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This game needs to fix a few things

This game needs to fix a few things

Jul 18, 2021, 21:4507/18/21

This game needs to fix a few things

1) Any arena team should only be allowed to use one of each character. No characters should be allowed to be used twice on the same team. Exception being generic characters that are common and uncommon like a swordsman, Archer and so forth any character that has like an actuall name should only be allowed to be used on that team once. Probally would be fun to do the same for Dungeons as well. 

2) There needs to be a way to earn More Skill Books. Make a dungeon where you can win Skill books Rare, Epic, Legendary. These books are very important for characters and if you want to keep players around for the long term you gotta have a way for them to earn more books. Not saying make it easy but have it available for use FTP players. 

3) Since I have been playing this game over the last year, I have made it past level 50 and I began noticing that each time I go up a level my enerygy only goes up 1 point. You gotta increase the energy a little more then that per level as the game goes on, I know Energy can build up and be stored pas the base line but if I am at the baseline and not winning anymore then it wont increase. I feel that being past level 50 I should be already past 200 Energey as my baseline. 

4) Should remove the Daily quest of using 5 silver keys in Doom Tower. Doom tower is hard enough as it is and I'm sure there are a lot of other players who can't complete the daily advance quest either.

5) There is a serious silver shortage in this game It goes faster then you can earn it. A few thoughts I have are, be able to sell back shards in exchange for silver and also maybe even characters as well. 

6) The training area should be allowed to be advanced further to higher levels to train champions a little faster or maybe add some more slots in there for more characters.

7) Dailey Log ins, Now that I have gone thru all the daily log ins I see it just repeats the last month all over again. Maybe you should set it up that after each 30 days you can earn an Epic or a legendary once again. You can do it as a shard so that it can go thru the void for a random Character. 

Jul 19, 2021, 10:0807/19/21
Jul 19, 2021, 10:09(edited)

1) Why? Most players complain about dupe legendaries they get from shards. And you want even forbid to use them?

2) Indeed there is a shortage of books. They sell books for real money in the store. They will never remove the shortage of books. The comprehensible reason of developing a game is making money with it.

3) I agree, other similar games give more max energy to the players. 130 is less than 10 dungeon runs.

4) It's an advanced quest. From no. 7 of your list I conclude you are in the game more than 270 days allready and got Scyl and Visix as login-reward. You should be able to beat the first boss of DT normal 5 times a day.

5) A picture is worth a thousand words: 


6) Isn't that the case allready? You can expand it to 5 spots and 3 levels of exp-gain.

7) Isn't that the case allready? At day 14 of the past-Visix-cycle you get a void shard, at day 30 a legendary shard.

Jul 19, 2021, 10:2707/19/21

In regards to energy, you get 480 energy regenerated per day, and it takes 6.5h to regenerate 130. I think it'd be quite reasonable to increase that cap to around 250, or even 500, so that you don't have to actually sacrifice sleep to optimize the energy use. Being able to store one full day of energy isn't really that gamebreaking, but would make having an actual life more forgiving, which is a major selling point for people who don't actually take it too seriously (as you shouldn't with a game like this). Energy refills would have to be adjusted, but that's not much of an issue really.

The training pit could also use a look. Not only is it fairly slow, but having to manually level the champions up makes it even less effective and more tedious. The upgrades could also have a bit better value; going from level 1 to level 3 doesn't even double the experience gain.

As for the rest, it's either things I don't really agree with or things that just won't happen because they were specifically designed that way in order to make players pay money to overcome the problems.

Jul 19, 2021, 11:2607/19/21

1) I don't get the restrictions on dupe champions either.  Why do you want to punish people who happen to get the same champion multiple times?  What champions are you even referring to that are causing you a lot of grief when there are multiple of them?  

Most team builds are more beneficial with different champions performing their own respective roles, and if someone uses a dupe then it's usually to the detriment to the teams strength anyway.  No single champion can do attack up, attack down, defense down, defense up, AOE crowd control, etc.

2) I think I've heard somewhere that books are one of the biggest sources of income for Raid, so it's unlikely that they will change it.  I agree it's a massive bottleneck, and how I deal with it from a FTP point of view is to consistently do CB runs, as well as participate it as many tournaments as possible that are offering a skill book as a reward.  Still, it's a slow process....

3) I don't have much to comment on here as my playstyle is very different to others, in that I hoard a lot of energy.  I am usually sitting around 15K energy, because even though I do log in each day to do the dailies, I don't really do anything else except for specific times of the month for tournaments and fusion/fragment events.  I know others play differently but the current energy platform works for me, but I wouldn't be opposed it to changing to help others

4) This is an advanced quest and is meant for people that are ready to take on doom tower and push them a bit further.  If someone cannot get up to the first boss in normal doom tower, then they probably aren't ready for the advanced quests in general.  There's others in here that I thought would have been worse than the 5 silver key one, such as the killing a faction boss, or putting 20 debuffs on CB

5) Silver can sometimes be a punish, though not as bad as books.  I think of it as just another resource that you need to manage properly in the game, which also means that sometimes you need to focus on farming it up.  This could be from campaigns (e.g. 12.3 Brutal) or Dungeons (Spider), but I often find that if you participate in fusion events or tournaments, you actually end up getting quite a lot of silver anyway.  

6) I agree that the sparring pit needs a review, because at the moment I don't think it's serving much.  I'd like to see Plarium revisit this as a whole and and make it a more interesting feature, but to be honest I don't have any good ideas to add so will leave this for someone better equipped.

7) There never used to be the re-occuring 30 days of login rewards after you got Visix, so be happy that we have something now!  Also, I think the current 30 day repeat is actually pretty good.  A consistent epic book, 5 star chicken and a void and legendary shard just for logging in is great.  I'm not sure about having new legendaries in here as I think that detracts from the game with it's shard system.  You can also get epics and legendaries from other events (hell, there's a free legendary being given away now!)

Jul 19, 2021, 12:5607/19/21

1) Why?

2) Yes skill books are a nightmare to get, but it gets a bit better when you can do UNM clanboss, by the time a cvc tournament comes around i usually have a dozen or so epic books and 4 or 5 lego books but if a lego needs 15 books its still a bottleneck.

3) More energy would be nice yes

4) If playing a year surely you can get to the first boss doom tower?

5) Yes silver is tough.

6) Already the case?

7) Already the case?

There are plenty of issues with the game (time taken the biggest single issue for me) but surprised people are frustrated at things like doom tower

Doom tower is one of the better features in my mind.