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Unfair Arbiter chain system - Re-complete quests

Unfair Arbiter chain system - Re-complete quests

May 6, 2021, 08:5505/06/21

Unfair Arbiter chain system - Re-complete quests

First of all i apologize for my english. My situation is that:

I got gold 4 some time ago and i could hold that rank for a lot of time. Now i am at gold 3 and (for the moment) cant get gold 4 again.

I am on the "Reach gold 4" step of the quest and i cant complete cuz right now i am not gold 4.

I mean... there are a lot of ppl got that "achievement" to pass the quest but wasn't on that point when they got, so, now when you are on the situation of complete that quest you just cant cuz RIGHT NOW you are not gold 4....

Why am i stuck on a quest that i completed several months ago even for a long time and have to beat this again?... for me, this has no sense.

May 6, 2021, 08:5705/06/21

In addition i have a lot of gold medals to spend but i dont want to use them cuz mayyyybe when i go to the quest "unlock a 10 lvl... it wont complete too and i have to unlock another one?.... 

May 6, 2021, 09:1405/06/21

In addition i have a lot of gold medals to spend but i dont want to use them cuz mayyyybe when i go to the quest "unlock a 10 lvl... it wont complete too and i have to unlock another one?.... 

No, the Great Hall missions are retroactive, if you have a level 10 unlocked by the time you get the mission, it will auto-complete. No worries about that. 

Regarding your main question, yeah, that sucks. I wouldn't expect them to change it - but if you can still maintain your spot in gold 3, you're not that far from gold 4, should be possible to get back into it briefly if you're very selective with your battles and refresh frequently... 

May 6, 2021, 09:2505/06/21

Actually i can hold like 2750 points on gold 3 but when you start refreshing on that point, the rivals have more points and are like 10 teams with arbiter aura speed to face with my gorgorab.... i tryed to increase my speed and gear but i am on a point that is almost impossible to improve :(

Fine to listen about the great hall anyway

May 6, 2021, 11:2005/06/21

STUCK at ** Get to Bronze III ** for almost 6 Months now ...

Seems I messed up by Collecting Heros and Building teams that could Do Faction Wars 

So I could get Mats for Forge and Glyphs to upgrade Armors 

Got my total Team Power too high and have been facing teams I have no chance of Beating unless I spend 12 hours refrewhing to try to get the one team every hour i can actually have a chance to beat 

So 420 is Supposed to have an Arena Fix , so maybe I can actually get  the Lousy , whats supposed to be a Noobie Mission finished to I can advance 

May 6, 2021, 13:3505/06/21

I envy you for staying Gold 3, I went from Gold 4 to Silver 4 during the last six weeks and sometimes I go back to Gold 1 but in all cases, I am blocked because my mission of progression asks me to reach Gold 3... I regularly have to fight teams with Arbiter when the system doesn't allow me to hope to get her anymore.

It's particularly ironic and unhealthy to have added additional missions for a new character when most of us are now stuck because of these missions that require to reach an arena level that is now impossible (even if you had it before).

It's a pity, when you can't progress, the only option is to quit the game. Shame on plarium for not having adapted its system. The ultra-competitiveness of the high arenas was perfectly compatible with the fact of letting the aspirants progress, it's stupid not to have understood it.