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About HEX Debuff

About HEX Debuff

Jun 15, 2021, 21:5506/15/21

About HEX Debuff

As Guide say:


[Hex]. Minotaur's [Tremor Stomp] Skill deals double damage to Champions with this debuff. 

Now, we have actually 2 champions afected by this debuff, and for all other champions this debuff doesnt afect at all... this is the unique debuff wich is completly useless for all champions except Thea and Ruel...

I think this debuff should be reworked so all champions can take a benefit from it, like all others.

Besides, i have a question about Minotaur because i didnt checked yet... When Minotaur puts itself hex all champions hit him harder... if i put this debuff with Ruel or Thea, this debuff afects the whole party like his own? Or even there this doesnt work for all the group?

Jun 15, 2021, 22:4106/15/21

I  actually  like  the  Hex  debuff.  It  is  basically  just  like  a  placeholder  or  custom  debuff  that  some  champions  have  a  unique  skill  to.

Besides,  why  do  you  need  a  special  ability  for  every  champion  when  Thea  removes  all  of  them  anyway  ;).

Jun 16, 2021, 14:1606/16/21

Because like all other debuff in this game (and all games) its suposed to do something itself.

In this game actually there is other "special" debuff applied by just 4 champions (2 of them rares, and 1 TOP because of that). Of course im talking about Frozen Banshee and Poison Sensibility. Its an "exclusive" debuff, but how is supposed, it make target weaker for all poisoners and not just for the one that put this debuff.

As simple as that.

But if u wanna take this to another level... lets go deeper!

Thea put Hex on basic, randomly in 2 hits (can go to the same target) - 5 turns debuff! (i think there is no other champion in the whole game that put so extense buff/debuff). This cant be resisted... but can be removed!

A2 - Atack all enemies and removes all Hex, increasing 50% attack by each Hex removed. (5 turns CD - Booked).

So, at this point, if u where lucky, u can double your damage for a nuke in your second turn (this is much more hard to set up in PVP). No sense to wait till a 3rd or 4th turn for maximize damage, because target probably clean debuff, die or u die by then.... And meanwhile... debuff itself do... nothing.

Ruel in the other hand... place Hex in all enemies with his A3 (this one can be resisted and removed) by 2 turns, and then in his next turn, with his A2, attacks with aoe, and give a 2nd shot to enemies under Hex effect (yes.. "effect"... what does it do this debuff itself again?... right... nothing!) and ignore 25% deff if at least 4 enemies are afected. Same point that Thea, u need wait to your 2nd turn... with all that implicate.

Even if u have both champions and want to make some sinergy... u need make Ruel fast enought to go twice before Thea remove the Hex, otherwhise Ruel´s A2 lose sense. C´mon, this is going worse each second...

Oh, almos forgot a detail.. Thea can be obtained by fragments completing DT in HARD mode!

So because this is an extreme "exclusive" debuff, just aviable for 2 leg champions (1 of them really hard to reach), and even with both, making a good sinergy is complicated, the idea that Hex itself has not effect at all is absurd.

Ironic thing, Ruel has a passive, wich could be simply Hex effect:

" Decreases the SPD of enemies under Hex debuffs by 5% and decreases the RES of those enemies by 10%. Also increases the damage enemies under Hex debuffs receive by 10% and decreases the value of heals they receive by 30%. "

And if u are using just Thea, this effec could be active. Or if in the future there are more champions wich ones can apply Hex debuff, all team can take a benefit of this.

Anyway, even that way the effect will be a crap, for been so "exclusive". The combo "reddef/incatk" or "weak/reddef" or other usefull combnations, which make some champions (much more than 2) top tier are easier to get, combine and setup, and get much more high results because this buff/debuff effects combinations, afect the whole team.

May 5, 2022, 10:1205/05/22

I am just now learning and loving Hex. In St.9 of Minotaur's Labyrinth, Sniper will sometimes get the Hex buff/debuff and do an amazing amount of damage. Her attack value is 1114 and C.Damage is 66%, dealing 1849 damage when she crits. Here is my calculations  of her damage under 5 rounds of the Hex buff/debuff, adding 50% additional damage. (Also note, due to gear and tuning, she heals herself when she does damage.)

Attack value: 1114

C.Damage: 66%

CD Value: 1849

Hex 5: 1849 (no change)

Hex 4: 2774

Hex 3: 4161

Hex 2: 6241

Hex 1: 9361

In actuality, she is doing over 10k in damage by the time she gets to Hex 1, which means Hex adds a little more than 50% additional damage and as far as I have tested though farming this stage, she crits with every hit. No others buffs have been added, though I would like to try to add Bless Weapons Lvl 3 (+25% Attack buff). (I wonder if that would mean I could crit up to 14k to 15k...)

May 5, 2022, 10:2205/05/22

Just ran again, and this time I was achieving 10k in damage at Hex 4 and 3??? Another character, Archer, who is not as "strong" as Sniper, but both also Level 40 and fully ascended, achieved 8k damage at the same intervals, Hex 4 and Hex 3. Now I am confused.  

May 5, 2022, 17:1305/05/22

Here is an example of damage done during St.9 of Minotaur's Laby.


May 5, 2022, 17:4105/05/22
グッチ 都玲

I am just now learning and loving Hex. In St.9 of Minotaur's Labyrinth, Sniper will sometimes get the Hex buff/debuff and do an amazing amount of damage. Her attack value is 1114 and C.Damage is 66%, dealing 1849 damage when she crits. Here is my calculations  of her damage under 5 rounds of the Hex buff/debuff, adding 50% additional damage. (Also note, due to gear and tuning, she heals herself when she does damage.)

Attack value: 1114

C.Damage: 66%

CD Value: 1849

Hex 5: 1849 (no change)

Hex 4: 2774

Hex 3: 4161

Hex 2: 6241

Hex 1: 9361

In actuality, she is doing over 10k in damage by the time she gets to Hex 1, which means Hex adds a little more than 50% additional damage and as far as I have tested though farming this stage, she crits with every hit. No others buffs have been added, though I would like to try to add Bless Weapons Lvl 3 (+25% Attack buff). (I wonder if that would mean I could crit up to 14k to 15k...)

hex debuffs don't increase the damage dealt by champions. without more information, i couldn't say why your sniper's damage is increasing, but i can assure you that hex is not the reason.

more importantly though, you are way too early to be running minotaur. minotaur generally isn't worth grinding on until you can reliably hit level 15 and only with a team composed entirely of champions who you want to give masteries to. every champion you showed, with the exception of kael, is frankly terrible, only worth using as food to rank up other champions. since they're never going to be used, getting mastery scrolls (as well as ascending them or otherwise spending resources on them) is a waste of time and effort.

May 5, 2022, 23:3605/05/22

hex debuffs don't increase the damage dealt by champions. without more information, i couldn't say why your sniper's damage is increasing, but i can assure you that hex is not the reason.

more importantly though, you are way too early to be running minotaur. minotaur generally isn't worth grinding on until you can reliably hit level 15 and only with a team composed entirely of champions who you want to give masteries to. every champion you showed, with the exception of kael, is frankly terrible, only worth using as food to rank up other champions. since they're never going to be used, getting mastery scrolls (as well as ascending them or otherwise spending resources on them) is a waste of time and effort.

OK, thanks for the info. I'm pretty new to the game and am just having a bit of fun.

Jun 13, 2022, 19:3906/13/22
グッチ 都玲

Here is an example of damage done during St.9 of Minotaur's Laby.


Hex  debuff  has  nothing  to  do  with  DMG  output.  the  mechanics  of  Minotaur's  lab  increases  the  dmg  dealt  or  dmg  he  takes  thru  his  own  buffs/debuffs.  "Rage"  increases  the  DMG  he  does  by  400%  and  "Dazed"  increases  the  dmg  recieved  by  200%.  you  do  more  dmg  to  him  during  the  "Dazed"  debuff.  which  will  skew  the  numbers.  you  wont  pull  thise  numbers  anywhere  else.  My  advise  for  a  begining  player.  build  up  executioner,  if  you  have  no  other  option.  He  is  a  great  stand  alone  champ.  he  can  solo  max  lvl  minotaur.  once  he  is  maxed  in  masteries,  add  one  more  champ.  And  so  forth.  Doing  this  will  focus  the  scrolls  to  the  chamos  you  want  them  on,  instead  of  playing  "whack-a-mole"  on  who  the  scrolls  go  to.  Increasing  your  characters  stats  and  decreasing  currency  loss  by  spending  energy  on  when  not  needed    

Jun 14, 2022, 03:2306/14/22

MY advice would be: Do not spend time in minotaur with those champions. The only one you will keep for some game time until midgame is Kael. Concentrate on bringing him to 60. Every scroll ending up on any character besides Kael in your team will be a waste in my opinion. 

It might be a good idea to spend some gems to fully scroll up Kael and advance him until you can farm brutal 12-3...but you will soon replace sniper, archer and Warpriest with other champions. 

Running Minotaur on a regular base should wait until you can safely run Minotaur level 15. Until than it would be more efficient to advance your dungeon teams (especially dragon) and campaign.

Jun 30, 2022, 14:1706/30/22

Thanks for the input. I plan on hitting lvl 60 will Keal today or tomorrow!