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Please allow us to remove glyphs

Please allow us to remove glyphs

May 7, 2021, 18:0705/07/21

Please allow us to remove glyphs

I know this sounds like a strange request. It's really quite specific, actually - please allow us to remove *speed* glyphs.

I made the mistake of going from 170 speed to 171 speed on my Martyr, in order to get a turn before CB. Didn't affect my UNM team, but as a consequence, I now can't run NM on auto. Because of the one extra speed, my rotation messes up - every other CB cycle, my SS goes before my Martyr on turn two, which means that on turn three, the block debuffs runs out before the stun hits.

The only way for me to fix this problem is to get new gear without the speed glyphs, and then upgrade it to level 16. That's a very expensive mistake to correct, and also totally counterintuitive.

May 7, 2021, 19:3905/07/21

I made a similar mistake in my arena team, making my nuker faster than my debuffer with a glyph. In the end I had to change their equip.

There is really no reason why we can't remove glyphs. Make it cost somet silver or whatever, but please give us this option of removing.

May 7, 2021, 19:4205/07/21

I would love this ability too and yes a silver fee would be fine.

May 7, 2021, 19:5305/07/21

Not sure if this would be considered akin to reverting substat rolls or something but this is definitely a good call. I'll pass this on. Thanks for the suggestion! 

May 7, 2021, 23:0705/07/21

Or you can buy special/scrolls potion packs for $$$ which allow you retract glifs from single gear in forge :D

This will be good for revenue, lots of people will be keen to buy this packs for standard 15£ price

May 8, 2021, 00:1905/08/21

Glyphs are treated like consumables here, so I really don't think they can be "unequip" because once they're used they're gone.

Plus with the nature of the use of the glyphs being a "dice roll" type of effects, people will be abusing the "unequip" to get max roll

May 8, 2021, 00:3805/08/21

Glyphs are treated like consumables here, so I really don't think they can be "unequip" because once they're used they're gone.

Plus with the nature of the use of the glyphs being a "dice roll" type of effects, people will be abusing the "unequip" to get max roll

To be clear, I don't expect them to allow you to unequip a glyph - IE, get it back. The objective is purely to reset the substat glyph upgrade.

May 8, 2021, 09:5505/08/21

Yeah, so basically 'please allow us to destroy equipped glyphs' is what you mean - and I agree.