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Champion Mission : fuse rhazin scarhide

Champion Mission : fuse rhazin scarhide

Jun 20, 2021, 10:4506/20/21

Champion Mission : fuse rhazin scarhide

dear raid,

i have play this game almost 1 year , spend in this game 800-1000 euros and i still missing 1 rare from the fuse...

raid is adding new rare and epic champions almost every months so for me and for future new players that misssion sound like inposible...

is it any posible add that rares ''to drops''(not only from a shards oppening) in the game from farming waves (example in the doom tover), like all other mission fuses rares is farmable.



Jun 20, 2021, 10:4606/20/21


Jun 20, 2021, 15:3706/20/21

Hey there

It is not possible to get the missing champion "Slitherbrute" any other way besides Mystery or Ancient shards.

I really hope you get this champion soon to finish the Rhazin Scarhide fusion and mission.

Cheers =)

Jun 21, 2021, 09:1506/21/21

Yea unfortunately this is part of the luck of the draw.  I have also been playing for a year and haven't gotten one of the rares needed (the Halberdier one), despite getting numerous amounts for the rest.  I've crafted a number of these epics up already as part of fusion events for points.

One day I will get my single missing rare to then be able to fuse Rhazin...

Jun 21, 2021, 11:1806/21/21

its dident mather... the points is that every months raid is adding in game new epics and new rares and becous of that the rhazer fuse is harder and harder every time, becous the chanse of getting the needed champ from shard is drpoping every time when new epic or new rare come out... super unfair for new players and like i said im ok real life money spender in this game and i have play this game "long time" (almost 1 year) and i still dident get it... for new players its even harder ...

Jun 21, 2021, 22:2206/21/21

I get those all the time, for me its gnarlhorn.

had him once.... used him as food a long time ago when I first started.

A ridiculous amount of blue shards later and I still aint see him

Jun 23, 2021, 06:2906/23/21

i think when it wasent was a missio fuse it was ok like it is now (can get thous rares/epics only from shard), but now bocouse it is mission fuse they need add that rares in the farmable system like all other mission fuse champs is or take that mission off. atm its super unfair for new players and its come every months more and more unfair!

Jun 24, 2021, 04:3406/24/21

i think when it wasent was a missio fuse it was ok like it is now (can get thous rares/epics only from shard), but now bocouse it is mission fuse they need add that rares in the farmable system like all other mission fuse champs is or take that mission off. atm its super unfair for new players and its come every months more and more unfair!

I agree with you but lets be real, Im on tier 4 missions and I haven't see the raz fuse yet, so its safe to say its in tier 5 or 6. By the time new players reach that tier they are no longer new players.

I do think it would be more fair to let us see what the missions are in the tier before we get to it, so we can plan ahead.

if players knew that they would have to fuse raz they would be more likely to not use the fusion champs needed as food.

Jun 24, 2021, 05:2106/24/21

I'm down to just 1 character that I'm missing for the fusion.  There are 2 rares that I've never gotten but I did get 2 of the epics.  I wouldn't mind getting that particular rare so I could keep the epic but I won't hold out for it if I ever get my necessary rare.  I hadn't gotten anything new for a few months prior to this latest pull.  They really should up rates of the rares involved with the fusion to at least the level they were at when they first put the fusion out and then drop the rates down to the current rates after you finish Rhazin.  Kind of like the 10x events except just brining the rates back up to what they were when people originally were going for it.

Jun 24, 2021, 11:4306/24/21

I'm down to just 1 character that I'm missing for the fusion.  There are 2 rares that I've never gotten but I did get 2 of the epics.  I wouldn't mind getting that particular rare so I could keep the epic but I won't hold out for it if I ever get my necessary rare.  I hadn't gotten anything new for a few months prior to this latest pull.  They really should up rates of the rares involved with the fusion to at least the level they were at when they first put the fusion out and then drop the rates down to the current rates after you finish Rhazin.  Kind of like the 10x events except just brining the rates back up to what they were when people originally were going for it.

A "rhazin" rare 10x would be nice for newer players.  Though you probably need a 50x to get the rates to prior levels with all the new champs, lol.  Anyone have a breakdown of champs by rariry now vs a year ago? 18 months? Be interesting.

Jan 7, 2023, 05:4801/07/23

Erinyes and Bloodfeather still missing with almost 1000 days of playing. Will soon have to complete the mission to Fuse Rhazin.

Jan 7, 2023, 05:5401/07/23

Erinyes and Bloodfeather still missing with almost 1000 days of playing. Will soon have to complete the mission to Fuse Rhazin.

You've been playing raid for 2 years and 9 months?  And haven't fused Scarhide?

that is a serious issue!

Apr 22, 2023, 12:0004/22/23
Apr 22, 2023, 12:05(edited)

I've learned a lot from this thread...

Don't ever feed fusible rare champs as food, as there is no telling how long you will go without pulling one again.

The wait of 2 years 9 months for a rare, is cray cray.

What they need to do is add a 10X Jack of all trades rare, that unlucky sob like us can use. :D The The jack-of-all-trades rare could also be an additional - not instead of - reward in events

Apr 22, 2023, 17:1704/22/23

After reading this, i realized....I'm f*cked

May 8, 2023, 20:3105/08/23
May 8, 2023, 20:33(edited)

I've been sold that not fusing  Razin and just fusing his Epics during champion chase events is the best way to use your resources, as it gives you a better chance of gaining better champs not having to burn through a ton of shards during champ chase.

So not being able to fuse him maybe a blessing in disguise. 

May 8, 2023, 22:2905/08/23
Louis Browne

I've been sold that not fusing  Razin and just fusing his Epics during champion chase events is the best way to use your resources, as it gives you a better chance of gaining better champs not having to burn through a ton of shards during champ chase.

So not being able to fuse him maybe a blessing in disguise. 

Disagree. You lose a very large amount of resources every time you do it. Turning 4x4* chickens into a single 4* chicken. So three chickens lost.

Getting champions built is one of the main ways that your account progresses. The rewards from high-level faction wars are huge, and you get to make specialized builds for arena, hydra, doom tower bosses, etc.

So I think it's a false economy to fuse Rhazing epics multiple times. Much better to be more disciplined on shards, skip a few fusions here and there, and have enough resources to do the ones you really want.

If you're fusing multiple Rhazin epics but not downing UNM clan boss and collecting 2x top chests daily, then you're definitely focusing on the wrong things.

With that said, I do like saving void rares for repeatedly fusing broadmaw. 3* chickens in, 4* chicken out. So that's just slightly less efficient than normal champ training (because you have to level all 4 chickens to 30, not just 1). Still worth it.

May 9, 2023, 02:3305/09/23

He almost made me quit. Took me almost 2 yrs to fuse. Just hang in their.   (Maybe they will stir the pot up a lil. )

May 10, 2023, 12:4705/10/23

For any early game to early-mid game player, Rhazin is a huge boost to your team.  His AOE TM Depletion, triple hit A1, 60% DEC DEF/Weaken, and his +90 RES Aura are huge boosts to any young team for almost all content.  And IMHO the Epics are trash and so are the rares with the exception of Warmaiden (and situationally Magus and Valerie).  Fuse Rhazin first, and then develop your rares...ignore your Epics.  I'm solid mid-game and I still use Rhazin in FW and DT (especially Dark Fae.)