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Not worth the effort

Not worth the effort

Apr 21, 2021, 09:3604/21/21

Not worth the effort

So i spent the day giving my best in the CvsC event. We started out good but will lose, as expected, since we have so few active members. So im sitting here reading the stats on screen where we are at a lowly 23k and the other guy are at about 40k when instantly they jump to 74k. I checked the members list and the aditional points all come from one guy that was not on the list all day. He just appeared with it. How is that even possible without some sort of hack. rediculous. CvC is not worth the effort if they are going to allow that nonsense.

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 21, 2021, 10:2304/21/21

Hi! The simplest explanation is that some guy just has changed his name (I've seen that a couple of times - people sometimes try to confuse their opponent in this way).

Btw, even if you lose the CvC Tournament completely, you are still likely to get at least some rewards. It seems that the margin between your clans is not that large, so don't give up so easily! Some piece of encouragement is all that your Clan may need at the moment

Apr 21, 2021, 10:4704/21/21

This wasnt just some name change. Id been monitering who was doing what all day. Their clan leader was there highest earner up to that point with about 10k. then BAM this guy with over 30k apears atop there list. The highest points i think you can get in one shot is 10k for upgrading great hall. Meanwhile all those extra points appear to be from upgrading heroes.

I just hate cheats. Seen too many games destroyed by them.

Apr 21, 2021, 11:2304/21/21


Apr 21, 2021, 11:4604/21/21


use your books and you will get lots of points

Apr 21, 2021, 12:0704/21/21

Some People in Some Clans have been saving up everything because they knew CvC was coming

I seen lvl 80s in chat Forming up into a Whale Clan of All Cashers over 2 weeks ago

just prepping for the CvC 

I myself logged in one day about 5 weeks ago and found out I was suddenly the leader of a dead Clan that only had 4 actives , we now have about 23 , Mostly low lvl casuals , Fine by me if they log in every other day or 3 to play for an hour.

If your gonna loose you shiite over a game , maybe a game isnt for you , it is supposed to be fun , if your all stressed out because Some Whale in some other clan spent $100 to get a ton of free tuff in a Tourny , you have not been really watching the points of the top 3 or 4 in a lot of Tournys have you ...

 I got one guy in my clan that can one key hard boss and I am really surprised he is still with my clan , and I appreciate him emmensly because without him , we would probably still be trying to kill easy CB , But hey ,

If you really wanna win that bad , Spend Cash like the other guys probably are ,,

Me, Im just F2P and , making sure i at least get asome free stuff outa this CvC


Apr 21, 2021, 14:5104/21/21

CvC event is basically a resource sink.

You either use all of your saved resources OR (as Plarium wants you to) BUY MORE RESOURCES like books.

So either let it go, and accept your clan have been out resourced, or buy more stuffs.

Apr 21, 2021, 16:0604/21/21

Or ... you just get all the free stuff they're giving you?

I really don't get all the angst on this one.

Apr 21, 2021, 16:3104/21/21

Hope CvC will be done weekly, so after couple of weeks all resources will be burned out

Apr 21, 2021, 16:5504/21/21
Apr 21, 2021, 16:55(edited)

Some People in Some Clans have been saving up everything because they knew CvC was coming

I seen lvl 80s in chat Forming up into a Whale Clan of All Cashers over 2 weeks ago

just prepping for the CvC 

I myself logged in one day about 5 weeks ago and found out I was suddenly the leader of a dead Clan that only had 4 actives , we now have about 23 , Mostly low lvl casuals , Fine by me if they log in every other day or 3 to play for an hour.

If your gonna loose you shiite over a game , maybe a game isnt for you , it is supposed to be fun , if your all stressed out because Some Whale in some other clan spent $100 to get a ton of free tuff in a Tourny , you have not been really watching the points of the top 3 or 4 in a lot of Tournys have you ...

 I got one guy in my clan that can one key hard boss and I am really surprised he is still with my clan , and I appreciate him emmensly because without him , we would probably still be trying to kill easy CB , But hey ,

If you really wanna win that bad , Spend Cash like the other guys probably are ,,

Me, Im just F2P and , making sure i at least get asome free stuff outa this CvC


Wasnt stressing was more disapointment. Was looking forward to it and its just not worth it. And like i said earlier, I didnt expect to win but i did expect and honest match. So i felt the need to let be known its a waste of time. 

Apr 21, 2021, 17:1604/21/21

well, as a F2P player, Free stuff for just playing the game like I regularly do Works for me

as I went in with no great expectations at all ...

Apr 21, 2021, 17:2604/21/21

We doing our routines regardless cvc, our clan was matched against clan with 23 active members (we have 6) so result was predictible. They burned out their books on us :D, currnent state 31k vs 154k 

Apr 22, 2021, 08:3104/22/21
Apr 22, 2021, 08:32(edited)

I'm at day 180 now, got Scyl and booked her. Got something about 20k from that. 

74k from nowhere don't seem impossible. Somone that pulled some shards and had a stockpile of books in preparation for the tournament. Levelling up the new heroes give some points as well, especially if they are 5* and lvl 1 and can get the first 30 levels very fast from exp-brew.

Apr 22, 2021, 08:5304/22/21

Most the tournament categories have limits, but the pay to win bit (books) has no limit and will be over half the score for a lot of clans.

It is no effort at all to hit another 34k from books if you have plenty saved.

If you have spare mystery shards you can do something similar, pull loads then use duplicates to 'book' them and you get a good chunk of points, cheesy but it works.