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Brogni Fusion... what the heck happened!?!?

Brogni Fusion... what the heck happened!?!?

Apr 28, 2021, 00:3904/28/21

Brogni Fusion... what the heck happened!?!?

I have been killing myself to complete each and every Tournament and Event in this Fusion cycle to gather up all the Fragments I need to complete the Brogni Fusion.  Today I am quickly approaching what I THOUGHT was the end of that conquest.  I have earned every possible Shard for the 4 fusables needed for Brogoni  with the exception of the last 20 for Fenshi (I'm almost there in the Dungeon Divers Event), and  I have NOT earned any of the bonus shards from taking top positions in any of the tournaments.  

So I go to fuse 3 of the 4 fusions needed and quickly learn -- something is not right.  

I have 100 fragments for Skimfos, but only 90 for Giscard, 85 for Modecai, and only 70 (remember I'm still waiting on that 20 in the Dungeon Divers) for Fenshi.  What the literal hell!?!??! 

 I've put in a ticket with Plarium, but at this point I fear I've wasted HOURS and HOURS of my life for nothing.... time will tell I suppose....

Apr 28, 2021, 01:0004/28/21

Must've missed  a  couple  events,  there  was  that  Arena  Takedown  that  was  only  two  days  long...

Look  on  the  bright  side...  at  least  you  got  one  epic!

Apr 28, 2021, 07:0404/28/21

I will miss skimos by 5 , the spider was too hard for me.  Sad cuase i invested alot on this fusion even some $$. 😭😭😭


Apr 29, 2021, 04:0204/29/21

I missed NOTHING... I literally put in 10+ hours a day on my phone (sometime while at work just repeating a fight over and over) everyday during this event.  I meticulously planned to make sure I EARNED each and every fragment in each tournament and event (other then the BONUS ranking shards)

Apr 29, 2021, 05:1104/29/21

arena 1 I couldn't complete :(

Apr 29, 2021, 08:4204/29/21

i have 85 mordecai fragments and he is only epic i've miss , and  yess it turned into totally wasted ,hahahaha.  plarium push me to the edge. im so frustrated about this game

Apr 29, 2021, 09:0304/29/21

I have simillar problem - even if I did all tournament/events and got needed points on all of them I have only 85 fragments of  Fenshi instead of 105 ( as i said I did all tournaments/events and got needed number of points on all of them).

My brother have similar problem with Giscard the Sigiled ( 90 fragments instead of 105) .

And I have some other imgame friends that faced simmilar situation.

And all the problems seems to be related with situation that Plarium had on 23.04 when they did the  maintenace to reduce needed number of points from 280 to 140 on Arena Tournament .


But no1 seems to care about us - players.

On my complaint I got some answer from a bot probably . And after i asked for some concrete checkings I got 0 answer from Support.

As i said - no1 care

Apr 29, 2021, 09:5004/29/21

A ton of people have these problems. Few missing shards and a lot of wasted effort.

Partly it is on the people. There was a lot of unrealistically hard events going on at the same time, so it was very easy to miss some things. Either due to simple oversite or not being able to play the game for 12 each day.

But partly it is on Plarium as well. One for setting the requirements so high; for second designing the fusion in so stupid way that it is required to complete all events on the highest fusion milestone; and for the third causing problems with reshuffle and server restarts. 

Tho I highly doubt they will own up to it and come up with a fix for this one, like throwing in a bonus event/s to fill the missing ~20 fragments on actually realistic milestones or some other simple solution like that. 

Apr 29, 2021, 10:2004/29/21

I find it odd that some of you were doing every event and tournament and collecting shards, but have still fell short.  Were you keep tracking each day?  Did you notice a day that you fell short of the required amounts?  The amounts and events were listed ahead of time, so it was easy to calculate over the duration of this event whether you were on track, and you should not have just noticed now right as it's about to end.

As an example, checking out shows what each day looked like (though it is easy enough to build your own from the original news article), and you should have been able to see that by the 21st of April that you would have had 65 Fenshi shards, 75 Giscard shards, 20 Skimfos and 70 Mordecai.  

If you were on track each day, then you shouldn't be short now.  If it's a bug with Raid where shards vanished, then you would have noticed because your shard count would have dropped.

Apr 29, 2021, 10:2104/29/21

I will miss skimos by 5 , the spider was too hard for me.  Sad cuase i invested alot on this fusion even some $$. 😭😭😭


Well, look at it from the bright side.

You now have Mordecai, who, ironically enough, is amazing at spiders...

Apr 29, 2021, 11:4204/29/21

RoseRoyal  I looked at each event/tournament and meticulous knew how many "points" I needed to earn each fragment.  I worked each and every day to earn enough points to ensure that I would get to my goal of earning all the fragments before the end of each event/tourament.  

Now I did NOT daily track exactly how many fragments I had.... I just assumed that If I continued to earn ALL th possible fragments (without ranking in the top 10) that I would have enough.  Only a few days ago did I bother to check and FUSE my 4 epics did I realize that something was wrong and that I was missing between 10 and 20 fragments of 3 out of the 4 epic fusions.

Plarium has replied to my issue with the following:

"We understand that players spend a lot of resources, energy, and time to receive the admired Champion. 
Each person could get a set number of Fragments for each Champion and some extra Fragments if they could top the Leaderboards in Tournaments. 

In case you were not able to reach the needed amount of points or missed any Tournament/Event during this Fusion, we are not able to add the Fragments to your account. 

Please note! Champion Fragments are always added to the account balance if they were collected, or go to your Inbox if the Tournament/Event has ended and you forgot to collect them. " 

Apr 29, 2021, 12:5604/29/21

Did you collect all of them, I mean, some events had two or even three fragment sets to reach?

Guess I was lucky to get it all, then. 😉

On the other hand, the next day after I got Brogni and slept the sleep of the dead, I started the game and had nothing to push me to grind and I said: "So wtf am I going to do now?" 😂

Apr 29, 2021, 20:2904/29/21

ok, I *THINK* I now know what happened.... and I am at the very least partially to blame.  

As I earned the Fragments I didn't realize they were going directly into my Mail Box and they have a lifespan of 24 hours  (you gotta be crapping on me) then they are gone.  I was frenzied enough that I believe if I claimed them from the tournaments/Events that I would then have them.  My maiil box was getting so much crap in it, I was sorting by the various headers (artifacts, shop, other, etc) and I just learned (with my final 20 Mordecai from the last Dungeon Divers event) that they do not sort into ANYTHING!  What the literal F**K!?!?!  So I'm SURE at this point, I claimed some of them and *thought* they were mine, but instead they went into the mail box and I never noticed them buried beneath a buttload of Artifacts and other items won (but not claimed) during the tournaments and events.


1) Why the heck do these things go into my mail box when I CLAIMED them during the Event/Tourney?

2) If they DO manage to get in my mailbox, why in God's name do they evaporate in 24 hours!!?!?!  The event is like 12 days long is it not??

3) If the Fragments do go into my mailbox, why don't these things show up when I sort "other"  -- if any items was an OTHER, surely it would be these.

Now I would like to take a moment to honor the FOOOOOLS at Plarium that designed it this way.  I'm SURE I'm not the only one that is suffering because of this....  THIS IS A FREAKING DESIGN FLAW.

Apr 29, 2021, 21:1404/29/21

1) Other rewards only go to mailbox when they are UNCLAIMED, safe to assume that is the case here as well.  As nobody else has reported this issue.

2) Since you are just seeing it in mailbox now, it is possible it was there longer (most event stuff goes for 6 days I think?) and you are just seeing what is left.  Some things do go to mailbox for only 24hrs, so not sure on this.

3) Someone please tell me that Filter & Sort button has not always been there.  I've been playing 18 months I think and never used it or even saw it....

Something seems off here though, I just checked and my unclaimed DD reward (Xp boost) is still available to be claimed -- it won't be sent to mailbox for another 12 hours?  

Apr 29, 2021, 21:2804/29/21

If it's a geniune case of fragment swallowed by the inbox I say it's worth a shot to reopen a ticket and explain as 'nicely' as you can the situation, the support have helped players in the past in similar situations. No guarantees and I understand how frustrated you are ( I once had to spend 2700 gems to get back a rare I misfed for a not so good fusion )  Please try to be calm and try again with teh support.