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ARENA , Hey Plarium , Great job

ARENA , Hey Plarium , Great job

May 7, 2021, 10:1505/07/21

ARENA , Hey Plarium , Great job


Bronze Levels will be easier ???????????????????????????????????????

Love the USELESS CHANGES YOU MADE ,,,,,, What Exactly was it you changed anyway ???

NOT Much by the looks of it , Gotta luv the NOTHING YOU DID

It changed Nothing



May 7, 2021, 10:3205/07/21

There's been no changes yet to the arena.  The last update from them was:

"While we cannot reveal the exact date when the Arena adjustments will come to live, we are ready to tell you at least the approximate time of their release. It will happen shortly after the release of version 4.20, but definitely not on the same day. The Arena-oriented update is planned for the first half of May, and the changes will take effect only after server reload"

May 7, 2021, 10:3805/07/21

Not been done yet as mentioned, although it wont actually fix anything

If the number of tiers remains the same and the number of players remains the same then 'tweaking matchmaking' just means some will get easier matches and others will get harder matches

I am guessing they will tighten the bands of player power, doubling down on the flawed idea of matchmaking based on account level and player power--- its the laziest option so almost certainly what they will do.

May 7, 2021, 10:4305/07/21

Well, I MIS-READ it then ,, Could have swore it said Tweaks made to Arena,, 

WISHFUL THINKING on my Part , Sorry ... 


all because I built Faction wars Teams and Collected Heros in a Hero Collection Game

May 7, 2021, 14:1705/07/21

Also, that is a pretty bad example to give. Four of those in your screenshot should be effortless for you to beat with a cookie-cutter speed nuke team. The other two are more of a dice roll, probably best to skip.

OracleCommunity Manager
May 7, 2021, 14:2705/07/21

Yes, RoseRoyal is right. Those changes are still on the way. We haven't introduced them to the game yet

May 7, 2021, 14:4805/07/21

Well, I MIS-READ it then ,, Could have swore it said Tweaks made to Arena,, 

WISHFUL THINKING on my Part , Sorry ... 


all because I built Faction wars Teams and Collected Heros in a Hero Collection Game

This is a bizarre take and I honestly don't understand it.

This is a game of limited resources. 

You chose to spread those limited resources out among many heroes.

other players chose to focus those resources on a small group of heroes.

When yu face those playes in PVP, you lose.

How is that Plariums fault?

May 7, 2021, 17:1705/07/21

Screenshots like the one Fluffy Pudding posted are the reason I feel like the Arena Match Making System is working perfectly.

FluffyPudding has been playing for 6 months.

Let that register in your mind ----> 6 Months

180 Days is the length of time Fluffy Pudding has played Raid!

FluffyPudding has receieved the following Daily Login Rewards:

- High Khatun

- Yaga the Insatiable

- Dark Athel

- Dark Elhain

- Lordly Legionary

- Scyl of Drakes

Even if Fluffy Pudding 6 star 1 hero per month.

Fluffy Pudding would have a minimum of 6 level 60 hero's in a 6 month time frame.

Looking at the picture doesn't put the whole situation into perspective.

- A Player can say level 60 heros in Bronze 1 how unfair.



Fluffy Pudding Roster is stacked!

We are not dealing with a Beginner who just started playing the game yesterday.

Fluffy Pudding is playing possum.

Fluffy Pudding is trying to play like a poor beginer with only a level 30 Kael up against these mean lvl 60 teams.

Honestly, who are you trying to fool Fluffy Pudding?

A 6 month old account with access to High Khatun + Dark Elhain + Scyle of Drakes.

All you need to do is toss a Warmaiden into a Arena team with the above 3 heros 

- You will completely destroy all of the people in the screenshot.

Please don't insult our intelligence Fluffy Pudding.

An Account of your Age has no business being in Bronze 1.

- The heros you have acquired in a 6 month time frame.

- The gear you have acquired in a 6 month time frame.

- The knowledge you have acquired in a 6 month time frame.

Honestly, I don't even think you are stuck in Bronze 1.

Are you really stuck in Bronze 1?

When I was 6 months into the game, I got upset when I was matched up with weak people.

Its a mockery that the game matched you up with these people.

These Arena teams are beneath you.

These Arena teams are nothing more than Lambs waiting to be slaugthered.

You need to get into Arena and do a 10 out of 10 sweep.

Beat all of them in a single sitting.

Make it quick - fast - painless

Level 50 hero's with no strategy in Bronze 1

It makes my skin crawl.

I was in Gold 3 at level 50.

I didn't get my first legendary till level 60.

This was before they introduced Auto Battles in Campaign & Dungeons.

This was before they introduced Daily Login Rewards.

All Daily Login rewards past Jizoh didn't exist.

No excuses Fluffy.

You should be destroying these people regardless of what Plarium does or doesn't do.

May 8, 2021, 22:5205/08/21
Player J

Screenshots like the one Fluffy Pudding posted are the reason I feel like the Arena Match Making System is working perfectly.

FluffyPudding has been playing for 6 months.

Let that register in your mind ----> 6 Months

180 Days is the length of time Fluffy Pudding has played Raid!

FluffyPudding has receieved the following Daily Login Rewards:

- High Khatun

- Yaga the Insatiable

- Dark Athel

- Dark Elhain

- Lordly Legionary

- Scyl of Drakes

Even if Fluffy Pudding 6 star 1 hero per month.

Fluffy Pudding would have a minimum of 6 level 60 hero's in a 6 month time frame.

Looking at the picture doesn't put the whole situation into perspective.

- A Player can say level 60 heros in Bronze 1 how unfair.



Fluffy Pudding Roster is stacked!

We are not dealing with a Beginner who just started playing the game yesterday.

Fluffy Pudding is playing possum.

Fluffy Pudding is trying to play like a poor beginer with only a level 30 Kael up against these mean lvl 60 teams.

Honestly, who are you trying to fool Fluffy Pudding?

A 6 month old account with access to High Khatun + Dark Elhain + Scyle of Drakes.

All you need to do is toss a Warmaiden into a Arena team with the above 3 heros 

- You will completely destroy all of the people in the screenshot.

Please don't insult our intelligence Fluffy Pudding.

An Account of your Age has no business being in Bronze 1.

- The heros you have acquired in a 6 month time frame.

- The gear you have acquired in a 6 month time frame.

- The knowledge you have acquired in a 6 month time frame.

Honestly, I don't even think you are stuck in Bronze 1.

Are you really stuck in Bronze 1?

When I was 6 months into the game, I got upset when I was matched up with weak people.

Its a mockery that the game matched you up with these people.

These Arena teams are beneath you.

These Arena teams are nothing more than Lambs waiting to be slaugthered.

You need to get into Arena and do a 10 out of 10 sweep.

Beat all of them in a single sitting.

Make it quick - fast - painless

Level 50 hero's with no strategy in Bronze 1

It makes my skin crawl.

I was in Gold 3 at level 50.

I didn't get my first legendary till level 60.

This was before they introduced Auto Battles in Campaign & Dungeons.

This was before they introduced Daily Login Rewards.

All Daily Login rewards past Jizoh didn't exist.

No excuses Fluffy.

You should be destroying these people regardless of what Plarium does or doesn't do.

Well, JUST got Syl yesterday actually ,, lvl 49 + 97% with 5 Fooders waiting in line ....

Need 3 More Fooders to max out ** books ** on warmaiden ....

BUT , I know where i went WRONG .....................

I built Faction wars teams with No Knowlesdge or Warning it would FUBAR me in Arena

I saved literrally Every hero I got in a HERO COLLECTION GAME ,

 No Idea that would also FUBAR me in Arena ....

I built a Few Keep Teams for all the Keeps ,, LOL,, Extra FUBAR in Arena

I built up the Extra Heros for the Dungeons ,, ANOTHER EXTRA FUBAR in Arena

Subsequently , My Player Power was over 900,000 and I ONLY had  2 6stars lol + another Fubar

Pulled a LEGO ,, Opps made that into a 50 ...

Opps Pulled another , Ok , made that into a 50 also ,, Both relatively useless in Arena ...

Most of the heros I built up ,, basically useless in Arena ...

So YEs, through ignorance of the Consequences of Building up my Heros 


Oh ya Pulled Syl yesterday ,  and Will be 60 by Monday ? Tuesday  and 785 Gems saved up for Mastery for Syl so ya Masteries too ,, BUt not yet to Assension 

Seems Dumping 1500 Energy in a Keep only netted me One Superior potion .. LOL ,, 

BUT, when I get Rolling , I will be going up hill faster then a Train 

going DOWN a 15% Grade without Brakes 

STILL PIZZED that I am actually STUCK in Bronze 1 though 

But that will change Shortly , because I am NOT savng heros anymore I am Eating them


May 9, 2021, 01:1305/09/21

Well, JUST got Syl yesterday actually ,, lvl 49 + 97% with 5 Fooders waiting in line ....

Need 3 More Fooders to max out ** books ** on warmaiden ....

BUT , I know where i went WRONG .....................

I built Faction wars teams with No Knowlesdge or Warning it would FUBAR me in Arena

I saved literrally Every hero I got in a HERO COLLECTION GAME ,

 No Idea that would also FUBAR me in Arena ....

I built a Few Keep Teams for all the Keeps ,, LOL,, Extra FUBAR in Arena

I built up the Extra Heros for the Dungeons ,, ANOTHER EXTRA FUBAR in Arena

Subsequently , My Player Power was over 900,000 and I ONLY had  2 6stars lol + another Fubar

Pulled a LEGO ,, Opps made that into a 50 ...

Opps Pulled another , Ok , made that into a 50 also ,, Both relatively useless in Arena ...

Most of the heros I built up ,, basically useless in Arena ...

So YEs, through ignorance of the Consequences of Building up my Heros 


Oh ya Pulled Syl yesterday ,  and Will be 60 by Monday ? Tuesday  and 785 Gems saved up for Mastery for Syl so ya Masteries too ,, BUt not yet to Assension 

Seems Dumping 1500 Energy in a Keep only netted me One Superior potion .. LOL ,, 

BUT, when I get Rolling , I will be going up hill faster then a Train 

going DOWN a 15% Grade without Brakes 

STILL PIZZED that I am actually STUCK in Bronze 1 though 

But that will change Shortly , because I am NOT savng heros anymore I am Eating them


Fluffy, you are no longer a beginner.

Your account is 6 months old.

You are transitioning into a mid-game player.

You need to get these beginner idea's out of your mind.

You can't get out of Bronze 1 Arena because you are not putting effort in Arena.

Your team power, player power, or any other magical power you mention have nothing to do with it.

You spend several weeks or months working on Faction teams.

Your Arena team suffered in the process because you didn't put effort into Arena.


Put the effort into Arena.

Your Arena team will do better.

I have been on the receiving end of getting crushed by every type of power you can think of.

I have been on the delivery end of crushing others from every type of power you can think of.

Losing to Power is what Beginners tell themselves to make themselves feel better about their lack of understanding.

You are no longer a beginner Fluffy.

These excuses will no longer work for you because you should have the knowledge by now.

Arena isn't Rocket Science.

You can do this Fluffy. 

You have all the people in the forum that can help you excel in Arena.

You are a mid game player, Fluffy.

You are a Seasoned player - A Leader in the eyes of beginners.

Beginners are looking to you Fluffy for inspiration, guidance, & knowledge.

When they look to you, They see you say things like you can't get past Bronze 1.

- They feel demoralized.

- They lose confidence.

- They lose the will to fight on.

- They begin to think negative thoughts.

Fluffy can't pass Bronze 1, How can I do it?

Fluffy been playing 6 months, I have only been playing 7 days.

Fluffy is level 49, I am only level 20.

If you can't do it Fluffy, Who can?

I believe you can do it.

I believe you will go far.

I think you got side tracked with Faction Wars.

We all get side tracked in Raid.

Raid is filled with so many things.

- Faction Wars

- Doom Tower

- Dungeons

- Heroes

We get side tracked by all the wonders.

We lose track of time.

We forget what to focus on.

Their is no shame in being side tracked

Their is no shame in being mesmerized by the beauty & wonders of Raid.

Their is no shame in being unfocused.

It happens to the best of us.

These experiences are what help us rise to a higher level of understanding.

May 9, 2021, 02:5605/09/21

My lord - the arena is horrible

May 9, 2021, 03:3505/09/21

This is a bizarre take and I honestly don't understand it.

This is a game of limited resources. 

You chose to spread those limited resources out among many heroes.

other players chose to focus those resources on a small group of heroes.

When yu face those playes in PVP, you lose.

How is that Plariums fault?

Plarium makes their money from the fact that this is a character acquisition game.  People want characters and so they spend money on shards.  Then they spend money on other things once they realize a character has to be leveled and needs gear.  Actively punishing players who partially buy into the idea that this is a player acquisition game (which is how it has been sold by the millions they've spent on advertising on every youtube channel under the sun) but who are not whales cause those players to leave the game.  There aren't many games out there that consist solely of whales.  Whales need a ton of plankton to feed on.  Poisoning plankton is a great way to drive away or kill your whales.  Therefore, Plarium shouldn't punish those who focus on other areas of the game instead of solely focusing on the arena.  There's a plat player doing a f2p arena focused account right now but he'll readily admit that he's keeping his player power low because it'll make his arena matchups easy.  Some people surely want to play that way but it isn't how plarium sold the game when they bought paid sponsor spots.

May 9, 2021, 08:0405/09/21

I hate the arena.. dumbest part of the app... not counting tag team (which is 3 times dumber) offer some way to collect medals NOT related to the arena please...

May 9, 2021, 11:3305/09/21
May 9, 2021, 11:43(edited)

Arena is simple, you take points from others.

Math: 30-40 % stuck in bronze 1---30-20% in bronze 2---15-10% bronze 3---7.5-5 in bronze 4.

No matter how good is a new player they figth agan the odds.

Climp is hard and will be more hard.

People like player J say you can get off from bronze easy, but he dont understand the sistem yo need take the spot from a veteran (pro, someone how have time to read guides, heavy casher, people whit luck, referal's account etc.)  to reach that spot.

P.d. many people make account for referal and leave went reach 50, or change if one account have more luck and make more account for referal.

May 9, 2021, 15:5905/09/21

Arena is simple, you take points from others.

Math: 30-40 % stuck in bronze 1---30-20% in bronze 2---15-10% bronze 3---7.5-5 in bronze 4.

No matter how good is a new player they figth agan the odds.

Climp is hard and will be more hard.

People like player J say you can get off from bronze easy, but he dont understand the sistem yo need take the spot from a veteran (pro, someone how have time to read guides, heavy casher, people whit luck, referal's account etc.)  to reach that spot.

P.d. many people make account for referal and leave went reach 50, or change if one account have more luck and make more account for referal.

No - you don't understand how Arena works.

Everything in the game has a "Max Limit"

A hero can only reach Level 60.

A gear can only reach Star 6 Legendary

Everything becomes equal.

You and your opponent heroes & gear can become evenly matched.

The difference is you are playing your Arena Offense Team.

The Bad AI Computer is playing the opponent Arena Defense Team.

You will be able to win.

The Veteran player can't "Hold" his spot in Arena because it isn't Live PVP.

The AI will play the team poorly.

This is why Top Tier Arena Fights are not trying to prevent people from beating them.

They are trying to Stall Players long enough so they don't lose to many battles before Arena Resets.

May 9, 2021, 16:1705/09/21

Plarium makes their money from the fact that this is a character acquisition game.  People want characters and so they spend money on shards.  Then they spend money on other things once they realize a character has to be leveled and needs gear.  Actively punishing players who partially buy into the idea that this is a player acquisition game (which is how it has been sold by the millions they've spent on advertising on every youtube channel under the sun) but who are not whales cause those players to leave the game.  There aren't many games out there that consist solely of whales.  Whales need a ton of plankton to feed on.  Poisoning plankton is a great way to drive away or kill your whales.  Therefore, Plarium shouldn't punish those who focus on other areas of the game instead of solely focusing on the arena.  There's a plat player doing a f2p arena focused account right now but he'll readily admit that he's keeping his player power low because it'll make his arena matchups easy.  Some people surely want to play that way but it isn't how plarium sold the game when they bought paid sponsor spots.

It takes about 3 seconds of playing this game to realize that the "hero collection" aspect takes no skill. 

From there you have to figure out what type of game this actually is, which is a resource management and hero synergy game.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I bet most would agree with me that if I'm going to spend money on a game, I'm going to learn how to play that game. Doubly so with a game that has as many free resources as this game has.

And Plarium isn't actively punishing anyone. It's PVP, the OP is being "punished" by other players. Players who probably saw the same advertising as he/she saw and yet somehow figured out, at least to some extent, that the game is far more than just a "hero collection" game. 

May 9, 2021, 17:0205/09/21

hero can reach 60 true, but skill, talent that will take time. a full legendary is complete superior to a rare or epic. (see top player are party 4 leg).

Gear is the same leg whit perfect stat-sub stat take time.

to reach that you are  a veteran or hard casher or have the devil's luck.

bad ia yep, but a full leg full gear can destroy a basic team.

only en your dreams player j, that is easy.

you need read books, fair, unfair, good, bad, easy, hard, are not the same thing.

May 9, 2021, 17:2605/09/21

Well, I MIS-READ it then ,, Could have swore it said Tweaks made to Arena,, 

WISHFUL THINKING on my Part , Sorry ... 


all because I built Faction wars Teams and Collected Heros in a Hero Collection Game

its aight mate, just consider this a practice post for when the update does come and still does nothing...

Remember Plarium said 4 weeks ago that arena was working as intended and matchmaking didn't need any changes... It's only due to community outrage that they are doing anything about it reluctantly. 

May 9, 2021, 20:5205/09/21
May 9, 2021, 20:54(edited)

hero can reach 60 true, but skill, talent that will take time. a full legendary is complete superior to a rare or epic. (see top player are party 4 leg).

Gear is the same leg whit perfect stat-sub stat take time.

to reach that you are  a veteran or hard casher or have the devil's luck.

bad ia yep, but a full leg full gear can destroy a basic team.

only en your dreams player j, that is easy.

you need read books, fair, unfair, good, bad, easy, hard, are not the same thing.

It's  a  Piece  of  Cake.


To  Easy!

May 9, 2021, 22:3505/09/21
May 9, 2021, 22:37(edited)

Player J that ... 

You have 1 gold spot.

For one side you say is easy but in your post... 

If you dont lose are 1 spot less for gold.

Ty, for let me see how hard is beat veterans and hard cashers.

May 10, 2021, 00:1605/10/21

@FluffyPudding you said you play for 6 months.. high khatun and dark elhain(who are free login champs) + war maiden (who you can get from campaign) should be enough for you to be in silver.. Man you put 0 effort in arena.. Watch videos on youtube about arena builds and tips there are plenty videos that will help..

@morgwen  ignore playerJ.. he's a whale that is flexing in G1 ..

@Player J  stop flexing on fluffy and take a look at yourself..  you're a whale who plays this game for  2 YEARS now and you didn't get past stage 60 on DT hard ...*face palm* and most probably you don't have Lydia..  so maybe spend less time on forums and build your 3v3 teams, FW teams and (hard) doom tower teams.. another CvC will come and you'll lose again..