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Bronze 1 Full of Lego 60s WTF?

Bronze 1 Full of Lego 60s WTF?

Apr 20, 2021, 21:5004/20/21

Bronze 1 Full of Lego 60s WTF?

I understand that nothing is free, but to fight in the lowest tier of PvP against players who have the highest strength possible champions? Champions that take like 2 years to build up.

Your system is broken Plarium.

I love this game but every time I see Legendary champions in bronze one is like an extra weight upon my shoulders, dragging me down and down and down. Don't know how much more I can take...

Apr 20, 2021, 22:2304/20/21

Strength comes from having the right kit coupled with right artifacts, accessories and other parameters like masteries, potions, books etc

Apr 20, 2021, 22:2504/20/21

Not broken, old, need change because now are less and less low players.

Apr 21, 2021, 00:3004/21/21

Because Plarium really wants you to buy more shards since beginning. Or as other people have called it, Arena is a "paywall"

Apr 21, 2021, 09:4804/21/21
Apr 21, 2021, 09:48(edited)

Ever notice all the teams with 1 guy or a bunch of low levels? These high level players put those as their defense so they can move back down the ladder to bronze where they can own and rack up points for tournaments and great hall. Many players have given plarium alot of great feedback and ideas on how to fix this. They just do not care.

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 21, 2021, 10:0804/21/21

That might happen for several reasons. One of the most prominent is that many players were in Silver and Gold and though their teams might look intimidating, their teams were poorly built. Therefore they dropped to Bronze, where they look even more threatening. But if those teams were beaten in Silver and Gold, there are decent chances for you to match them in Bronze.

As previously mentioned, the right usage of Artifacts and team synergy are the keys to success in the Arena. I would add that simply hoarding strong Champions is hardly useful. 

Nevertheless, we are currently designing some solutions to make the Arena matchmaking more comfortable, especially in lower Leagues.

It would be awesome to see your Collection of Champions, so experienced players could address specific issues you face.

Apr 21, 2021, 10:5804/21/21

That might happen for several reasons. One of the most prominent is that many players were in Silver and Gold and though their teams might look intimidating, their teams were poorly built. Therefore they dropped to Bronze, where they look even more threatening. But if those teams were beaten in Silver and Gold, there are decent chances for you to match them in Bronze.

As previously mentioned, the right usage of Artifacts and team synergy are the keys to success in the Arena. I would add that simply hoarding strong Champions is hardly useful. 

Nevertheless, we are currently designing some solutions to make the Arena matchmaking more comfortable, especially in lower Leagues.

It would be awesome to see your Collection of Champions, so experienced players could address specific issues you face.

Please, stop with this "hoarding Champions is hardly useful" excuse. Raid is literally about hoarding Champions, isn't it? I don't know who at Plarium thought that punishing players for collecting champions in a champion collecting game was a good idea. The key problem with this new algorithm is that you have to up your main champs to 5-6 star to progress, and while you're making your food and stuff, it will raise your total player power, meaning you will face much tougher teams, usually with 3-4 60lvl champs. Even if you build your speed nuker team and go first, there is a big probability that your main nuker won't be able to kill any of these 60lvl champs because they're too tanky and have a Shield sets on. 

Apr 21, 2021, 11:0704/21/21

That might happen for several reasons. One of the most prominent is that many players were in Silver and Gold and though their teams might look intimidating, their teams were poorly built. Therefore they dropped to Bronze, where they look even more threatening. But if those teams were beaten in Silver and Gold, there are decent chances for you to match them in Bronze.

As previously mentioned, the right usage of Artifacts and team synergy are the keys to success in the Arena. I would add that simply hoarding strong Champions is hardly useful. 

Nevertheless, we are currently designing some solutions to make the Arena matchmaking more comfortable, especially in lower Leagues.

It would be awesome to see your Collection of Champions, so experienced players could address specific issues you face.

With the artifacts you buy yes you can succes, only if you paid.

I was in gold 3 and 3 weeks later I'm in Silver 3..... And I play every day. It's no more fun to play now. 

The most dispointing is you must play in arena and arena 3vs3 to unlock the daily reward and the missions. Only if the arena and the 3vs3 is optional, maybe the game will be fun again, but they won't do something like this, money come first...

Apr 21, 2021, 11:3404/21/21
Apr 21, 2021, 11:39(edited)

That might happen for several reasons. One of the most prominent is that many players were in Silver and Gold and though their teams might look intimidating, their teams were poorly built. Therefore they dropped to Bronze, where they look even more threatening. But if those teams were beaten in Silver and Gold, there are decent chances for you to match them in Bronze.

As previously mentioned, the right usage of Artifacts and team synergy are the keys to success in the Arena. I would add that simply hoarding strong Champions is hardly useful. 

Nevertheless, we are currently designing some solutions to make the Arena matchmaking more comfortable, especially in lower Leagues.

It would be awesome to see your Collection of Champions, so experienced players could address specific issues you face.

Mr. Oracle. You need read a little more.

This is math: First day, (game age) 0% accounts have 60 - year 2, 90%+ have 60.

Arena take point form others (litteral, min to 900), so 40% aprox are stuck in bronze 1.

Even if eveyrone read guide or spent money, etc. 40% will be stck in bronze 1.

And the new one's will have a a bigger wall to pass.

Apr 21, 2021, 13:0204/21/21

That might happen for several reasons. One of the most prominent is that many players were in Silver and Gold and though their teams might look intimidating, their teams were poorly built. Therefore they dropped to Bronze, where they look even more threatening. But if those teams were beaten in Silver and Gold, there are decent chances for you to match them in Bronze.

As previously mentioned, the right usage of Artifacts and team synergy are the keys to success in the Arena. I would add that simply hoarding strong Champions is hardly useful. 

Nevertheless, we are currently designing some solutions to make the Arena matchmaking more comfortable, especially in lower Leagues.

It would be awesome to see your Collection of Champions, so experienced players could address specific issues you face.

Those Teams should in NO WAY even be in Bronze tier ONE ....................

But they are , Kinda SAD to See Arbiters, Bal El etc in BRONZE TIER ONE ,,,


So you actually get penalized for Collecting heros in a Hero Collection game

because the Fact is, New players collect the heros because they never know when they will be needed , What heros are good , and Even the garbage heros that lvl 70 and 80 players Eat as food are Good Heros at low levels 


because 3 or 4 faction teams jack up your total account power and you end up with harder Opponents in Arena , there is No way someone with 2 lvl 50s should be facing 3 lvl 60s in Bronze Tier ONE , but that is entirely the case , Players that have only played 2 or 3 months are facing teams that have Syl of the Drakes ,, you know the Freebie Lego you get after SIX MONTHS OF PLAY TIME daily logging in ... So those Teams have been farming Dragon 12 or 13 for a few months and have 6 star gear already , while the poor Noobs are struggling to find any decent 4 and 5 star gear down in Dragon 6 or 7 

So Basically Palarium is Feeding the Noobs to the higher lvl players 

Probably in hopes of them Spending cash to get better

the stupid thing is, the Noobs just get frustrated and Quit 


Apr 21, 2021, 13:1804/21/21

I know Plarium said that player power has role in matchmaking algorithm. 

But why do you guys think that when you are in bronze 1 if you hoard champions will definitely equals to opponents with legendaries? Lol

So let us say, all bronze 1 have 0 to 1M player power. And I have 6M player power and I nring down my rank by putting 1 star champion in defense. If I went down to bronze 1 does that mean no one will attack me because my player power is too much for bronze 1? Lol. 

Apr 21, 2021, 13:2804/21/21

I know Plarium said that player power has role in matchmaking algorithm. 

But why do you guys think that when you are in bronze 1 if you hoard champions will definitely equals to opponents with legendaries? Lol

So let us say, all bronze 1 have 0 to 1M player power. And I have 6M player power and I nring down my rank by putting 1 star champion in defense. If I went down to bronze 1 does that mean no one will attack me because my player power is too much for bronze 1? Lol. 

There are players with 3+ million player power in of my clan mates came back after an absense and found himself in bronze, the matchaking he gets (3 million player power) is actually quite comical.

Apr 21, 2021, 13:3804/21/21
Apr 21, 2021, 13:41(edited)

I know Plarium said that player power has role in matchmaking algorithm. 

But why do you guys think that when you are in bronze 1 if you hoard champions will definitely equals to opponents with legendaries? Lol

So let us say, all bronze 1 have 0 to 1M player power. And I have 6M player power and I nring down my rank by putting 1 star champion in defense. If I went down to bronze 1 does that mean no one will attack me because my player power is too much for bronze 1? Lol. 

I dont look at a players ACCOUNT POWER ,, I look at the heros and Team power

YOU know how to Tweak a team so your TEAM power is 75,000 BUT your team will have 

a SPEED of 300 and One Hit all my 30,000 HP or 40,000 HP heros before I can even blink

Not hard for Someone who has played for 6 or 8 months to build a Speed / Nuke DEFENSE team

that is Sitting in Bronze Tier one with 925 or 955 points and they are there 

Or maybe those teams are INACTIVES who have been beaten down and are just floating in Bronze one Who knows But the teams of LEGOs are down there in BRONZE ONE  

P.S> I wont attack a team that has lvl 60s in it because I only have a couple of lvl 50s

and I wont att a team that has a Lego or 2 in it , because they are usually auto losers

Apr 21, 2021, 14:3604/21/21
Apr 21, 2021, 14:38(edited)

I'm just going to add, Bronze is also full of accounts like mine, people who stopped playing and just dropped off to Bronze 1. Plarium said that accounts like mine are being removed, but I honestly don't believe them.

Because when I return, there's A LOT of level 60-70 accounts with 120k+ team power with fully leveled 60 and fully ascended heroes and with masteries, all with 900 points and presented as an opponent.

So I don't think account like mine are ever removed from the arena, but instead being put in Bronze 1...

So yeah, those are the opponent people face in Bronze 1.

As for information, my account was at Gold 3-4 before I take my Raid hiatus.

Apr 21, 2021, 14:4904/21/21
Apr 21, 2021, 14:50(edited)

I was in Gold 4 for awhile, but the game fortunes turned against me, I was destined to follow all the tiers down to bronze, it was looking like, because of the tier reset which robbed all your points artificially, as if you lost 100 battles instantly.  So I decided I could not fight that so I gave up that account and started over.

So I am in Bronze 1/2, with relatively meager resources and champs to use, still FTP.  But with an arena team power of about 25k, I have been winning tourneys.  I won first place in Champion Chase, and now I am in second place in Classic Arena Takedown, with 8 hrs to go.  But I am having fun again, not whining about no legos, etc and what everybody else has.  I do not need to "advance", don't sweat the small stuff.

I still get lousy shard pulls like before.  I will keep my champ list down to about 25 or so, so I can do some arena, campaign, cb, potions, dungeons, factions, a little bit of all but nothing fantastic.  I just watch for what I can summon but not real tense about it.

I have one 5 star champ Athel, working on L50 for her. All basic champs, a few epics like shaman and coming soon will be Jizoh, which I am not fond of. Got my spirithost, warmaiden, warpriest, armiger, shieldguard, but no apothecary yet. Whatever, I am still winning tourneys.

Yeah there are lots of monsters out there that I will not mess with but yet if you be patient, the easier targets will drift down the stream within your grasp.

Just learning to cope until heaven's gates open lol.

Apr 21, 2021, 15:5204/21/21

Once you unlock a level and stay there for 2 weeks, you shouldn't be able to regress backwards anymore.  If you can stay in silver 2 for two weeks, you shouldn't be allowed back in bronze.  Same with gold.  Only exception would be platinum since it's the top.

I think this rule would fix most matchmaking issues.