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Brogni Fuse

Brogni Fuse

Apr 26, 2021, 19:1204/26/21

Brogni Fuse

All these people ive seen complaining about the fusion, streamers included. I see people in chat saying "man i never want to do a fusion again after this"

It was too hard, the points and resource needed was too much....bla bla bla :)

But you know what? loads of you still did it all didn't you, and you will all do it again next time because you literally can't help yourselves.  Plarium knows it and they know you will bitch and whine and do exactly the same thing next time...i mean guys you only have yourselves to blame imo.

Next time there is another fusion like this remember why its probably there, its because you facilitated it :P

Apr 26, 2021, 19:2004/26/21

More to the point - this is certainly at the extreme end, yes, but having the ability to get a guaranteed legendary is something people will fight very hard to achieve.

I would argue that prior events were *too* easy in comparison, or simply produced champions that were sub-par.

The difficulty of this event, on the other hand, is pretty close to in-line with the reward. Brogni is a very solid lego champ, and the events are suitably difficult.

The only thing I dislike about this event, is that there is no room for error. If you missed even one of the events/tournaments, you don't get the champ.

Apr 26, 2021, 20:2204/26/21

I wish I could at least get a decent epic out of it, but looks like I'll be a few shards short on all of them.

Apr 26, 2021, 20:3204/26/21

I wish I could at least get a decent epic out of it, but looks like I'll be a few shards short on all of them.

Thats the worst aspect, when you have poured loads into it and just fell short.  Unlike previous fuses i'm not sure they will even sell epic fragments in store but hey its Plarium so.... :)

Im honestly suprised they don't give away more champs and shards easier because lets be fair it will probably lead to people spending more on chickens/tomes to use them. 

Apr 26, 2021, 21:1804/26/21

Seems like I'm gonna make it, but I would sooooo like to keep Skimfos...

Apr 26, 2021, 22:5604/26/21

More to the point - this is certainly at the extreme end, yes, but having the ability to get a guaranteed legendary is something people will fight very hard to achieve.

I would argue that prior events were *too* easy in comparison, or simply produced champions that were sub-par.

The difficulty of this event, on the other hand, is pretty close to in-line with the reward. Brogni is a very solid lego champ, and the events are suitably difficult.

The only thing I dislike about this event, is that there is no room for error. If you missed even one of the events/tournaments, you don't get the champ.

Spot on.

I just hope the May fusion is a bad champ, I am 100% skipping the next one.  6 week break from game, CB and daily missions only.  

Apr 26, 2021, 23:0704/26/21

the fusion was easy...i dont know why all the crying...there was XXXX fused Brogni announcements all over the chat today

and what were the resources needed? needed a few arcane pots and a bit of the others....all this crying and whining is getting really annoying

Apr 26, 2021, 23:1504/26/21

the fusion was easy...i dont know why all the crying...there was XXXX fused Brogni announcements all over the chat today

and what were the resources needed? needed a few arcane pots and a bit of the others....all this crying and whining is getting really annoying

It was easy, I agree.  Only painful part for me was the 1st training, grinding down 5k energy to zero and busting green shards.  Feels good to be done that is for sure.

Apr 26, 2021, 23:3704/26/21

the fusion was easy...i dont know why all the crying...there was XXXX fused Brogni announcements all over the chat today

and what were the resources needed? needed a few arcane pots and a bit of the others....all this crying and whining is getting really annoying

Good  for  you  God  of  raid  shadow  legends      

Im  glad  everything  in  this  game  is  easy  for  you,  but  no  need  to  come  on  here  calling  out  people  who  struggle  in  this  game  or  with  this  fusion      It  was  not  easy  for  ftp  and  if  you  say  you  are  ftp  i  call  bullshit  unless  you  dont  use  your  resources  gems  shards  for  quite  sometime   for  specific  events  you  wanna  go  for,  so  get  over  yourself.    This  required  alot   of  time  and  resources  for  fragments  not  full  champs.    

Apr 27, 2021, 00:3504/27/21

Good  for  you  God  of  raid  shadow  legends      

Im  glad  everything  in  this  game  is  easy  for  you,  but  no  need  to  come  on  here  calling  out  people  who  struggle  in  this  game  or  with  this  fusion      It  was  not  easy  for  ftp  and  if  you  say  you  are  ftp  i  call  bullshit  unless  you  dont  use  your  resources  gems  shards  for  quite  sometime   for  specific  events  you  wanna  go  for,  so  get  over  yourself.    This  required  alot   of  time  and  resources  for  fragments  not  full  champs.    

LOL, yes that is the point.  If you are f2p and/or new you have to prepare.  That means saving shards/gems/energy/silver between them.  The post fusion events start tomorrow, if want to attempt the next fusion and struggled on this one you should probably start preparing now.

Apr 27, 2021, 04:2304/27/21
Apr 27, 2021, 04:24(edited)

The resources weren't the problem in my opinion, I had saved enough resources to breeze through (daily pots, 3day boosts from advanced quests, gems and more gems, shards, and then even more shards, silver, chickens, lots of artifacts leveled to 11/15, prepared my dungeon teams - even got my spider auto 20 team at 100% win rate).  The prep work for all of that I didn't mind because it was a little bit everyday for weeks leading up to the event and usually done while doing my dailies.  It was a lot of resources, but it was also for a powerful champion.

Now, the time it took to spend all of those resources in a week period, I have no desire to do that again anytime soon.  Dailies and CB for me too for awhile, which also means i'll get to stockpile gems, daily pots, shards, silver, etc again.

Apr 27, 2021, 13:4104/27/21

The resources weren't the problem in my opinion, I had saved enough resources to breeze through (daily pots, 3day boosts from advanced quests, gems and more gems, shards, and then even more shards, silver, chickens, lots of artifacts leveled to 11/15, prepared my dungeon teams - even got my spider auto 20 team at 100% win rate).  The prep work for all of that I didn't mind because it was a little bit everyday for weeks leading up to the event and usually done while doing my dailies.  It was a lot of resources, but it was also for a powerful champion.

Now, the time it took to spend all of those resources in a week period, I have no desire to do that again anytime soon.  Dailies and CB for me too for awhile, which also means i'll get to stockpile gems, daily pots, shards, silver, etc again.

And that's exactly my problem as well. The event was too intense because of the need to get fragments from every single one. If there were an extra event of each fragment, it would really help alleviate that concern.

Apr 27, 2021, 16:3504/27/21

Sounds to me like you need some Pepper to go with that Salt Mr. Skellionz

Where you unable to get the Underpriest Bro?

Apr 27, 2021, 16:5604/27/21

These forums are overwatch toxic. It seems there are people here that chill on the forums just to make fun of people having issues and slamming anyone that has any criticism. You're disgusting.  No wonder Plarium doesn't want to change anything. They have an army of "yes-men". The Brogni event was a joke. 

Apr 27, 2021, 17:3604/27/21

Used to have a month to do it, now only 15 days

Saving my energy and resources for the next fusion.

Apr 27, 2021, 20:1604/27/21

Nope. You are wrong sir. I didn't do it. because screw Plarium. They aren't getting a single cent from me until they fix their game. 

Not that they would care, they have their whales. 

Apr 29, 2021, 02:5204/29/21
Player J

Sounds to me like you need some Pepper to go with that Salt Mr. Skellionz

Where you unable to get the Underpriest Bro?

oh i thought you were above this kind of thing? just as bad aint you little man. And no i never even attempted to try and get it, amazingly my life does not revolve around raid and what legendarys i have ;)

Apr 29, 2021, 20:5504/29/21

oh i thought you were above this kind of thing? just as bad aint you little man. And no i never even attempted to try and get it, amazingly my life does not revolve around raid and what legendarys i have ;)

I am honest.

Their is nothing about my post which is bad.

I read your original post.

It sounded like the ravens of a Jealous & Envious person.

Ergo I said you were beening Salty.

It isn't wrong to call a Spade a Spade

As far as my question is concerned, I was gathering clarfifaction.

Some people pretend to be Jealous & Envious as a Online Fake persona.

Now that you have answered my question.

It seems like you are not faking.

You seem legit jealous & envious I.E Salty.

Their is no reason for you to feel this way.

You can beat everything in the game with out Underpriest Brogni.

If you are going to continue to be jealous & envious of others in Raid, you will not last long in Raid.

I have played Raid for a long time & I have been in the Forums for a long time.

I have seen many people come and go.

Jealousy & Enviousness are 2 very powerful feelings which cause many players to quit.

You should let these feelings go and go down a different path.

Or you will find yourself like the millions of others who left Raid.

I never like seeing Raid Players leave the game especailly ones who talk on the forum.

What I tell you here today isn't for my benefit - It is for your own.

Instead of telling us all the negative things about the event.

Why not tell us about all the positive things?

Did you manage to level up some hero's?

Did you snatch some of the Rewards in the events?

Apr 30, 2021, 00:0704/30/21

The game Raid is a Global Game.

Parts of the world are not Free.

Parts of the world have Dictatorships.

You surrender your Freedom of Speech when you accept the games Terms of Service Agreement.

It is against the rules to harass, threaten, or say vulgar things to people.

I am not the one who wants to hear positive things.

It is the game who wants to hear positive things.

You and I are visitors to the Game's Website.

This Website is the Games House and they tell you how to act or they will remove you by banning you.

This is a fact.

As far as your above point is considered, I am going to report you for calling me moronic.

Apr 30, 2021, 22:4804/30/21

Seems like there is some history between a couple of the posters on this thread that may cloud the truth of the original sentiment.  

The Brogni Fusion was tough.  It was the toughest fusion that I have done in 18 months of playing Raid. It was not undoable. I did it, but it definitely took more time & effort than any fusion before it:

Fragment Legos are easier to complete than old-school fusions, but you have no ability to pick up copies Epic toons along the way.  Old-school fusions take more time & effort, but I have gained some valuable Epic toons from putting in some extra grinding during old-school fusions.  

This setup took the worst of each: More time & effort to complete with no possibility to skip any events even if you won extra frags from tournaments (Note that I won frags from 3 tournaments but they did not help at all)....and no ability to snag a copy of any of the Epics through extar effort. 

If a future fusion is setup exactly like this one, I will simply opt out unless the skill kit is obviously "S Tier".  Unlike some players, I have no problem skipping a Fusion if I do not see enough strength in their skill kit to warrant the time/effort.  I already have too many great toons to build and master to waste time/effort on another Fusion Lego that will sit in the Vault.