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Finally got a lego from yellow shard

Finally got a lego from yellow shard

May 2, 2021, 10:1805/02/21

Finally got a lego from yellow shard

I guess I can't complain anymore about not getting a lego.  I got a yellow shard from doing the monthly quests.  So after tossing the mandatory 100k silver at it, lo and behold, much to my surprise, I got a Skinwalker named WARCHIEF.  

According to the ratings it has some decent uses such as Arena.  I will have to tinker with the build but my artifact bank is pretty meager.  Right now I am trying Life, Divine Life, and Speed.

May 2, 2021, 15:1605/02/21

Try defence

May 2, 2021, 19:0605/02/21
May 2, 2021, 19:07(edited)

I appreciate that.  Trying to manage with what I have on hand, if I waited around for more desirable artifacts I would be here forever.  Ayumilove offers a few combinations of artifact sets, depending on desired targets. What I am doing is trying to muster the individual artifact primaries (HP,DEF,SPD,etc) that are recommended.  Sometimes there are no set bonuses like for retaliation or lifesteal, so I tend to shy away from those but not in all cases.  I have DEF on chest and shield. HP on helmet and gloves, weapon and boots are ATK and SPD.  

Main thing is to raise him up to L50 first.

May 2, 2021, 20:0705/02/21

Make sure you don't neglect accuracy, or those provokes won't be doing you much good. 

May 3, 2021, 15:5005/03/21

yes, indeed, trying to get my artifacts up to L12, have rolled accuracy just from helmet so far.  Retaliation + accuracy sets were one of the choices but my accuracy artifacts are still pretty bland.  Still working on L45/L50, takes forever from campaigns using other champs just to win the level.  Can do some dungeons but artifact return is terrible, keep getting junk.

With so many upgrades to do very difficult to save silver, no matter what I win. Still trying for my first L16 artifact on Athel.  With my luck I have to allow for 40 turns to get L16.

But really, the point of all this should be, what good are legos if you are not able to develop them properly with all that it takes?  I have only 20 champs and I am pinned to the wall most of the time.

May 3, 2021, 16:0105/03/21

The difference between level 12 and level 16 gear is not as significant as you would think. Yes, it is definitely worth upgrading *the right* items to 16, but you absolutely should not upgrade just anything, especially if you are starving for silver. Make sure that the items you choose to go to 16 with have very good substats, and also had very good rolls on the previous three rolls.

I would assume that at your stage you're probably still running 5-star items, but if you happen to have picked up some 6-star ones, those should be the ones you prioritise for getting to 16.

Warchief is an alright champ; in arena he can be quite annoying with retaliation and landing those provokes, but elsewhere he is kinda lackluster. The only place I could see myself using him would be in FK, since his A1 hits three times.

I know it sucks to hear given he's one of your first legendary champs, but I would probably not use any books on him. His skillset just isn't worth upgrading compared to other legos. He's still worth getting to 60, especially if you don't have any other ones, and definitely still worth fully ascending and masteries, but that's as far as I'd go.

May 3, 2021, 17:0405/03/21
May 3, 2021, 17:07(edited)

The difference between level 12 and level 16 gear is not as significant as you would think. Yes, it is definitely worth upgrading *the right* items to 16, but you absolutely should not upgrade just anything, especially if you are starving for silver. Make sure that the items you choose to go to 16 with have very good substats, and also had very good rolls on the previous three rolls.

I would assume that at your stage you're probably still running 5-star items, but if you happen to have picked up some 6-star ones, those should be the ones you prioritise for getting to 16.

Warchief is an alright champ; in arena he can be quite annoying with retaliation and landing those provokes, but elsewhere he is kinda lackluster. The only place I could see myself using him would be in FK, since his A1 hits three times.

I know it sucks to hear given he's one of your first legendary champs, but I would probably not use any books on him. His skillset just isn't worth upgrading compared to other legos. He's still worth getting to 60, especially if you don't have any other ones, and definitely still worth fully ascending and masteries, but that's as far as I'd go.

I respect your input, but really no choice for me except to just keep plowing forward, or do nothing. Yes I have one five star ITEM (singular) Athel.  Warchief is the One and ONLY lego so far.  But I think he is better than the Bystophus I got (rated worst of the worst) in my first account.

At least your answers are more sane than some of the ones like "all you gotta do is farm L20 dragon" etc. Gimme a break!

May 3, 2021, 17:1905/03/21

I know it's your only lego, but I still would not recommend you invest heavily in it. There are many epics that are more generally useful than Warchief.

In terms of progression it would help to know exactly where you are, but generally speaking you're better off farming brutal 12-3/12-6 for food and waiting until you get better legendaries to invest in.

May 3, 2021, 19:5605/03/21

My world is different than yours, but it is not for lack of trying.  I play hours per day, it just does not yield much good.  I just have campaign type champs and Athel, Warpriest, Shieldguard, Armiger, Sentinel, Warmaiden (L40), Templar, Spirithost and the like. I have just 2 champs that are more than 10k in power.  So I am woefully outmatched everywhere I go. I could name a whole flurry of rares and epics I wish I had but don't.  Churned through lots of junky rares that I no longer waste time on.  I know the importance of speed but it is impossible for me to achieve much.  I think my best is 178 but you will laugh at that.

I have not yet reached brutal 12-3/12-6.  As far as epics, I have a few, not the big names in show business;  Jizoh and Shaman the game provided. My epic dwarf is Runekeeper Dazdurk, also have someone called Aina.  That is it; Raid is not a big payoff for me, I wish it was better but it isn't.  Meanwhile I have to swim in an ocean of how much better others have it.

Today is day 23, at day 30 I will get High Katun. My score level is 38, player power 141k.  In the CB I am almost up to getting one million on EASY, but still shy of the 20 turns they want.  Great Hall for me is pitiful, have gotten seveal medals but it takes me forever to win 50 battles just to get a bronze medal.  I am about L7 or so on the dungeons and keeps, trying to make some masteries.

In gems I made it a priority to get to L3 on the gem mine, also have 500 gems atm.  I do what I can in the factions but can only do a few cuz I do not have the champs for all the factions.  Which I understand is not what is desirable at this point.

I have been saving all my books, so far I only have used and fully booked Athel and Warmaiden. If I get diabolist I will make the budget arena team of spirithost, warmaiden, diabolist, and athel.

Some will read this and say that by now I should have this and done that, but too bad, it is what it is and I am slowly plodding along. I find success when and where I can.

May 3, 2021, 20:1905/03/21

If you're only on day 23, you should be quite happy with your progress - that is *very* early on.

I recommend Ayumilove's website - - it is extremely informative, and I consult it several times a day.

In terms of your epics, you should be very happy - Runekeeper Dazdurk is one of the highest-rated epics in the game! See Runekeeper Dazdurk | DW-ESV | Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide | AyumiLove for a guide on his build. 

The reason that he is so good is because he is one of the very few champions that can place a Leech debuff on your targets, which is an important way of surviving bosses. He also has a very strong debuff removal coupled with a heal, and a turn meter boost coupled with an ATK up. And to top it all off, he has a very good aura as well.

I would not invest in Diabolist, as Dazdurk easily outdoes her. I also would not invest in Spirithost for the same reason.

Khatun is also an excellent champion when you get her in a week from now. She is probably the best free champion you get, and lasts you a very long time - I only replaced her when I finally got Arbiter. The budget arena team you should be looking in to would be Khatun, Dazdurk, Warmaiden, Athel.

I expect you probably have a few other diamonds that you're unaware of. If you can, you should take a screenshot of your champions, as there may be some in there that you should be focusing on.

May 3, 2021, 20:4305/03/21

Krama is right - for being only on day 23, you've really got no reason at all to complain, with already a top epic and a legendary, even if the lego's on the weaker side. Other than whales, few people can say as much on day 23. 

Is your Athel level 60 yet? If not, get her there ASAP so she can start farming brutal 12.3 and get your others to level 60 - Dazdurk and Warchief for starters. 

May 3, 2021, 20:5105/03/21

yes, I use ayumilove all the time for everything they have, I wish I had that on my first account

runekeeper is still one of the new ones they rolled out, I have been using the aura a lot.  OK, thanks for the latest substitutes with Khatun and Dazdurk, getting up the speeds in the right turn order will be a challenge

tech challenged on screenshots, but other ones not mentioned above are Hexweaver, Avir Alchemage, Gloril Brutabane, Corp Cadaver, Madman

all L40 ecept for Athel, Dazdurk, and Warchief

I have tinkered with Outlaw Monk and Battle Sister but dropped them.

The artifact problem is intense, mostly common 3 and 4 stars, some prizes from the game but many of those have flat stats. Not a whole lot of depth from campaign artifacts, and dungeons are very shaky at best as to what you get.

I have been around the block before, this is not my first rodeo.  Using ayumilove I have discarded so many really useless things that I would keep in the past, but then I was looking to make 13 5-man faction teams, which I did, but supposedly now that works against me and I tumbled out of Gold 4 and gave it up.

May 3, 2021, 21:1105/03/21
May 3, 2021, 21:19(edited)

Here it is, 


May 3, 2021, 21:2205/03/21

Don't use Legendary Tomes on Warchief.

Legendary Tomes are not farmable - Warchief isn't worth the Tome investment.

As far as everything esle is concerned, I say go for it.

Chickens, Potions, & Masteries are farmable - They can be replaced.

Warchief is a decent enough Legendary to be 6 star + fully ascended + fully mastered.

As far as gear sets are concerned, I say forget about what ayumilove is saying on the website.

Use Sets which are Farmable from the Dragon Dungeon.

You are at day 23.

Your XP Banners for Campaign have probably run out by now.

You need to do tons of Dragon Farming.

You need more Lifesteal gear, Speed gear, & Accuracy gear.

Use the other Dragon Gear drops to put on your Warchief

- Avenging

- Frost 

4 Piece Avenging + 2 Piece ACC


4 Piece Frost + 2 Piece ACC

Also, you should change your Gloves.

You want DEF% Gloves + DEF% Chest + SPD Shoes

May 3, 2021, 21:3105/03/21

Thanks for the tips, something to work on for the next 6 months.