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2x chances on blue shards still means nothing

2x chances on blue shards still means nothing

May 28, 2021, 05:5805/28/21

2x chances on blue shards still means nothing

blue never works for me, only get junk rares, this time it is Beast Wrestler

May 28, 2021, 07:1805/28/21

So you pulled one shard and see from that experiment, that the 2x chance is not working? 

May 28, 2021, 08:1405/28/21
May 28, 2021, 08:22(edited)

no, I have done this many times

My complaint is not so much about the rares, but that I always get the junk ones.  You figure for a shard that can gather an epic or lego, why do the rares have to be the really bad ones, and always?  They could so easily give me a decent rare.  Just seems to be more of a punishment than a reward, and having to pay 20k silver to have this done to me is awful.

There is a Mod that asked me what I considered junk so that is why I gave the champ in my post. So as I get more of these from now on I can update what I get.

BTW, on sacred shards (never get a lego) even the epics are lousy.  But yet I see so many good ones out there, I just wonder how people get them.  There was a person in my clan that was only there for a few hours but he had for CB 4 Legos plus a Coldheart, and his level was L21!!!   How does that happen??

But spare me the line "it is not what you do not have but how you use what you do have."

May 28, 2021, 08:2305/28/21

RNG = Random Number Generator, everything about this is Random, so keep pullin and eventually luck will be on your side. 

May 28, 2021, 08:3005/28/21

well there was a discussion a while back on whether FTP or PTP impacts what we call "random"

Those pullin as you say is only for the game population as a whole, not individual accounts, so the fact that so many get the better champs leaves only the worse ones for me.

I often see that same line about RNG, I think it is discrimination agaist FTP

May 28, 2021, 08:3905/28/21
May 28, 2021, 08:42(edited)

I'm a f2p player as well. I got Uugo and Gorgorab from ancient shards during the actual event. They don't discriminate f2p, but only you. There are Plarium employees sitting in their hidden base, and allways when YOU open a shard, they press the "bad rare" button. 

May 28, 2021, 10:1905/28/21

I sympathise as i was raging a few weeks ago as i opened 100+ ancients on an event and got one decent epic from it...and really salty when i broke my lego mercy pulling rhazin who i have fused.

But last week i pulled mountain king and seeker off 3 ancients i pulled for a rush event.

I do agree a lot of the rares are atrocious, there are far too many useless epics as well, and that is to dilute the pool and reduce your odds of getting something decent

But i think they legally have to be honest about drop rates.

May 28, 2021, 10:2505/28/21

RNG = Random Number Generator, everything about this is Random, so keep pullin and eventually luck will be on your side. 

in this context "random" appears to be a very flexible term, quite possibly somewhat removed from the dictionary definition. 

May 28, 2021, 12:2405/28/21

Most  of  my  legendaries  came  from  Ancient  shards.  I  save  all  of  mine  for  2x  events.  In  fact,  I  just  pulled  my  third Longbeard  this  morning.  Life  is  good  

May 28, 2021, 12:2405/28/21

I'm a f2p player as well. I got Uugo and Gorgorab from ancient shards during the actual event. They don't discriminate f2p, but only you. There are Plarium employees sitting in their hidden base, and allways when YOU open a shard, they press the "bad rare" button. 

You may joke, but I agree, it seems like that.  I am in this for 6 weeks now, just no end in sight the way this going.

My other account I played about 2 years, was in Gold IV (old system), but never got a gorgo, witch, monster, skullcrusher, ones that everyone else seemed to have.  Never got close to arbiter.

May 28, 2021, 12:2805/28/21
May 28, 2021, 12:30(edited)

Most  of  my  legendaries  came  from  Ancient  shards.  I  save  all  of  mine  for  2x  events.  In  fact,  I  just  pulled  my  third Longbeard  this  morning.  Life  is  good  

what would your attitude be if instead you got nothing? Life is good when it goes your way but what if it don't? Can you even imagine it?

I have one Lego so far, just one.  Warchief not too great but I am living with it.

May 28, 2021, 16:0705/28/21

 My first ancient pull was Miscreated not too bad since

May 28, 2021, 16:0905/28/21

nice, I saw teams with 3 or 4 of those, just not me

So that is what I mean by their system of global odds, if some do well there are others that have to do worse to balance the odds.

May 28, 2021, 16:1605/28/21

You need to take your tinfoil hat off. You're just having bad luck, represented by small sample size.

May 28, 2021, 22:1905/28/21
May 28, 2021, 23:33(edited)

I got three legos from a 60 shard pull.  Those seem to be pretty good odds to me.  Even if all three were garbage...

May 28, 2021, 22:2205/28/21

And, for what it's worth, I got none from 60. That's the nature of randomness. I am happy I got Stag Knight, but all other 59 were just food, or are collecting dust in my archive.

May 28, 2021, 23:0005/28/21
May 29, 2021, 00:07(edited)

update: pullled another blue shard this time got Epic Husk, seems decent in Arena and Dungeons

update: back to yuck Rare Bombadier

May 28, 2021, 23:0605/28/21

125, only 1 lego. My 3rd grohak. None of the epics I was hoping for either. Though mordecai looks good, not sure if helps me anywhere immediately.  

May 29, 2021, 17:2605/29/21

75.  1  Lego.  War  Mother.  No  Comment.

You  cant  expect  to  get  that  much  that  early.  When  i  was  6  weeks  in  i  had  no  legos.  I  got  my  first  lego  FROM  A  FUSION  at  5  months  in.  Besides,  out  of  all  the  rares,  you  shouldnt  expect  to  get  the  best  ones.  There  are  so  many  champions,  good  and  bad.  'I  dont  have  all  the  good  champions.'  That  doesnt  mean  you  are  going  to  fail  at  this  game.  Youre  freaking  1.5  months  in!

May 31, 2021, 08:0805/31/21

pulled epic from Blue shard: this time SPIDER, seems pretty decent