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Arena Team Synergy Advice

Arena Team Synergy Advice

Apr 27, 2021, 15:3804/27/21

Arena Team Synergy Advice


I'm seeking advice on the best arena team build for the champs I have. 

Currently I'm running with High Khatun leading, Bad-El, Astralon and Tyrant lxlimor. I'm barely able to hit silver.

I recently pulled Seeker, Mausaleum Mage and Nogdar the Headhunter, just not sure how to best add any of them in.

Other possible candidates below. Any help/advice would be appreciated.




Apr 27, 2021, 15:5304/27/21

Your main problem is that, without really good gear, Khatun won't work. You need speeds of at least 280 to be able to consistently beat other speed teams.

I don't have a great answer for you beyond that. You could try making a DEF/RES team work - you have many of the pieces you'd need. I'm thinking something like Achak, Tyrant, Seeker, and Bad-El. Achak and Tyrant synergize well together, Seeker let's you get the DEF up on your team, and Bad-El for the healing.

Apr 27, 2021, 18:4604/27/21

Gotcha, thank you for your input. Forgot I have Tayrel and Rector Drath as well for a DEF/RES team build. I'll hold off on a SPD/ATK team until I grind the right gear for it. Off to the Dragon Lair lol. 

Apr 27, 2021, 18:5504/27/21

Problem is building a DEF/RES team is actually more gear intensive then the speed team approach.  If Tayrel and Astralon are booked I would run HK Seeker Tayrel Astralon.  With two TM boosters Tayrel and Astralon can be much slower. Use a speed calculator.  Seeker is fine at 50, Tayrel needs high Acc.  Astralon ACC and damage.  

Apr 27, 2021, 19:1604/27/21

Kramaswamy is over exaggerating the situation.

You don't need High Khatun with 280 Speed to get into Silver Arena.

A 280 Speed hero is like a Gold 3 or Low Gold 4 hero.

High Khatun with a minimum of 200 Speed is more than enough to get into Silver 1 Arena.

High Khatun with a minimum of 250 Speed is more than enough to get into Gold 1 Arena.

If you really want to use High Khatun, The Arena set up you should build is a Speed Nuking Set up.

Leader: High Khatun - 19% Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun ----> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Speed

2nd move: Seeker ---------> Turn Meter Fill + Increase Attack

3rd move: ??? --------------> AOE Def Down Hero 

4th move: Astralon --------> AOE Nuker

The only hero you are lacking from your roster is an AOE Def Down hero.

The good news is you can get a F2P AOE Def Down Hero in Chapter 9 Campaign (Warmaiden)

You can use Warmaiden if you don't have anyone esle.

Alternatively, you could make a Defense team.

I'm not sure whether or not you want to make one.

I guess it just depends on what you want really.

Apr 27, 2021, 21:0304/27/21

Thanks all!  I can use Tayrel as the aoe def down to set up for either astralon or nogdars nuke and see where that takes me. Was able to get khatun up to 185 speed and seems good so far. 

Apr 27, 2021, 21:2804/27/21

I wouldn't use Nogdar, tbh. There's a reason Ayumi's site has him ranked as the worst of all legendary champs. His kit is incredibly specific, and requires you to craft a team around it to really make it work. His A3 is super specific, and even at that, is not really that great - there are many champs whose single-target abilities outright kill most enemies, and Nogdar's A3 literally cannot kill anything. His A2 has a 3.2x ATK multiplier with no other useful effects, which is, quite frankly, pathetic for a legendary champ - Kael, for example, has a 4.65x ATK on his A2.

The only thing he really has is his passive, which is alright I suppose, but does not justify investing resources into. His A1 is alright as well, but there are many others with much more useful turn reset on kill A1s. Unfortunately you've already sunk a lot of stuff into him, but I wouldn't spend any more.

Apr 28, 2021, 00:1404/28/21

For silver S2 and above you need HK at 260 minimum

Apr 28, 2021, 00:3004/28/21

No  you  don't.

Apr 28, 2021, 00:4004/28/21

Well in my arena 260 is a must, to at least win speed race

Apr 28, 2021, 00:5904/28/21

My  Appthecary  was  at  266  for  Gold  4  and  no  speed  aura  on  team.  Now  I  have  been  knocked  down  to  Gold  2  with  Arbiter  around  270.  You  shouldnt  need  that  much  for  Silver.