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Arena crippling is not fun

Arena crippling is not fun

May 5, 2021, 16:1605/05/21

Arena crippling is not fun

Just feedback for Plarium:

The yearly crippling of Arena is not fun. 

Silver III is now as difficult as Gold IV was in February. Obviously, Plarium flipped a switch around March to triple the difficulty of Arena. You did the same thing last year.

Then, in the Fall, you flipped the switch way back to easy with lots of pushover opponents.

Can't you come up with a better way to fix the Arena problems?

This yearly seesawing is annoying.

May 5, 2021, 16:4605/05/21

Plarium didn't flip anything. Players got better and it's just natural progression of the ladder.

Sorry you were left behind due to not playing the game optimally.

You can't expect to barely participate in the game activities and still compete with the top of the ladder.

That isn't fair for the players putting in maximum effort. 

May 5, 2021, 16:5605/05/21
May 5, 2021, 17:05(edited)

I dont know how it were before I started, but I can tell you, it's no fun playing arena, I have stoped. And now only do the daylis, because it's so broken. It's not because I expect to compete against the best of arena players, but it fells like I do.

I like all aspect of the game just not arena, because the other parts work together, if I want to play arena I need to focus solo on that, have to have really fast gear 229 is just not enough, and that is in bronze. It's the starting tire, where New players are suposed to Lean to play pvp, not to be beaten down again and again, of players with full 60 team, with top gear, something is broken. 


May 5, 2021, 18:0905/05/21

Yep. needed 250+ speed to get into silver. Silver 1 was ok then. Silver 2 was way easier then Bronze IV and Silver 1 and Silver 3 is quite difficult again (wich is not an issue since iam only playing for 60 days). But there seems a large difference between opponents and leagues yes. 

May 5, 2021, 20:1305/05/21

250+ in speed, how are New players suposed to get that kind of gear, they need some good champions to farm dragon, and if they then build a team to farm that, they get punished because ream power goes up, but arena dont get better 

May 5, 2021, 21:5005/05/21


Yes, Plarium did flip something. On one day around March, the difficulty of opponents skyrocketed.  It didn't happen over time or because other players slowly got better. The algorithm noticeably changed how it was assigning opponents. For example, teams of one or two weak opponents, or teams full of L1 duplicates, completely disappeared. That's just the extreme example.

I was in mid-Gold IV for months. Then, on one day, I started a switft slide down to Silver III. 

If they follow their same pattern as last year, Plarium will flip to the easy switch again in the Fall.

For anyone paying attention, these changes are obvious. Too bad you can't see it.

I don't like this solution for the Arena problems.