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Account level and tournament points

Account level and tournament points

Apr 20, 2021, 12:0204/20/21

Account level and tournament points

I'm a 2months~ old player trying to do the Brogni fusion. I prepared for two weeks saving resources thanks to some content creators on YT that advised that the fusion were comming. At the moment im doing fine, hard, but still trying it.

During the firsts tornaments I noticed that I had lower thresholds to get the fragments for the fusion champions (classic arena 200 points instead of 455, Dragon 1500 instead of 2050, Fire knight 1300 instead of 1800...) what helped me a lot to still be in the race. In one thread I've read that this could be caused by account level, which in my case was 50 at this moment.

I tried hard to stay in that level just in case this was the real reason, but during the champion traigin event I couldn't prevent my account to reach level 51.

Today Ice golem tornament arrived and guess what? the threshold is 1800.

IMO this is VERY lame, only because I'm one account level higher, what means nothing at all, the difficulty for me with this fussion has been increased substantially. If plarium wants to keep the thresholds in tournaments based on your account level, it should be much more gradually, not only before-50 and after-50, and not at all should change the difficulty in the middle of the 2 weeks for the fussion event.

I hope that at least this info helps some players that are close to level 50 and are trying the fusion.

P.S. Sorry for my english

Apr 20, 2021, 12:0704/20/21
Apr 20, 2021, 12:09(edited)

The thresholds for this fusion isn't based on account level.  They are just very high for some reason.  We are all in the same boat

That said, the previous fusion events have not historically been this difficult, or at least it has been possible to get the epics.  The way this one is structured just seems to be inherently high

Apr 20, 2021, 15:0704/20/21

I'm prety sure that it does. Not in the case of events though.

I have the example of fire knight and ice golem. In the account of a YTr that is doing a daily guide, and I'm sure also in yours (if you are above level 50), both FK and IG the threshold were 1800. In my case, at level 50 FK was 1300 and now at level 51 IG is 1800.

Would be nice a confirmation from Plarium regarding this.