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Arena in 2018

Arena in 2018

May 6, 2021, 20:2605/06/21

Arena in 2018

I  see  all  of  these  post  talking  about   get  good,  increase  your  speed  and  so  on.  But  back  then  it  was  far  easier  to  make  it  in  gold  and  stay  there.  For  example ,  I  ran  

Smashlord  60 

Romero  50

Kael  60

Crimson  Helm  50

This  team  had  a  50,000  power  rating  In  gold  2  until  I  crunched  the  account.  The  new  overpowered  characters  like  Serris  etc  made  arena  what  it  is  today,  making  older characters  obsolete.

May 6, 2021, 20:5905/06/21

It's just the natural progression of the arena with more and more accounts getting those top-tier arena champions and the equipment and great hall upgrades to go with them, while new accounts will have a harder time to catch up. Plarium apparently don't see it as a problem to screw over new players, and so we're on track to be having this conversation in one form or another until the game eventually dies.

May 6, 2021, 22:1605/06/21

Yup. It's basic power creep. As new champions come out, and as existing players get better and better gear, the requirements to stay at the top levels become more and more difficult to reach.

This wouldn't be a problem in and of itself, except that they tied their signature reward to the progression path, which requires arena progress.

There really isn't any solution to this, beyond just removing arena missions from the progression path, which they'll never do.

May 6, 2021, 23:2805/06/21
May 6, 2021, 23:40(edited)

Personally I think the Speed meta and the player power scaling in Arena is also an issue..I have a Grogorab at 200+ speed, and in bronze II I am getting outsped by other champions, even ones that aren't even speed based's frustrating. I've heard people say "oh Arena's fixed!" But I literally just got a full list of players with player powers over 500k and teams over 100k+ vs my 87k team power in Bronze II.

I know Team power doens't mean a lot I suppose, but I have tried the entire list, and I was only able to literally take 1 victory against a player that also had a lvl 60 fully ascended Trunda that wiped my team except my Scyl if my Scyl fell then that would of been the end of it. Mind you this in Bronze II...Arena is probably the most frustrating area in the game, if the Great Hall wasn't tied to Arena I don't think many would nessassarily care, but since Great Hall is very important to mid-end-game, it's a problem. 

Here's some examples of players I've fought against in Bronze II today, but got defeated immeditally, outsped etc. (viva screenshots I purposly blurred their names because I am not blaming them, but using them as an example for the Arena and I don't want idiot's going off and attacking those players, since that's happened before). I think personally as I said, the speed meta and the Player power scaling that they did for the old "Arena fix" has quacked Arena. I'm facing players at my own Player power 588k, but facing their teams which are way more stacked then I am..and again, I don't care for Gold IV or Platnium, I just want to progress in the Missions for Arbiter as well as the Great Hall...




(This is my own player Power in the screenshot below) and just like the Screenshot below my player power, I fought that player with 588k player power and lost, so again my point of Player power being an issue; I think because the game just scales off of Player power due to Plarium's old "fix" of just scaling off of Player power and now we are back at square 1; that I am facing another player with the same player power however with a more powerful Team is only 87k, again I know team power doesn't mean a lot but when you can't whale out heavily like other players it does make a huge difference. 

Like this, I am 588k with a team power of 87k. The player below, 588k with a team power of 110k. Frankly I think the Arena should focus more of team powers then player powers, I don't mind difficult fights, but I also don't want entires lists that have to be skipped because I am facing teams that will wipe mine without even giving a turn. I have probably refreshed a bunch of times today and still facing teams like this and still stuck in Bronze II. I don't get it. And again I get up to Bronze III, and the next day just get shot down all the way to Bronze I again. Bronze and Silver have become the new Gold Arena...very frustrating. Again below is my Player power and below that is the player I fought with the same power. Edit: Also to update this, I literally just fought against a team with 63k team power, 523k Player power and literally got outsped. Which tells me that they had their speed above 200+. The Speed meta is literally going to kill Arena I swear...All of those Gold IV players just think nothing is wrong in Arena all because they can easily wipe everyone...sigh...



May 7, 2021, 12:0205/07/21
May 7, 2021, 12:02(edited)

The worst is that your opponents despite their teams are also blocked in B2, because they also have even stronger opponents ... etc ...

Plarium will change the matchmaking to make life easier for new players, I'm afraid we are no longer among the new players. 😉

Wait and see

May 7, 2021, 12:1405/07/21

it is not just B2 it is same in B3, B4, S1, S2, S3, im lvl 55 with 520k PP ,and locked in S2.

where when was on lvl 50 with PP430k was nicely sitting in S3/S4 and with visible proggess towards G1.

But my player level increased since then and i was heavly punished because i progressed

May 7, 2021, 12:5305/07/21

Yup. It's basic power creep. As new champions come out, and as existing players get better and better gear, the requirements to stay at the top levels become more and more difficult to reach.

This wouldn't be a problem in and of itself, except that they tied their signature reward to the progression path, which requires arena progress.

There really isn't any solution to this, beyond just removing arena missions from the progression path, which they'll never do.

If they extended the tiers upwards every few years it might help

'Matchmaking tweaking' wont help at all of course.