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Apr 24, 2021, 23:5704/24/21


1 Of my 3 accounts dropped from G4 to G1 in a few weeks ad is getting beat up a LOT in G1 now, so expecting ti drop even further. The other 2 are holding their own, but I do need to spend time to pick the right battles or they will drop in a blink. The difference with these other 2 accounts is I did not get Arbiter and so just cannot compete with the pages upon pages of arbiter teams. I got HK for speed aura and boosting and that is it. Sure, I would not really mind - except I WANT TO FINISH MY DAMNED FUSION AND MISSIONSWITHOUT HAVING TO SPEND LITERALLY DAYS BURNING GEMS FOR A RARE WIN TO SCRAPE TOGETHER THE POINTS NEEDED!!!!!  I already invsted waaay more resources to get here  in this amazingly hard fusion. And now I am burning through more to get the arena tournament points I need for the fusion?! If I cannot complete this fusion on any of my accounts because of this, I am quitting this sh*t and play something else. Fed up with this arena balance crap, which has been a huge frustration for months (!) last year for soooo many players and is again now. Arena - classic and 3v3 - is NO FUN AT ALL if you just do not stand a chance against any team. And tomake matters worse, Plarium says it is the way they want it to be -  e.a. they want it to be NO FUN AT ALL, have you stuck on the same mission and looking at pages upon pages of arbiter teams you know you cannot beat  because you do not have an arbiter. 

Apr 25, 2021, 01:5704/25/21

You're doing the fusion on 3 accounts? Wtf man.
I'm getting it but just doing it on one account had been a huge pain in the ass.

Apr 25, 2021, 05:3304/25/21
Apr 25, 2021, 05:34(edited)

Yea, I think you are kind of digging your own hole here trying to maintain 3 accounts, all of which are/were in gold 4?  You are probably already doing better than most other people who are still stuck in bronze.

I'm not gonna lie, I was comfortably sitting in G4 for months before the recent arena changes, which pushed me down to S4, where I struggled a lot.  I then cleaned up my account and got rid of all rares/epics that I had no intention if using, which dropped by player power down by about 300K.  

Since then, I have been having a much better time at finding battles that I can win.  It's still a challenge, but it's not impossible.  I also don't have Arbiter either, and using Fu-Shan for the speed aura.  Neither of these 2 arena tournaments were a problem, all from Silver 4.  I finished both in 1 day

I guess what I'm saying is it might be worth checking your player power, and also not be afraid of falling back down a few arena levels if it means easier matches.  Trying to hold your ground in Gold just for the sake of it doesn't sound rewarding if you are bashing your head against the wall and threatening to quit?

Apr 25, 2021, 11:4404/25/21

Yeah, 3 accounbts is too much nowadays with the advancedquests. After this fusion I was planning to put 1-2 on the backburner, just do their dailies excl. the advanced ones and build some sub-optimal champs to see what they actually do at level 60. E.a. experiment, have fun. But I do want to complete this fusion as I already put a LOT of effort into it, but may end up dropping all my accounts all together. Like you said, I do not like getting annoyed over a game like this at all. But I am frequently getting annoyed with the way plarium runs this game, especially as they do not seem to care what their community is giving back as feedback.