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I just figured out why most buffs are junk.

I just figured out why most buffs are junk.

Apr 25, 2021, 16:4004/25/21

I just figured out why most buffs are junk.

SOMETHING HUGE EVERY BUFF EXCEPT ALLY PROTECTION, C. RATE IS JUNK, UNKILLABLE, AND BLOCK DAMAGE! Here's why: mathmatically, debuffs are stronger than buffs. I.E. if you get 30% defence up and 30% defence down, your defence will be less than normal. So, you should focus on debuffs, because they are way more efficient.

Apr 26, 2021, 04:5604/26/21
Apr 26, 2021, 04:56(edited)

What your saying doesn't make any sense.

I think you are a confused beginner.

It's ok

We were all confused beginners once.

You will get better.

Both Buffs & Debuffs are very powerful in this game.

This is why strong players often use both.

Apr 26, 2021, 14:1604/26/21
Player J

What your saying doesn't make any sense.

I think you are a confused beginner.

It's ok

We were all confused beginners once.

You will get better.

Both Buffs & Debuffs are very powerful in this game.

This is why strong players often use both.


And remember your buffs don't require ACC, a struggle for many beginners to get high enough for debuffs.  One of the reasons rares like Apo, Spirithost are so useful in early game

Apr 26, 2021, 14:4004/26/21

No seriously, mathmatically it makes sense

Apr 26, 2021, 14:4104/26/21

30% up then 30% down try it on a calculator

Apr 26, 2021, 14:5904/26/21

The math makes perfect sense, but your dec DEF requires ACC, your inc ATK/DEF does not.  The first GH upgrade I worked on was Magic Resistance, I never realized how much it helped me progress despite all the other stupid noob stuff I did.  Both buffs and debuffs are important.

Apr 26, 2021, 15:0504/26/21

30% up then 30% down try it on a calculator

Does the game calculate like that? Or are buffs and debuffs calculated from the unbuffed stat each (wich I believe how it works)?

And even if you are right and the game calculates the way you think, it's a very strange idea that buffs are useless. Trips allready mentioned why buffs are good. You don't need accuracy to land them.

Another decisive argument: They do different things and can be combined. If I want to enhance my damage, I debuff the enemy with def down. Everybody does that and knows that he has to do that allready. If I want to enhance my damage further, I use an atk buff. Atk debuff doesn't help, it reduces the damage I get, it has no effect to the damage I deal. Def debuff + atk buff do more damage than def debuff + no atk buff. 

Mathematically proofed that your "buffs are junk"-theorie is wrong, q.e.d.

Apr 26, 2021, 15:1304/26/21

Also, as a side note, your assumption is that buffs/debuffs apply multiplicatively - IE if you have a 30% DEF down and 30% DEF down, you assume the equation is X * 1.3 * 0.7 = 0.91X.

I'm not sure if that is truly the case. It may be that they are additive, in which case the two would just cancel out.