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Stars to show where substat upgrades will happen when artifact is created

Stars to show where substat upgrades will happen when artifact is created

Jul 14, 2021, 13:4007/14/21

Stars to show where substat upgrades will happen when artifact is created

I have what I think is a great idea.  I'm not sure when the game calculates where the upgrades to substats will happen.  Does it calculate this when the artifact is created?  Or when it is being upgraded?  Probably random when being upgraded.  But If it's calculated when created, this would be a relatively easy change to make.

Would be so great to see right away where the upgrades to substats will happen.

For example.  You get a 6* epic helmet.  With *Accuracy, HP% and **Speed.  So you would know without having to spend silver that accuracy will get 1 upgrade and speed will get 2.

Would save us all a lot of silver and frustration from artifacts that are not useful to us.

Jul 14, 2021, 13:5207/14/21

Unfortunately, this is one of the biggest silver sinks in the game presently, and it's extremely unlikely they'll do anything to make it less so.

Jul 15, 2021, 17:0507/15/21

Instead of a substats preview, I'd rather have a "which skill will this book upgrade" feature. Even better, allow us to choose said skill. Yeah. This will never happen. 

Jul 15, 2021, 17:1407/15/21

Instead of a substats preview, I'd rather have a "which skill will this book upgrade" feature. Even better, allow us to choose said skill. Yeah. This will never happen. 

Yep. Same reason they'll never add a way to get specific champs from shards, outside of very occasional events. The entire business model of this game relies upon low probabilities to force you to spend/consume more resources to get what you're looking for.