suggest is make sure it's normal difficulty you are running, and that it is actually ATK% you are getting and not flat rate ATK.

Jul 21, 2021, 09:5807/21/21

While i agree with you the mission should be more consistent, if one gives credit while doing it, all should.

We should be careful what we wish for as many times it becomes corrupt a wish, where you ask for 1 thing and they do the opposite

On the one you are pointing out I will bet you are missing the get a chest with *** atk% as main stat