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Change rank from 4 to 5

Change rank from 4 to 5

Apr 24, 2021, 10:3904/24/21

Change rank from 4 to 5

I have 9 champions with rank 4 and
want to change one of them to rank 5. But I only get 2 champions to feed
the champion want to change.

Why can't I see only 2 champions an d the other 8 which also have rank 4? 

Apr 24, 2021, 11:1804/24/21

Either a) the others are in your champion vault and you will need to move them out, or b) they are locked and greyed out, at which point you should be able to click them and select to unlock.

Do you want to show us a screenshot of your champions?

Apr 25, 2021, 08:5504/25/21

Hi Rose,

here are the screenshots of my champions:



I want to increase the rank of Athel:


But I can only see 2 of all champions.

thanks for help

Apr 25, 2021, 09:1804/25/21

Ah, I see.  Yes, the other ones are just locked, which should be indicated by the lock button at the bottom of the screen when you select a champion (see below).  That said, if you just click on them you will be prompted with an option to confirm that you want to use them, and you can select "Continue" to do so.  


Apr 25, 2021, 09:4104/25/21

Thank you very much, this was a big help!

Apr 25, 2021, 10:2704/25/21

You can even use them without unlocking before, just click on the portrait in the upgrade screen in tavern. You have to clarify that you want to use them with another click that way and can start the upgrade process.

But I think unlocking them before is the safer option. I would rage-quit the game if I would delete a Skullcrown by accident.

Apr 25, 2021, 18:1704/25/21

I guess the reason why these champs where locked was that the inventory of the artefacts were full.

Is this correct?

Apr 25, 2021, 20:1704/25/21

I guess the reason why these champs where locked was that the inventory of the artefacts were full.

Is this correct?

No. Epic or higher champions are automatically locked when you get them, rares and uncommons would only be locked because you had locked them yourself. 

By the way, you should focus on Skullcrown, she's by far your best champion. But stop leveling uncommons to level 40 - you need them at 4* to serve as food, but they can be just 4* level 1. Unless you're planning to turn all of them into 5* food, I suppose, in which case carry on. :) 

Apr 27, 2021, 08:2904/27/21

thank you for your help!

Now I have an other question: there are different colours used in a battle but I don't understand all of them. See the numbers in the screenshot:


1 ... I understand this as a sort of LP

2 ... I guess this belongs to 1, but I don' know the relation between 1 and 2

3 ... this champ is a usual (gewoehnlicher) champ (I have to translate it from german), but the colour in the battle is not grey but red

4 ... this is a unsusual champ (ungewöhnlich), the normal collour is green anf here it is also green

5 ... this is an epic champ with pink, here also pink

5 ... this is a rare, seldom (selten) champ, his colour is blue, but here it ist red.

Instead of green and red I've also seen blue. What do these colours mean?

I hope you can understand what I mean because, as written above, my mother tongue is german nor english.

I'm very glad or your answers!

Apr 27, 2021, 08:5404/27/21
Apr 27, 2021, 08:58(edited)

thank you for your help!

Now I have an other question: there are different colours used in a battle but I don't understand all of them. See the numbers in the screenshot:


1 ... I understand this as a sort of LP

2 ... I guess this belongs to 1, but I don' know the relation between 1 and 2

3 ... this champ is a usual (gewoehnlicher) champ (I have to translate it from german), but the colour in the battle is not grey but red

4 ... this is a unsusual champ (ungewöhnlich), the normal collour is green anf here it is also green

5 ... this is an epic champ with pink, here also pink

5 ... this is a rare, seldom (selten) champ, his colour is blue, but here it ist red.

Instead of green and red I've also seen blue. What do these colours mean?

I hope you can understand what I mean because, as written above, my mother tongue is german nor english.

I'm very glad or your answers!

1. Yes.

2. Das ist das Rundenmeter und zeigt an, wie weit der Held von seiner Runde entfernt ist. Wenn es voll ist, ist er dran. Wie schnell es sich füllt, wird von der Geschwindigkeit bestimmt.

It's the turnmeter and shows, when the hero get's his turn. When it's full, it's his turn. How fast it fills is determined by speed.

3. - 5. Die Helden haben sogenannte "Affinitäten", rot, blau, grün und lila. Rot und blau und grün stehen zueinander in einem Schere Stein Papier Prinzip, rot schlägt blau schlägt grün schlägt rot. Lila ist gegenüber allen neutral.

Starke affinitäten haben eine Chance von 35% einen starken Treffer zu landen, der extra Schaden anrichtet, schwache Affinitäten eine Chance von 35% auf einen schwachen Treffer, der weniger Schaden anrichtet und keine Debuffs platzieren kann.

The champs have so called "affinities", red, blue, green and puple. Red, blue and green behave to each other like rock paper scissors, red beats blue beats green beats red. Pruple is neutral to all.

Strong affinities have a chance of 35% to get a strong hit for extra damage, weak affinities have a chance of 35% to get a weak hit, that deals less damage and can't land any debuff. 

Apr 27, 2021, 14:3704/27/21

Hi Skadi,

vielen Dank für die Erklärung

thank you very much for your explaination