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Small arena request

Small arena request

May 3, 2021, 15:4705/03/21

Small arena request

Totally not a must-have, but it would be a nice timesaver if the enemy team strength were shown on the main screen, rather than having to click the "Battle" button to see it.

May 3, 2021, 16:4705/03/21

the arena team "strenght" I guees you mean power? The power isn't important, you can stack up a lot of RES on your champs to bump up their power, but oddly that doesn't mean they're more powerful. Not all stats count towards the power in the same measure,. Here you have an example, it's all about gearing your champions right


May 3, 2021, 17:0405/03/21

I'm well aware that you can beat teams that are a higher team power than your own. However, when you are comparing apples to apples, it helps to see the other team's power.

As an example, my primary arena offense team is a standard speed nuke team. I've got a high enough speed on my Arbiter that I can now relaibly beat other speed nuke teams. If I'm evaluating whether or not I feel the other Arbiter team is beatable, team strength is quite a useful metric - since both of us are running speed nukers, if my team power is higher than theirs, it generally means my Arbiter is faster, and vice-versa. 

May 4, 2021, 12:1305/04/21

Might be true, but still there is something wrong when you face teams like that in bronze. I are lucky to have 1 lego, but that is not a arena champ, I know that I can spend money on shards, and hope to get a lego champ. But that should not be nessesary for bronze, ffs is where new players are learning the game. 

May 4, 2021, 12:3505/04/21
May 4, 2021, 13:33(edited)

the arena team "strenght" I guees you mean power? The power isn't important, you can stack up a lot of RES on your champs to bump up their power, but oddly that doesn't mean they're more powerful. Not all stats count towards the power in the same measure,. Here you have an example, it's all about gearing your champions right


I just got to ask, if it's "not important", then why put it there in the first place? Why not add something that ACTUALLY is important?

May 4, 2021, 12:5705/04/21

Power is very important. Most are just not intelligent enough to understand how to use it.

There are multiple variables known before you select an opponent, power is just one and I think it is perfect the way it is.

May 4, 2021, 13:2205/04/21
May 4, 2021, 13:22(edited)

To add, basically everybod really wants to kow how fast the opponent it is... guess what that is not going to happen, Plarium is not going to add the speed to each on the opponent screen. LOL.  

May 4, 2021, 13:2605/04/21

Just to be clear, I'm not asking for any changes to any actual mechanics - discussion of that is best served in another thread. All I would like is to see the team powers on the main screen listing my possible opponents, just to save me the ~30 seconds it takes to click, wait for it to load, and then close.

May 4, 2021, 19:1805/04/21

Team power and player power.  I currently have to click 2x when I'm figuring out opponents.  Ever since they finally admitted that player power was used in determining matchups, it is a good check to see if I'm going to lose speed battles.  Obviously it doesn't work 100% of the time, but it works better than anything else I've seen.  If their player power (Silver 2-4) is 150k over mine but they have the same rank as mine, that means their win rate at a comparatively higher level of player power is the same as mine so they are probably faster (since they face "harder" teams but win at the same rate).  The same thing works the other way.  Not foolproof but it has been pretty decent.  Then I have to check the team power (which is sometimes a different team than the one you click on in their profile for some reason) to see if I have a shot.  I'm early game double speed attack up defense down nuke so if they resist it, I'll probably be dead and so I avoid it if their team has significantly more team power.

I would be amazing to have that all displayed for me on the main screen.  Instead I have to click in, click out, click in to fight and then click out if it looks bad.  It would be nice to skip those extra steps.  If they fix the arena it might be less of an issue.

May 6, 2021, 16:0005/06/21

I just got to ask, if it's "not important", then why put it there in the first place? Why not add something that ACTUALLY is important?

To be honest I don't know either. As you can see not necessarily the team with more power wins, and since there's stats that influence more the power of a champion than other...