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A certain Arena Champ is OP.

A certain Arena Champ is OP.

May 8, 2021, 13:1805/08/21

A certain Arena Champ is OP.

I waffled on whether or not to make this post. From my research, Plarium has known that a certain champ is OP all to heck. I have seen threads dating to at LEAST 2019 on this forum about how the champ cannot be beat.  This is going to be a long post, because when I am 'in my cups' I like to make sure I get my point across, so buckle in.

Now, this is NOT going to be a "whiney" post. I will take the time to screenshot my Champs (at the very least the stat and armor screen, if not each and every armor piece). I really do like this game, to an extent. The feeling of Progress I have felt until this point has been quite enjoyable. 

I have, so far, spent $20 on this game. Luckily, this was money via Google Rewards, where I do surveys for credit. Unluckily, that credit has all but been wasted in this game. I regret making those purchases, because now I want to re-roll my entire account, as one often does in games of this type. But I am feeling the "Sunk Cost" logical fallacy at this moment. 

I am currently stuck on the Progress Mission "Reach Arena Silver 1". A few steps after that, is the mission "Earn ___ Silver or Gold Medals". I am currently Bronze 4 cannot progress past that level, nor will I *ever* finish the Medal one. Why? Because almost every single Arena team opponent has this OP champ in their team, sometimes even TWO of him. 

And of whom do I speak? Well, Kael of course. This guy is the defenition of OP. When you look at the end screen and see the damage, he is literally dealing an entire teams worth of HP in ONE turn. Had I known how OP this dude would have been, and how utterly stuck I would get, I would have chosen him instead of the archer Elhain. 

Now, as I alluded to earlier, I have done research on how to beat teams like these. Speed? Well that drops my Elhain to 15k power. Sure she gets a good hit in, but she is not powerful enough with the Speed artifacts to damage Kael in one turn like he does. I have spent well over 100M (Yes, that is One Hundred Million) silver over the past month to try to figure out the best way to deal with this champ. Most of the time, (if I can find a team that does not have that champ), I can win. 

It would seem all of my luck was spent getting those three Legendary champs I have. And yes, I am a 'noob' when it comes to this, and I may not be min-maxing as well as I could be, but come on. When almost each and every team has this one Champ....I see dozens of champs I have never encountered before on these teams, yet 95% of teams have a Kael. That is how you *know* a champ is OP. 

The only way I personally can see me progressing past Bronze 4 into Silver is by purposfully dropping down ranks every day to Bronze 1, and grinding out the Bronze medals to get all of my Great Hall stats to level three on each Type. And even *then* I doubt I can beat those Kael teams. *Maybe* my next monthly orange shard will summon me some OP counter, but I doubt it. I do not even think upgrading all of my current champs to 6 star Acsended will even help. Maybe if I grind for the next year I could upgrade all of them to such a state with fully leveled up Skills, but I dont know if I want to have that kind of commitment towards a game when every day will just be "Dailies and Autobattles" grinds. 

Now, I said this would not be a whiny post, and I will hold true to that ideal with the following questions: 

1. From what you guys can see from the screenshots I provide, is there any suggestions about team comp or armor sets that I could change to help?

2. Is it bannable to purposfully drop down ranks to grind Medals?

3. Which of the Champs in my Vault do you think would be a good replacement for someone in my current lineup? (I am currently trying to level up as many 3 stars as possible for fodder towards 4 and 5 stars.)

4. Should I eat the $20 I spent, delete the account and Reroll to chose Kael? 

5. Should I edit this post and provide screenshots of each of my champions Artifact rolls? 

6. Is it worthwhile to write down the names of Players I *can* beat, and just refresh until i find them?

Now, I am NOT looking for comments like "Kael is not op git gud" or "u just suk". OP has always been a subjective term, but when 95% of all arena teams have a certain Champ, that means it is the best option. All I need/want is tips on how I *can* beat Kael and all of the teams that feature him. 

And now I am off to do my IRL dailies. Will check on this post throughout the day to see what kind of tips you guys can give me. 

Raid: Shadow Legends. Kael is OP af.  - Imgur  

May 8, 2021, 14:0805/08/21
May 8, 2021, 14:09(edited)

Ok. So first go read up on some beginner guides. You upgrade for example your great hall wrong (main stat is ACC) and gearing can be way better.

Second, how the hell did you get so many legendaries :D It should be really easy to progress with those. Did you buy this account probably since it is basically not possible to get that many legendaries and have that few champions.

But the reason why you wont succes is mainly due to your speed. It is way way way to low. I progressed from B4 to S1 with my High Khatun at 240speed and my team spead tuned to it. That is unfortunatly the state of the game and is a complete mismatch with the progression mission. But yeah, if your champions arent atleast 190 speed and higher dont expect to progress to S1.

So you should farm farm farm dragon for lifesteal and speed gear mainly and craft perception gear/

Other then that get Bad El to level 60. Then Brago and then Lix and you should be quite decent.

May 8, 2021, 14:1105/08/21
May 8, 2021, 14:13(edited)

Ok. So first go read up on some beginner guides. You upgrade for example your great hall wrong (main stat is ACC) and gearing can be way better.

Second, how the hell did you get so many legendaries :D It should be really easy to progress with those. Did you buy this account probably since it is basically not possible to get that many legendaries and have that few champions.

But the reason why you wont succes is mainly due to your speed. It is way way way to low. I progressed from B4 to S1 with my High Khatun at 240speed and my team spead tuned to it. That is unfortunatly the state of the game and is a complete mismatch with the progression mission. But yeah, if your champions arent atleast 190 speed and higher dont expect to progress to S1.

So you should farm farm farm dragon for lifesteal and speed gear mainly and craft perception gear/

Other then that get Bad El to level 60. Then Brago and then Lix and you should be quite decent.

Thanks so much for the tips. I will do exactly that. 

And yea, I got super lucky I guess with all the leggos. Thanks! I have so few champs becuase mainly I used  like the Shaman chicky that can rez and a few other Purples to increase Elhain to 6 star, now I know i screwed up on that part. 

May 8, 2021, 14:2205/08/21

Kael?  The spirithost is putting an attack buff on him, and the warmaiden is putting a decrease defense debuff on your team, allowing Kael to do decent damage.  Much stronger nukers than him later on. Elhain is JUST as effective with the same buffs/debuffs from your own spirithost and warmaiden (both farmable champs).

You need to at least attempt to win the speed race and you aren't trying at all.

For starters, put your High Katune in all your fastest speed gear (speed sets with speed substats rolled up and glyphed if possible), and put her in the lead position for her speed aura.  HK has a turn meter booster.  Your opponents are going to go first every single time with your current set up.

Elhain should be a tad faster, but she'll one shot most of those teams too if you can go first with the typical high katune --> spirit host --> warmaiden --> elhain turn order.

You have good lego's, definitely don't restart your account for kael... you'll likely end up pulling 20 of him from shards later on and won't even bother leveling him.  Elhain is a beast in her own right, she's just not getting a chance to go.

What I'm saying, is if all of those Kaels were in your current team, they wouldn't do any damage and would get massacred.  You gotta build a proper team.

May 8, 2021, 14:2405/08/21

Kael?  The spirithost is putting an attack buff on him, and the warmaiden is putting a decrease defense debuff on your team, allowing Kael to do decent damage.  Much stronger nukers than him later on. Elhain is JUST as effective with the same buffs/debuffs from your own spirithost and warmaiden (both farmable champs).

You need to at least attempt to win the speed race and you aren't trying at all.

For starters, put your High Katune in all your fastest speed gear (speed sets with speed substats rolled up and glyphed if possible), and put her in the lead position for her speed aura.  HK has a turn meter booster.  Your opponents are going to go first every single time with your current set up.

Elhain should be a tad faster, but she'll one shot most of those teams too if you can go first with the typical high katune --> spirit host --> warmaiden --> elhain turn order.

You have good lego's, definitely don't restart your account for kael... you'll likely end up pulling 20 of him from shards later on and won't even bother leveling him.  Elhain is a beast in her own right, she's just not getting a chance to go.

What I'm saying, is if all of those Kaels were in your current team, they wouldn't do any damage and would get massacred.  You gotta build a proper team.

Thanks alot! Will def look into doing more farming for speed artifacts. Now I am not so discourged. 

May 8, 2021, 14:2905/08/21

Uh, yeah, suffice to say, Kael was not the one I was expecting you to name as OP arena champ. ;) 

Your Lix is way more powerful than Kael in arena, when both are properly built. And while Elhain is weaker than Kael overall because he's more versatile, she can work just as well as arena nuker, so that isn't your problem. It's a question of gear and tactics - besides what Gondo said, you're also making a big mistake by not putting HK in the lead position. Then, Bad El just isn't a great arena champion, as good as he is elsewhere. And Brago could be, but only in the right team, which yours isn't. So drop both of them and use High Khatun, Warmaiden (farmable from campaign), Lix and Elhain. 

May 8, 2021, 15:3905/08/21

A little unrelated but I'm just gonna say it- 

This is like the other side of posts claiming that the arena is broken because they spot matchups like OP's with multiple legendaries in Bronze when in reality all those legendaries are just easily getting beaten by cookie cutter Spirithost-Warmaiden speed teams, as seen in OP's screenshots. 

May 8, 2021, 18:2505/08/21
May 8, 2021, 18:28(edited)

I wasn't sure wich champ will be the totally overpowered arena char: Hegemon, Trunda or Arbiter? But Kael? That's ridiculous.

You just faced some opponents that have a strategy instead of putting random champs into arena. Any other damagedealer could do exactly the same Kael did here. Some would even hit much harder.

The strategy is: 1. Speedbuffer that makes you go first, your opponent used High Khatun. Other champs could do the same, Gorgorab, Deacon Armstrong, Arbiter...

2. Atk-buffer, your opponent used Spirithost, any champ with atk-buff could do the same.

3. Def-debuffer, your opponent used Warmaiden, other champs with def debuff for the opposite team could do the same, Spider, Armina, Dhukk, Stag Knight...

4. Damage dealer. Your opponent used Kael as damage dealer, but any other champ with an AoE attack, so every starter champ and a lot of others, could do the same, Sinesha, Skullcrown, Ghostborn, Dark Elhain, Trunda...

In the end your opponents had weaker champs than you have, but, sorry to say so, they had more playerskill and therefore got their victories over your team. They had a matchplan (described above), you didn't. Their matchplan made Kael did that much damage. A Kael without atk buff from Spirithost and without def debuff from Warmaiden would do much, much less damage. It's not the case that Kael is overpowered. 

Look at my Sinesha, she can deal over 100k damage as well, with the same strategy your opponents used: Deacon Armstrong and Apothecary for Speedbuff, Ghostborn for atk-buff and def-debuff, Sinesha for damage.


May 9, 2021, 01:3605/09/21

Tried all the tips so far. NOPE. No joy. Trying hard to stay with this, want to punch a wall at this point. My guys are going first but I do not have the strength to kill the high damage guys on the other team like they can with lower level champs. Yea OK.

Guess Ill just do my dailies every day, hope that eventaully Ill get an OP champ that can do my Progress Mission. Either that or ill just uninstall. Thanks for the 'tips' guys. Im figuring this is just the same P2P bs as all other mobile games. 

May 9, 2021, 02:1705/09/21

Tried all the tips so far. NOPE. No joy. Trying hard to stay with this, want to punch a wall at this point. My guys are going first but I do not have the strength to kill the high damage guys on the other team like they can with lower level champs. Yea OK.

Guess Ill just do my dailies every day, hope that eventaully Ill get an OP champ that can do my Progress Mission. Either that or ill just uninstall. Thanks for the 'tips' guys. Im figuring this is just the same P2P bs as all other mobile games. 

Your Arena team is built incorrectly.

You have 5 hero's who don't synergize with each other.

Your Hero's are geared poorly.

When I say geared poorly, I mean from a Pyschical & Conceptual Stand point.


I consider Bad El Kazar the Best Legendary in the whole game.

I have him number 1 on my Legendary Tier List.

I have been praying to pull Bad El Kazar from a Shard for the last 2 years.

Bad El Kazar can do Poison.

Bad El kazar needs Accuracy to land Poison's on the enemy.

You built Bad El Kazar with only 30 Accuracy.

The chances of Bad El Kazar landing any Poisons on the enemy with only 30 ACC are seem slim to none.

Bad El Kazar built correctly can kill every Kael imaginable.

Bad El Kazar built correctly can Solo the Dragon by himself.

I have a Kael level 60.

I have pulled 100's of Kaels in my Raid career over a 2 year period.

I would glady trade all those Kaels in for 1 Bad El Kazar in a heart beat.

And when I spend money on the game.

It is with the hopes to acquire a Bad El Kazar.

Make no mistake about it Bad El Kazar is a God.

Kael is a child that wishes he can grow up to be like Bad El Kazar.

May 9, 2021, 08:1705/09/21
May 9, 2021, 08:28(edited)

Tried all the tips so far. NOPE. No joy. Trying hard to stay with this, want to punch a wall at this point. My guys are going first but I do not have the strength to kill the high damage guys on the other team like they can with lower level champs. Yea OK.

Guess Ill just do my dailies every day, hope that eventaully Ill get an OP champ that can do my Progress Mission. Either that or ill just uninstall. Thanks for the 'tips' guys. Im figuring this is just the same P2P bs as all other mobile games. 

You say you hope for a good champ that brings you into Silver. That's the wrong approach. You have the champions to reach at least Silver. You don't need better champions, you need better gear for them and more knowledge of the game, to know wich gear to put on every champ.

You could see what a team of Speedbuffer --> atk buffer --> def debuffer --> damage dealer can do. They wiped out your team with the easiest to build, poor-mans version of such a team: High Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael where good enough to kill your team with high end legendary champs like Iron Brago. The champs are not your problem, the artifacts are.

To make this team work you need the right gear: High Khatun in speed sets, spd as mainstat on boots, sbustat rolls on other pieces. Spirithost with a lot of speed too, she needs to go as second champ after Khatun. Warmaiden needs accuracy to land her def debuff. Her damage doesn't matter, the damagedealer, Kael or whoever, is supposed to do that job. Look at the picture of the fight where your Bad-El did 76 damage. Your opponent's warmaiden only made 8900 dam, his Kael 94k. Warmaiden needs accuracy! 

The damagedealer needs damage equip, at least 5*, better 6* arftifacts. Main stats: critrate gloves (if you can achieve a 100% critrate from substats you can change to critdam gloves), %-atk armor, spd-boots (you still have to be fast enough to go first, if they can interrupt before your damagedealer did his move they will win). Substats: %-atk, critrate, critdam. Best setbonus: Savage, Cruel, Critdam. Yor damagedealer Elhain has 4*-artifacts and a lifesteal-set. At least you use a cruel set as completion, what is good. Imagine you would replace your lifesteal set with 2 crtidam sets. Immediately 40% more critdam, from (much to low) +24% to +64%. Atk of your Elhain is ok, not overwhelming, but ok. Critrate of 97 is good. But your critdam is much to low.

May 10, 2021, 12:3005/10/21

Welp, I took everyones tips to heart, or at least tried to.

When I made this post, and saw basically everyone saying Spirithost, Warmaiden and Speed artifacts, I had 2.5k Energy built up from the dailies and Progress Missions, this is the result. 

Spent almost 1k energy farming for both Spirithost and Warmaiden.

Farmed Arcane Keep at 500 energy cost to get the potions needed to level and acsend Spirithost to lvl 5

Spent the rest of the energy left to farm Dragon. I only got like 5 Speed artifacts and they were all at level 4-5. ALL BLUES, and NONE with any speed% nor Speed Main stat, then did Artifact Missions to get Skill tomes for Spirithost and Warmaiden. 

Also saw Crit Damage mentioned for my Elhain. Spent all of my gems (around 500) for engery to farm those, and got ZERO. NADA. NUTHING. Figured "Hey, Bad El has a Swift Parry Crit Dam set, lets switch this around and see what happens." WORSE THAN BEFORE. Doing that dropped Elhain to 10k Power from 20k, and I couldnt even do what I could do before in terms of PvE. PVP was even worse, with my team getting wrecked in the first round of Arena against Kaels and even the SAME EXACT team setup as mine once. 

I think the issue is I have to find artifacts from an area where there are 13 base Artifact variables + the stat roll variables + the rarity variables +artifact level variables + the Item Drop variables. That, to me, seems wholly geared for the idea of "Hook customers in early game, slow down progression and hope they are a whale". I have played literally hundreds of these types of games that show this exact type of predatory salesmanship. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes comes to mind. 

So Basically, I all I am seeing is that to beat these Progress Missions, Imma have to do the following:

Level up Great Hall correctly which means days of lowering to Bronze 1 and back to 4 and again, Get Spirithost, Warmaiden and HK to 60, spend the next few months (at this current rate) to get a full good speed set, and spend every single reward I get from Google Rewards to buy Gems for Energy. Fine. Whatever. Doing the dailies fills time gaps in my life, so I guess Ill just trudge through.

Thanks everyone for your tips.