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HP or DEF?

HP or DEF?

Jul 18, 2021, 03:2007/18/21

HP or DEF?

Does anybody know how much HP DEF is worth? Say I want to choose between an extra 1k HP or 100 DEF, for example. Is there a fixed ratio?

Jul 18, 2021, 04:3207/18/21

there's really no magic answer to this; it's going to go on a case-by-case basis. the biggest thing that's going to impact it is how much defense the champion already has. defense offers diminishing returns, so 100 defense will add a lot more to a champion with 1500 def than one with 4000. hp simply stacks so there's no forumaic decrease in value, but it's still governed to some degree by your champion's current stats. if your champ already has 80k hp, another 1000 isn't really going to make much difference.

on top of that, you have to take your champion's skills into account. often this is as simple as checking what their damage scales off of since that will usually be the better choice, but there are plenty of other ways it could make a difference. any healer who scales off their own max hp will be getting double benefits from increasing hp over defense. another example i dealt with recently was when i was building my vogoth. his passive heal is based on damage received, so i built him with a  low defense to reduce damage mitigation thus increasing his healing.

Here's a link to the damage reduction chart for your perusal.

Jan 13, 2022, 03:0501/13/22

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I've only just seen it and the image is gone 😂