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Unfortunate rage pull - advice needed

Unfortunate rage pull - advice needed

May 6, 2021, 15:1805/06/21

Unfortunate rage pull - advice needed

So after the 'fixes' to my main dungeon carry and arena nuker I cant run the dungeons on 20 anymore, and my arena rating is dropping like a stone.

Rather childishly i rage pulled 50 odd shards that i had been saving to try and get a replacement without waiting for the 2x, daft i know but hey ho.

I got mostly junk as usual, but i got 3  epics with decent ratings

Royal guard

Mausoleum mage

Fahrakin the fat.

I think royal guard is like a coldheart...good for dungeons up to 20 and definitely worth building one day for faction wars but not a priority. Probably limited value if i ever get past dungeons 20 now.

Mausoleum mage- seems a standard buffer and worth building one day for faction wars too

But fahrakin the fat...has high ratings for both clan boss and arena.

Can anyone suggest how i would fit him into current cb team or if it would work? i currently run 

doompriest (heal and unstun), apoth (turn meter and heals) , jareg (attack down, defence up, protect) and draco and banshee for damage

I cant for the life of me work out how i would use him or even if he has a place. Currently i do 25 to 30  million a key on NM. I could remove banshee but then lose sensivity to poisons and i already have issues with the debuff bar being full all the time.

Also i am not sure how a single target nuker works in arena? as part of more defensive teams? or does it rely on also having champs with sleep abilities?.


May 6, 2021, 15:3005/06/21

I probably wouldn't focus on CB until you have an unkillable comp or another that can do UNM

May 6, 2021, 15:3205/06/21

Whoa, all three are nice pulls! Mausoleum Mage is far from standard, excellent epic. Royal Guard is still good even if his enemy max HP ability is nerfed in some places now - I use him on Scarab King in DT, for instance. And going by your description you've even missed the most important part of Fahrakin, which is his ally attack. 

If you build an arena team around him, you'd only need him to be fast and your nuker would only need 70 percent crit rate, then when he takes his turn and does the ally attack, your nuker's CR and CD get topped up and they hit at once. Of course, like always with ally attack, you'd need people who nuke with their A1 - Sinesha, Skullcrown, Rae, Big'Un, etc. 

The ally attack also plays a big role in using him on CB, but obviously that means you'd want people who hit hard on their A1 on his team, which you don't really have now. His crit rate and damage buffs last three turns, so that helps also on other hits, but again it would mainly help for champions who are hitting hard - your team is more control plus poison. I'm also not sure if you'd gain much with swapping him in for FB. 

May 6, 2021, 15:3505/06/21

I probably wouldn't focus on CB until you have an unkillable comp or another that can do UNM

I am unlikely to get an unkillable team any time soon. At the moment i only do 15 million a key on UNM so would be nice to improve it.

May 6, 2021, 15:3705/06/21

I am unlikely to get an unkillable team any time soon. At the moment i only do 15 million a key on UNM so would be nice to improve it.

Maneater is in 10x tomorrow I heard, fyi

May 6, 2021, 15:4705/06/21

Whoa, all three are nice pulls! Mausoleum Mage is far from standard, excellent epic. Royal Guard is still good even if his enemy max HP ability is nerfed in some places now - I use him on Scarab King in DT, for instance. And going by your description you've even missed the most important part of Fahrakin, which is his ally attack. 

If you build an arena team around him, you'd only need him to be fast and your nuker would only need 70 percent crit rate, then when he takes his turn and does the ally attack, your nuker's CR and CD get topped up and they hit at once. Of course, like always with ally attack, you'd need people who nuke with their A1 - Sinesha, Skullcrown, Rae, Big'Un, etc. 

The ally attack also plays a big role in using him on CB, but obviously that means you'd want people who hit hard on their A1 on his team, which you don't really have now. His crit rate and damage buffs last three turns, so that helps also on other hits, but again it would mainly help for champions who are hitting hard - your team is more control plus poison. I'm also not sure if you'd gain much with swapping him in for FB. 

Yeh i spotted the ally attack on fahrakin- its the single target that made me think he is more CB than arena, with my current nuke team, if i dont kill 2 or more opponents in the initial  nuke- then i am usually dead and unfortunately i dont have anyone with an A1 aoe attack (which is why i hadnt considered it i guess).

Agree with you on using him on CB none of my team hit harder than 150k on crits, its all about the poison damage.

So- im thinking that for now i cant really make use of fahrakin.

Thanks for the insights, i can see how he would work with an A1 aoe champ now, unfortunately i think i cant really utulise these champs in arena or clanboss which is what i suspected but wanted to check, thanks again :) 

May 6, 2021, 15:4805/06/21

Maneater is in 10x tomorrow I heard, fyi

Too late, hard my tantrum at them breaking my dungeon carry and pulled the lot 😂

I pulled over 50 when deacon was on 10x and got nothing though so i probably wouldnt have got one :)

May 6, 2021, 15:5205/06/21

You pulled your void too? Quite the rage pull, lmao

May 6, 2021, 15:5905/06/21

You pulled your void too? Quite the rage pull, lmao

Yeh it started as 'ill just pull a couple'

I cant actually find a use for the 3 decent rated champs that i did pull either... because i dont have the roster to work with them (thats why i posted here to check in case i misunderstood their kit)

I only had 9 voids anyway.

I have had all the dungeon 20 on farm for months and cant do them anymore and have dropped 250 arena points since the patch so yeh it was a massive rage pull lol.

Its finally uninstall time i think lol :)