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Question regarding skills and set bonuses

Question regarding skills and set bonuses

Apr 23, 2021, 19:1604/23/21

Question regarding skills and set bonuses

Just idly wondering: if, for example, I have Robar in a stun set, and he places a stun on his A1 resulting from the set and not his skill, does this still trigger an extra turn? If so, can this be extrapolated to other sets and skills to trigger similar skill results?

Apr 23, 2021, 20:3404/23/21

No - The game did a change to prevent Robar from gaining extra turns from Stun Set.

Bascially, The idea to put Robar in a Stun set is a brillant idea.

It is so brillant players in the past did exactly that idea.

The result was Robars started doing 10+ attacks in a row to enemy teams in Arena.

Robars would single handly kill entire arena teams.

It was pretty hilarious, outragious, and crazy.

The Result of the above caused players to complain.

Players got really angry because they said their was nothing they could do to stop an Enemy Robar from popping off and doing 15+ attacks in a row in arena.

The game decided it was in their best interest to try and rebalance Robar.

This lead the game to make a change to prevent Robar from going nuts with Stun set procs.

This is why Robar no longer gain's extra turns from a Stun Set.

Ever since the change most of the Die Hard Robar players no longer put Robar in a Stun Set.

Most of the Die Hard Robar Fans decided to put Robar in Relentless.

Relentless Robar doesn't pop off as hard as the Pre-Nerf Stun Robar

However, Relentless Robar is still pretty nasty to deal with.

It can go Ham & Cheese on people every once in a while.

It still gives Die Hard Robar Fans the thrill of Pre-Nerf Stun Robar.

Apr 23, 2021, 20:4704/23/21
Apr 23, 2021, 20:48(edited)

I seem to remeber a HellHades video that alluded to that. 15+. Hilarious. "Buy 2 Robars, get arena points free!"

What about other skills/sets combos? I don't have a good example off the top of my head, but... okay, if Gravechill Killer was in a toxic set, would that trigger her A1 upgrade? Yes, it seems like the Robar example from above, but I'm sure there are dozens of similar pairings.

(Disclaimer: I'm not looking at gaming anything, just curious. I haven't got the sets built to use effectively anyways! lol)

Apr 23, 2021, 23:1004/23/21

It's all good.

You don't have to own the sets or the heroes to have a discussion on the Forum's.

It is what the forum's is all about.


A Good Skill/Set Combo I enjoy is the Provoke - Freeze Combo.

You have a hero who does a Provoke Move.

You equip the hero in a Frost Set. 

(The Froze set has a chance to freeze the enemy hero when they attack the wearer of the Frost Set) 

In my case, I own a hero named Maulie who has an AOE Provoke Skill.

I put my Maulie in a Frost set.

My Maulie will Provoke the enemy forcing them to attack her.

When the Enemy does Attack her, The Freeze Set can trigger causing the enemy to get Frozen.

By doing this combo, You can cause the enemy hero to be taken out of the fight 2 times in a sense.

I really enjoy the combo.

Another Good Skill/Set Combo I enjoy is the Block Revive - Destroy Combo.

You have a hero who does a Crazy Hard Hitting Block Revive Move.

You equip the hero in a Destroy Set. 

(The Destroy Set reduces the Enemies Total Health by 40% of the Damage you do)

In my case, I own a hero named Fenax who has a Block Revive Skill.

I put my Fenax in a Destroy set.

My Fenax will do his hard hitting move.

The Goal would be for him to 1 shot the enemy making it so the enemy can't Revive the hero.

However, sometimes, you might not be able to 1 shot the enemy.

This is where the Destroy set comes into play.

If the enemy doesn't out right die, They will get their total health reduced which sets them up for a 1 shot on the next cycle of moves.

This is a very good combo to use against Stall teams in Arena.

Apr 24, 2021, 09:2704/24/21

Thanks for the examples, J. That gives me some food for thought. I'm sure I can come up with some of my own. If so, I'll let you all know.
