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My feedback on the Brogni fusion

My feedback on the Brogni fusion

Apr 23, 2021, 19:5104/23/21

My feedback on the Brogni fusion

It's pretty clear that with each of these events, Plarium is tweaking their algorithm ever so slightly - trying to find the right balance between having it be too easy to get monstrously good champs vs having the reward not be very interesting while having it be more easily accomplishable.

This event seems to be their latest at trying to find the right mix. Brogni is indeed a very powerful champ from the looks of it, and the event is certainly much more challenging than their usuals.

I think they are pretty close. I feel like this almost strikes the right balance, however it's a bit *too* restrictive this time around, as every single one of the events needs to be completed in order to get the fragments.

Personally - I think they should continue to follow this model, but perhaps with a single extra event for each fusion - so if you do miss one, you aren't completely stuck. In this specific case, for example, the Summon Rush event is going to tax me to my limits - I'll still get it, but I wouldn't be able to if I weren't pretty far end-game already.

Apr 23, 2021, 19:5704/23/21

Yeah, that's fair - plus, two more days at the end after the last event ends, so people don't have to rush so hard to level up and ascend the four epics before the deadline. 

Apr 23, 2021, 21:2404/23/21

This was my first fusion, I'm well on my way to completing it, but I have zero desire to do another one.  My personal time is a resource too, and this event took up way too much of it and I'm really looking forward to taking a break from the game when it's over.

Regarding why they chose to do things the way they did, they have a lot of stats/numbers we don't.  They'll be able to see how many people completed it, and compare it to how many they think should have completed it or wanted to complete it and adjust accordingly from there.

Apr 24, 2021, 07:2704/24/21

Yes, a few days more to finish the fusion would be great

Apr 24, 2021, 09:3604/24/21

Been working hard on getting all the fragments and spending tons of energy, gems, silver and time but it will progress your account while doing it as well. The only thing they should change is the summoning. You are now forced to use your sacred shards outside of a 2x event. 

Apr 24, 2021, 14:3104/24/21

I enjoy this fusion more than when it was rank and level a bunch of lower level hero's. That fusion I never completed I just found the epic I liked and tried to get them it was way to much work.

But you are right more flexibility in what you complete would be great for this type of fusion!

It has taken a lot of time and probably will take a break fromt he next fusion and slow down my playing cause of this grind :)