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Arbiter Teams in silver, How is this "as intended" ?

Arbiter Teams in silver, How is this "as intended" ?

May 3, 2021, 13:4705/03/21

Arbiter Teams in silver, How is this "as intended" ?

I was trying to work on my Arbiter mission. Actually worked my way up to gold IV for bout a month or so.  Then the decline began as I leveled my Faction and Clan teams. Now, I have been Knocked back to Silver II,   40 gold short of Greathall lvl 9. Seeing lots and lots of Arbiter teams at this lvl. Really makes it hard for those of us that aren't there yet. Oh and btw, The toons i use for my arena team are lvl6 w/6star gear that's better than campain cr@p. In the last month i've won maybe 4 gold, and it doesn't look like i'm gonna see any more soon.

Hum, may be I keep playing till everybody else quits, maybe then I will progress, oh wait everybody will stll be ahead of me sooo matchmaking stll screw me.

Why not, Match make Arbiter accounts separately from every one else?

May 3, 2021, 13:5605/03/21

I stuck in S2/S3, but arbiter is not a god champ, she is as any other champ, without proper gear and stuff is killable as any other

It is about whole team not just arbiter, i wining speed test against most of  Lyssandaras and all gorgs in S2/S3 

May 3, 2021, 14:1105/03/21

I stuck in S2/S3, but arbiter is not a god champ, she is as any other champ, without proper gear and stuff is killable as any other

It is about whole team not just arbiter, i wining speed test against most of  Lyssandaras and all gorgs in S2/S3 

The point is, If they allrdy have Arbiter, the the other toons they use will allso be OP for accounts that have not progressed, otherwise, why was I able to live at Gold IV for so long and can't get out of silver now?  Or did I suddenly strarted sucking?

May 3, 2021, 14:2405/03/21

It's as intended because you're supposed to cough up some money to be competitive in arena

May 3, 2021, 15:1905/03/21

You are, unfortunately, suffering the consequences of Plarium's failed experiment with adding bots to arena. I, like many others, benefited greatly from that; having the bots allowed a massive progression spike.

Some players (such as myself) were able to ride that wave into "proper" arena teams - I can now comfortably remain in G4, since my teams are strong enough to be competitive.

Other players, though - whether because they joined late, or because they didn't use the opportunity properly - found that their teams were no longer competitive at the G4 level, despite having obtained Arbiter. And so those teams started falling down in ranks.

That's why you see so many Arbiter teams in bronze and silver. They are a combination of inactive players, and players who reached Arbiter and then got pushed back down.

May 3, 2021, 15:2005/03/21

It's as intended because you're supposed to cough up some money to be competitive in arena

You're free to be bitter and spiteful in your posts, but please be aware that you absolutely do not need to cough up money to be competitive in arena. I have not spent a dime on this game, and have no problems remaining in G4.

May 4, 2021, 08:0505/04/21
May 4, 2021, 08:12(edited)

You're free to be bitter and spiteful in your posts, but please be aware that you absolutely do not need to cough up money to be competitive in arena. I have not spent a dime on this game, and have no problems remaining in G4.

You previously said you benefitted greatly from the easier times, make your mind up. Your experience is nothing like the experience of lee.ozz as a result

May 4, 2021, 08:3805/04/21
Trevor Wilson

You previously said you benefitted greatly from the easier times, make your mind up. Your experience is nothing like the experience of lee.ozz as a result

Actually, my experience is exactly like his, I also benefitted from the time Plarium added the bots, heck I found an exploit so everytime I refresh my page, 90% of the time I'd get a bot page back then.

But I do understand that the bot was a bandaid, it was a temporary solution, once they remove the bots, arena will be back to square one.

I benefitted from the bot era, but even back then I still voiced my concern that Arena has a huge system problem

May 4, 2021, 14:0705/04/21

Actually, my experience is exactly like his, I also benefitted from the time Plarium added the bots, heck I found an exploit so everytime I refresh my page, 90% of the time I'd get a bot page back then.

But I do understand that the bot was a bandaid, it was a temporary solution, once they remove the bots, arena will be back to square one.

I benefitted from the bot era, but even back then I still voiced my concern that Arena has a huge system problem

Fair enough.

I seem to be stable in gold for now- although when they break zavias ai (i suspect the patch will stop her using catalyst in arena because the devs are far too lazy to exempt arena from her changes) i will be back to square one.

To be honest though the massive effort and silver cost in completely regearing made me realise this game (below g4/plat) is just about a gigantic grind, and being lucky on pulls and has kinda killed the desire to play anyway.

May 4, 2021, 14:3105/04/21
Trevor Wilson

Fair enough.

I seem to be stable in gold for now- although when they break zavias ai (i suspect the patch will stop her using catalyst in arena because the devs are far too lazy to exempt arena from her changes) i will be back to square one.

To be honest though the massive effort and silver cost in completely regearing made me realise this game (below g4/plat) is just about a gigantic grind, and being lucky on pulls and has kinda killed the desire to play anyway.

Yeah, gold is all about the grind.

Can I get more speed into my Arbiter, more crit damage into my Astralon. Am I still correctly speed tuned.

It never stops. If you stop, you'll fall back to S1 and have to start over.

May 4, 2021, 15:3005/04/21
May 4, 2021, 15:30(edited)

Yeah, gold is all about the grind.

Can I get more speed into my Arbiter, more crit damage into my Astralon. Am I still correctly speed tuned.

It never stops. If you stop, you'll fall back to S1 and have to start over.

Yes and to be fair if people enjoy that then thats ok.

Its a shame in my mind because at the top end there is definitely tactical play. But its so hard for non whales to get the top champs / gear that most players will have limited options for a very long time due to their roster and not really experience 'tactics' beyond the very basics.

I do get that there needs to be an incentive for people to spend, but the thing with the pricing on raid is that dropping the price of a game (say 50 dollars) has very little effect, it takes thousands and apparently some will spend that.

May 5, 2021, 00:1405/05/21

You  can  manual  Zavia's  A3  you  know.

May 5, 2021, 10:5605/05/21

I know, but i had her in defence.- ill have to think of a different defence

OracleCommunity Manager
May 5, 2021, 14:2705/05/21

As said:

Other players, though - whether because they joined late, or because they didn't use the opportunity properly - found that their teams were no longer competitive at the G4 level, despite having obtained Arbiter. And so those teams started falling down in ranks.

Stopping being competitive is the main reason for those accounts going down after getting Arbiter. The Arena is an extremely place, and it's no wonder that occasionally some players drop from there, even despite putting in some efforts. The higher you get in the Arena Tiers, the harder it is to remain there.

Also, I should remind you that we never added bots to the Arena. All suspiciously weak teams you may have seen there are actual players who intentionally or unintentionally set weak Defense

May 5, 2021, 14:3205/05/21

As said:

Other players, though - whether because they joined late, or because they didn't use the opportunity properly - found that their teams were no longer competitive at the G4 level, despite having obtained Arbiter. And so those teams started falling down in ranks.

Stopping being competitive is the main reason for those accounts going down after getting Arbiter. The Arena is an extremely place, and it's no wonder that occasionally some players drop from there, even despite putting in some efforts. The higher you get in the Arena Tiers, the harder it is to remain there.

Also, I should remind you that we never added bots to the Arena. All suspiciously weak teams you may have seen there are actual players who intentionally or unintentionally set weak Defense

"Also, I should remind you that we never added bots to the Arena. All suspiciously weak teams you may have seen there are actual players who intentionally or unintentionally set weak Defense"


May 5, 2021, 15:3005/05/21

Here is a big fact of almost every single game that has PVP like this.

They don't care....

In Summoner's war you are supposedly placed in a starter league with other new players, YET that is not the case as you go up against people who have insane toons that can only be gotten with massive amounts of time and or money.

They don't care about PVP unless it is their ESport pvp bracketts and the only people who are ESport are the ones who usually spend god insane amounts of money.

I have never played a single game with PVP that has a balanced system because the devs (or shareholders) really do not care.