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Create a Champion Event

Create a Champion Event

Jun 24, 2021, 05:0906/24/21

Create a Champion Event

When are we actually going to get the results from the create a champion event that was hosted, it seems like it a large amount of time has past, and in my opinion if we dont get any results, we dont know what to actually look for in any upcoming events, I mean, really, those results should add in actually reasoning for the candidacy and the amount of effort that went in to the creative process, because I mean, I did some work myself, even if my sketch was older, like I know I did some work in actually designing the kit, and aesthetic, though it may not of been exactly what was requested

Jun 24, 2021, 07:5806/24/21
Jun 24, 2021, 07:59(edited)

Hey there

The "create a champion" event did end a good while ago and the results were also made public already.

The winners got chosen and announced on facebook and the official discord, but there is no ETA on to when the winning entry will be made into a champion.

Nevertheless, stay tuned for updates about it.

Cheers =)

OracleCommunity Manager
Jun 24, 2021, 12:0006/24/21

Hi Llene ! Just what Strangiii just said. However, I'm glad to confirm that we are already working on the Champion that had won the competition. There is a ton of work to do to release a new Champion - we have to develop further the concept-art, create a model, and perhaps make new animations. On top of that, we also have to design new Champion's abilities, so they would fit the balance of the game. Considering that there are many locations to test the new Champ, it might take quite a while. But also, we have to consider all possible synergies with other Champions in a team. Moreover, we have to keep in mind - how this Champion might be enhanced by different gear options

So, long story short - we're working on it. But Thank you for your interest!