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Dupe system and other concerns

Dupe system and other concerns

Jul 13, 2021, 22:3107/13/21

Dupe system and other concerns

Hello Plarium,

I just drew six sacred shards and pulled only dupe Epics during your "double legendary" cash grab.  I have gone 43 sacred pulls without any legendaries.  Based on the mercy system I should ahve had a 62% chance of pulling a legendary.  

I pulled two legendaries duringthe ancient event last weekend and they were both dupes (third Rotos, fusable, second Elagius, also fusable).  Of my last 6 legendary pulls across all shard types only one ahs not been a duplicate.  Based on the amount of available legendaries this is statistically improbable at best.  Furthermore, I pulled a void legendary and now am the owner of a dupe void legendary.  Considering I own 5 void legendaries, two from content (Arbiter, Visix) that means I have 4 voids legendaries from shard pulls and 2 of them are the same.  

Here are my questions:  

1.  How have you not figured out a duplicate avoidance system?  Easy as pie...

1.  you pull a dupe legendary and you get to choose to keep it or pull again.  The first legendary you pull that you don't have you keep...regardless if it is the one you wanted.

2 dupe amnesty.  For 2 weeks once the new dupe system is in place you can turn in any duplicate legos on your acount for a special shard (diamond maybe?).  They cost nothing to pull as you have already spent the silver to pull the original shard.  They are guaranteed to pull a lego and the system works the same as above; pull a dupe you can keep it or roll again...hit one you don't have it's yours.

Now that the dupe system is covered I think you need to check your math across the board.  Specifically, if I have a 54%-62% chance to pull a lego and only pull epics on six pulls as I did today during the double lego event it would seem that the fix is in.  This statement can be extended for everything stated above; there is a possibility that I am an incredibly unlucky person being ground down by the reality of math.  However, I would imagine the more likely answer is that the truth is different from what is advertised.  

I, like many, have spent a great deal of money playing a very well made, excellent game.  As I reach endgame status it is becoming more clear that my money would be better spent elsewhere rather than on a game which is at best broken, and at worst dishonest.  I would love to remain a member of the vibrant community you have created but find less and less reason to do so.  Please fix the system so I can justify staying (paying).




Jul 13, 2021, 22:4407/13/21

Yes. You got terrible rng. But, that also means I can keep pulling legos if I get a junk one until I get a bad el akzaar.

Jul 13, 2021, 23:1507/13/21

Honestly - you lost me at the point where you complained about having three Rotos :/

Jul 14, 2021, 08:2307/14/21

Sounds like a want the cake and eat it kind of system. Not really viable in a commercial situation. It would need to be much more limited. Maybe a wildcard system, rare to get it but it will let you swap out a duplicate once. That way this could be seriously limited and it should be rare/expensive. You can't have an infinite cycle creating a loop until you get what you want, thats too strong. Imagine the impact on the overall player base, a load of people with a full legendary lineup of their choice, you'd kill the ecosystem.

Jul 15, 2021, 21:1207/15/21

RNG is a bitch.

I´m not a F2P Player, but im clearly far far from your whaleness status.

So here is my opinion:

Any system wich allow you to change a champion untill u get a new one, is simply broken. This way, the most champion u have, will be easier to get the missing one... no sense at all. Its opposite to all common sense where de far u are, the hardest to reach last puzzle´s pieces.

Anyway, lets dream and supose this system work, about the "amnesty" process. If u can use your older dupe legos, these should be lvl 1 ones. Because other way, u used these ones in the past, they where usefull for u somehow, and now because u dont use more or because u have the chance to get a new one, u wanna change it. The idea is broken itself.

Besides imagine if there were 100 Lego in total in the game and u have 50 Lego and 50 dupe.... Thats all, u have complete legos. U just need change all dupes until u get a new one for each dupe and thats all.

I supose that big whales must have actually more legos than total aviable.

I posted my idea about dupe system days ago:

I understand that for a pay player, the more u invest, the more results u want. But this is a gacha game, is a casino, and u know from the begining that u are paying for "the chance" to get some cool stuff. That´s sucks, but is the same for all this kind of game (more or less, but the same to the end).

At least in these games, when u lose, u get crap, in a casino when u lose, u lose and cant continue playing.

Jul 16, 2021, 17:2007/16/21

I believe the chances to pull each lego do not equal, some legos have very low chance to pull out and some have very high chance. 

If you have 100 legos, imagine the pyramid, you shall (certain) have 1 of a kind and 10-20 of another kind. P may never agree to any equal exchange ideas like a Visix = a Abiter. 

Jul 16, 2021, 21:1007/16/21

I believe the chances to pull each lego do not equal, some legos have very low chance to pull out and some have very high chance. 

If you have 100 legos, imagine the pyramid, you shall (certain) have 1 of a kind and 10-20 of another kind. P may never agree to any equal exchange ideas like a Visix = a Abiter. 

Im not sure if this is this way. RNG is just that, only luck ( I particulary got 7 legos froms shards and all they are good ones: BEK - Visir - MaShalled - Lilitu - LongBeard - Blind Seer - Ghostborn... NO WAY this happen if good legos had less % to been summoned, unless im blessed...)

The chance to get any lego should be the same, otherwise there will be a lot of complains about that "X" lego is almost impossible to get for anybody.

Yes, if u get more lego, the % to get a new one is lower and lower... but thats the idea, must be this way.

Jul 17, 2021, 07:0107/17/21

Just my 2 cents.. I do feel you about the insanely low drop percentage with sacreds.. I just shared playing though, I've only gotten one so far 😁 but there is a really good outcome to having gotten dupes.. they allow you to level up a mastery skill. I've found this useful with a few of my rarest so far. Atleast they're not completely useless unless you just get duped of horrible champs repeatedly then yes there should be some kind of system to detect that after so many times for a single player.

Jul 17, 2021, 12:4307/17/21
Jul 17, 2021, 12:44(edited)

This is not one of those slot machines at the front of the casino doors

Raid  is the slot machine back in the casino  in the high rollers area

$300 for a Legend  is your best rate but likely $500

Think about that when you look at what you just bought. Yep pixels  on a screen. LOL totally not worth it