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Great Hall should have a reset option.

Great Hall should have a reset option.

May 28, 2021, 18:3105/28/21

Great Hall should have a reset option.

We have all been n00bs at one point or another.  N00bs make mistakes; you can reset your masteries, once free and gems for the others.  You can remove and re-equip artifacts.  But we can't reset the Great Hall.

As important as those attributes are and the fact that the missions pretty much force us into making an early decision on what attributes to improve; wouldn't it be prudent and even create good will within the community if we were allowed a reset?

It could even be turned into another money grab if they were to impliment it with gems to reset.

May 28, 2021, 19:4405/28/21

I think this is a pretty good idea, especially considering the fact that they added Great Hall objectives to the mission progress track.

Personally, I was fortunate in that I didn't spread out my medals across multiple tracks, and so I should actually be able to complete the GH missions without needing to go terribly out of my way - currently, have three level 10s, and by the time I need to get the ten of them, I should just naturally be there.

But I'm sure there are many others that distributed the medals out more uniformly, who may now be extremely frustrated at the grind required to complete those steps.

May 28, 2021, 20:1305/28/21

I  love  this  idea.

May 28, 2021, 22:1705/28/21

Thanks guys.  I like making a suggestion and not getting any negative feedback.  

I'm more than certain this would go over very well with the player base and sure hope somebody from Plaruim gives it a good attempt.

May 31, 2021, 17:3005/31/21

Oracle, do you think this is possible? 

May 31, 2021, 18:3005/31/21

Since objectives are tied to it, I think it would be nice to be able to reset it until you reach one of those objectives and then have it locked in.

May 31, 2021, 22:1005/31/21

It could be like masteries, a one time free reset then a gem fee to do any further resets, that prevents abuse.

May 31, 2021, 22:3705/31/21


I don't think its necessary  :)

May 31, 2021, 23:3405/31/21

I think it should have a reset option as well. Im to the point where we're it wouldn't matter, but according to the missions, they do teach the wrong way as accuracy is more important for new 

Jun 1, 2021, 16:3406/01/21


I don't think its necessary  :)

Nobody likes a show off. 

I'd be willing to bet a lot of us made mistakes when we were new.  I wonder why nobody from Plarium has even acknowleged this thread?

Jun 1, 2021, 17:5806/01/21

Jesus Traps. How long have you been playing for? That's an insane number of medals to have.

Jun 1, 2021, 21:1806/01/21

Your  idea  has  been  asked  before.

I  would  say  it  has  been  asked  maybe  a  hundred  times  over  the  2+  years  I  have  played  this  game.

The  Players  in  the  community have  always  loved  the  idea  of  GH  reset.

All  the  posts  which  have  ever  been  made  about  GH  Reset  have  been  upvoted.

The  road  block  is  with  the  game.

Plarium  simply  doesn't  want  to  do  the  suggestion.

In  the  past,  A  moderator  said  a  reset  button  for  GH  wasn't  needed.

The  moderator  said  any  mistakes  you  make  will  correct  themselves when  you  max  out  your  GH.

I  don't know  if  this  statement was  the  moderator  opinion or  if  it  was  the  offical  response  from  the  managers/developers  as  to  why  they  didnt  want  to  implement  this  idea.

Regardless  of  the  above,  The  statement  given  does  have  merit.

Any  mistakes  you  make  in  GH  will  correct  themselves when  you  max  the  GH.

The  only  problem  is  it  takes  a  long  time  to  max  the  GH.

I  will  give  you  an  upvote  just  like  all  the  other  threads  which  had  same  idea.

Just  don't   put  all  you  hopes  on  this  idea  being  done.

Check  out  the  GH  Guide  I  wrote  in  Guide  section  of  the  forums

It can help  you  avoid  further  mistakes  in  the  mean  time.

Jun 2, 2021, 09:3406/02/21
Jun 2, 2021, 09:35(edited)

For players who love pve more than pvp GH completion is a nightmare. No possibility of resetting it means that they force you to take part in pvp (Arena) where the game presses the player either to become desperate or to try to compete with all the whales which means the player himself must spend money to compete. If you will not compete by spending money you will descend to lower arena levels and will get less medals which lets the nightmare mutate to an ultra nightmare. ^^ What reason do the player have to come back to a nightmare? I havn't found out yet. All other games felt a bit like coming home when you were playing them for some time. Not so with RSL.

Jun 2, 2021, 10:3406/02/21
Jun 2, 2021, 10:35(edited)

Hello op 

this suggestion has been forwarded quite a few times in the past

the general response has been a direction towards keeping it this way as the idea is that greathall is a linear long term investment where each increase in stat benefitial, wheras something like masteries is much more dynamic 

kind regards

Jun 2, 2021, 11:0006/02/21

The idea is good but when it comes to your screen you may not want to use it, lol. 

It does cost a lot gems for each reset. Would you expect a free reset ? Sound unrealistic. (since you think you only do it once in your life, Plarium also knew it)

Jun 2, 2021, 12:2706/02/21

I tend to agree with the view that all increases in stats are beneficial, especially since the stats increase as a group (eg red attack), so when you get new champs in that group they get an immediate benefit. As far as the order in which to upgrade them, I just put all the choices in a cup and pick randomly.

I am not in the speed race or the power race or anything like that, I do not want to show favoritism or prejudice for any one stat group, so I just treat them all equally.

My opinion on reset is that one can always redo the game if they are that serious about changing their GH.

Jun 2, 2021, 16:1906/02/21

Hello op 

this suggestion has been forwarded quite a few times in the past

the general response has been a direction towards keeping it this way as the idea is that greathall is a linear long term investment where each increase in stat benefitial, wheras something like masteries is much more dynamic 

kind regards

This might have been the case 2 or even a year ago, when advancement was much easier.  However, pulling medals for the GH has become increasingly more difficult and as such recovering from judgement errors has become more of an issue.

One of the biggest complaints about arena is directly connected to the GH and the now more difficult task of getting medals for the GH.  This makes a reset that much more important.

Additionally, masteries are a long term investment as well, yet we are able to reset them as many times as we like.

Oct 6, 2021, 14:3310/06/21

As a newb, I would say I made the mistake of spreading my upgrades and am now stuck having to grind 500+  medals in Silver II in order to progress. I can reset my masteries once for free and forever for gems but not the GH? Seems arbirtrary and ridiculous. For those of you with maxed GHs, have some empathy for the newbs here. FFS.

Oct 6, 2021, 17:0510/06/21

As a newb, I would say I made the mistake of spreading my upgrades and am now stuck having to grind 500+  medals in Silver II in order to progress. I can reset my masteries once for free and forever for gems but not the GH? Seems arbirtrary and ridiculous. For those of you with maxed GHs, have some empathy for the newbs here. FFS.

That's nothing... you're going to have to grind literally thousands of gold medals before too long. So honestly, it doesn't even matter that much that you spread out your upgrades early on - compared to the numbers you're going to need moving forward, the ones that you already 'wasted' on other upgrades are a drop in the bucket. 

Though GH should still have a reset button all the same, Plarium's position remains pretty obnoxious. 

Oct 7, 2021, 12:4310/07/21

That's nothing... you're going to have to grind literally thousands of gold medals before too long. So honestly, it doesn't even matter that much that you spread out your upgrades early on - compared to the numbers you're going to need moving forward, the ones that you already 'wasted' on other upgrades are a drop in the bucket. 

Though GH should still have a reset button all the same, Plarium's position remains pretty obnoxious. 

Doesn't it though?  If nobody can point out the harm in this suggestion; I don't understand the reluctance.  They could even make it cost Gems for the reset and create another form of revenue.  The more players eat through gems the more likely some people are to purchase gems and/or packs.

It's just silly.

Oct 8, 2021, 02:2510/08/21
Player J

Your  idea  has  been  asked  before.

I  would  say  it  has  been  asked  maybe  a  hundred  times  over  the  2+  years  I  have  played  this  game.

The  Players  in  the  community have  always  loved  the  idea  of  GH  reset.

All  the  posts  which  have  ever  been  made  about  GH  Reset  have  been  upvoted.

The  road  block  is  with  the  game.

Plarium  simply  doesn't  want  to  do  the  suggestion.

In  the  past,  A  moderator  said  a  reset  button  for  GH  wasn't  needed.

The  moderator  said  any  mistakes  you  make  will  correct  themselves when  you  max  out  your  GH.

I  don't know  if  this  statement was  the  moderator  opinion or  if  it  was  the  offical  response  from  the  managers/developers  as  to  why  they  didnt  want  to  implement  this  idea.

Regardless  of  the  above,  The  statement  given  does  have  merit.

Any  mistakes  you  make  in  GH  will  correct  themselves when  you  max  the  GH.

The  only  problem  is  it  takes  a  long  time  to  max  the  GH.

I  will  give  you  an  upvote  just  like  all  the  other  threads  which  had  same  idea.

Just  don't   put  all  you  hopes  on  this  idea  being  done.

Check  out  the  GH  Guide  I  wrote  in  Guide  section  of  the  forums

It can help  you  avoid  further  mistakes  in  the  mean  time.

Road  block!  LMAO......

Same  with energy  and  been  drip  fed  that.  Starting off  and  the  insane  energy costs  are  annoying  also.