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Champion help

Champion help

Jul 19, 2021, 15:3507/19/21

Champion help

Hi everyone!  I could use some help from experience players.  I'm trying to figure out who i should choose from my 5 star champions to go up to 6 and also who I should keep from my 4 star champions and who should be food. 

Current 5 Star:  Uugo, Royal Guard, Deacon Armstrong, Painkeeper, Bellower, Warmaiden, Athel, Elhain, Soulbond Bowyer, Armiger, Geomancer, Mausoleum Mage, Shaman, High Katun, Norog and Versulf the Gri

Current 4 Star: Tuhak the Wanderer, Whisper, Vrask, Dilgol, Gravechill Killer, Coffin Smasher, Diabolist, Marked, Galek, Luthiea, Ultimate Galek, Aina, Crypt Witch, Renegade, Avir the Alchemage, Purgator, Valerie, Gnarlhorn, Corpse Collector, Nazana, Jizoh, Dark Elhain, Dark Athel, Tarshon, Odachi, Crimson Slayer, Spirithost, Banshee, Relickeeper, Bulwark, Felshmonger, Runic Warder, Baroth the Bloodsoaked, Yaga the Insatiable, Hotatsu, Graybeard, Haruspex, Gory, Jarang and Saurus.

Thank you in advance for any help and guidance that you can provide.  

Jul 19, 2021, 18:5907/19/21
Jul 19, 2021, 18:59(edited)

Basically keep all of the epics; CS  Saurus and Gravechill killer

6* Bellower, Geomancer and 

Jul 19, 2021, 19:0707/19/21

Your number one priority should be getting a campaign farmer. Bellower can do it at level 50, but needs pretty decent gear to pull that off. If you can't do it with level 50 Bellower, then you should probably get him to 60 first, so that he can make campaign farming easier for the rest of your team.

Jul 19, 2021, 20:1307/19/21

Thank you. I have Kael and Coldheart already at 6 and I use Kael as my campaign farmer. I'm just looking for some guidance from other experienced players as where I go next. I was thinking of putting both Uugo and Geomancer up to 6 but wasn't sure if that was the right next step. Should it be Deacon Armstrong instead?  Who from the 4 stars are worth going up to 5 and higher and who should be food?  

Thanks in advance. Any suggestions / comments are very much appreciated 

Jul 19, 2021, 20:3707/19/21

Thank you. I have Kael and Coldheart already at 6 and I use Kael as my campaign farmer. I'm just looking for some guidance from other experienced players as where I go next. I was thinking of putting both Uugo and Geomancer up to 6 but wasn't sure if that was the right next step. Should it be Deacon Armstrong instead?  Who from the 4 stars are worth going up to 5 and higher and who should be food?  

Thanks in advance. Any suggestions / comments are very much appreciated 

Would be really helpfull for all if u put all this info in the first comment.

And u can just can tell us too where are u going to focus next, because the champion pool isnt the same for all content.

Unless u need help here too, wich is normal, so ask that too so we can be more helpfull to u.

About champions for food. I do not recommend use any of your epic champions for food until u reach a cool 60´s pool, then u can eat unuseless ones, but remeber that eventually u´ll need 5 for each faction for FW so be carefull. Rares except your starter all are food except Razhin fusion ones (i mean, there are 2 other exceptions, but these arent in your list: FB and Apo). Dont eat VOID rares until u reach a cool pool, remember void ones are harder to get.

Other thing, u have lots of 50´s and 40´s. This will make u slow your progress. Focus on get a full 60´s roster. This will open a lot of content. If u havent decided yet wich one, or maybe u are waiting for an shard oppening to get a better option cool, meanwhile make 5 stars chikens.

Jul 19, 2021, 21:1707/19/21

Thank you Fedenow. I am sorry that I wasn't more specific in my first post. This is all new to me!  I only know what I've seen in videos and honestly I don't really know the game well enough to know what I need to focus on next. I can get though a lot of basic things with the main people but can't seem to get past stage 12 or 13 in any of the dungeons and can only do the normal stage on Clan Boss. 

I would love to increase some of my 4's to 5's and then 5's to 6 but I don't know which would be the best ones to do that with. I feel like I have some good ones but I could use a little help figuring out which ones to increase and keep. 

Jul 19, 2021, 22:1907/19/21

Geomancer  is  a  beast  in  clan  boss.

He'll  raise  your  damage  a  ton,  but  needs  to  be  60  so  he  can  have  Giant  Slayer.

Jul 19, 2021, 22:2207/19/21

Thank you Destroyer39, he was one of the people I was looking to increase. 

Jul 19, 2021, 22:4807/19/21

Deacon is the other one I'd focus on in that case. He's just all around great.

Jul 19, 2021, 23:4007/19/21

Thank you

What about Uugo?  Should I 6 star this champion as well?

Jul 20, 2021, 01:2007/20/21

Royal Guard for a dps champ, Ultimate Galek for HP burn unless you have something else.  Possibly warmaiden for aoe defense down in dungeons and arena.  Dark Elhain eventually for DT.

Honestly, you have a lot of champs that will work great at 5*.  If you 6* Uugo, skip warmaiden, warmaiden is easier to book though and she can smack.

Jul 20, 2021, 01:3307/20/21


Jul 20, 2021, 06:5307/20/21

I'll add to what others have said, Mausoleum Mage is amazing and your only lego Versulf, while not an absolute top tier lego, is still going to be better than most epics, never mind rares. So they should be high on the priority list as well.  Also, Coffin Smasher is worth considering for Clan Boss - decrease attack is very important, so any champion who can put it with their A1 could be worth using, in addition to his HP burn and nice passive. 

Jul 20, 2021, 08:4507/20/21

You have a bunch of really great heros worth lvl 60, that are allready mentioned so far.

Among these great champs, I personally would bring Uugo to 6* next. Her A3 move Uugo's Brew can carry you through much higher level of dungeon content, that you couldn't do without her. With only 3 (including Uugo) lvl 60 champs, she will have the best hp and def among all of your champs and can stand more hits than the others. If the rest of your team is dead, she brings them back to life all at once.

In addition to that, her A2 move Maelstrom Wrack is fantastic to fight against the dungeon waves. The combination of decrease def and block debuffs is great. A lot of players know the following situation: Set up 30 auto battles in dungeons over night, go to sleep, come back the next morning and see that you are still at auto battle 1 of 30, trapped vs. a single Paragon enemy in his unkillable loop. With Uugo in your team, you will never be in this nightmare, she blocks the unkillable buff.

Jul 20, 2021, 11:0107/20/21

Thank you Skadi and 

Jul 20, 2021, 11:0107/20/21

Thank you 

Jul 20, 2021, 11:3407/20/21

What  about  Versulf  the  Grim?

Jul 20, 2021, 11:5507/20/21

What about him Player J?  Should I 6 star him as well?

Jul 20, 2021, 23:2007/20/21

What about him Player J?  Should I 6 star him as well?

Yeah  -  You  should  6  star  him

Versulf  the  Grim  is  a  HP  Legendary  with  Increase  Def  +  Ally  Protection.

Jul 20, 2021, 23:5307/20/21

Ok, thanks Player J. 

Jul 20, 2021, 23:5907/20/21
Player J

Yeah  -  You  should  6  star  him

Versulf  the  Grim  is  a  HP  Legendary  with  Increase  Def  +  Ally  Protection.

And, also importantly - he has leech, which is huge for CB.