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Artifact set advice

Artifact set advice

Apr 19, 2021, 21:4604/19/21

Artifact set advice

I've forged a good Swift parry set and have gathered a couple of good sets of savage.

In terms of stats, I think all the pieces are all on par with the gear I currently have on my biggest damage dealers, Abbess and Turvold. 

I've seen many recommendations about setting Abbess up in Savage gear. 

I like to use Turvold in arena as well as dungeons, so I'm having a harder time picking. He often doesn't survive the first volley in the arena, so I was thinking of putting Swift parry on him. On the other hand, I haven't reach the top levels of most of the gear related dungeons so I was thinking he might also do well in savage gear.

Assuming all other things are equal, who would you put into which set? Or do you think neither will work on one or both of them?


Apr 19, 2021, 22:2304/19/21
Apr 19, 2021, 22:46(edited)

I am assuming you are bronze/silver?

for arena offence: savage gear

the proc for swift parry is 50%. so half the time turvold wont be saved and even then I doubt that clutch rez will turn around things for you very often, tough it depends on the whole team setup

Apr 20, 2021, 14:3104/20/21

For the lower tiers of Arena, I wouldn't bother with Savage. Champs there usually don't have a lot of defence so you can get more bang from something like crit damage 

Apr 20, 2021, 20:1604/20/21

For the lower tiers of Arena, I wouldn't bother with Savage. Champs there usually don't have a lot of defence so you can get more bang from something like crit damage 

No! Especially if the opponents have low def, reducing effects enhace the damage a lot. The effect of def is not linear, it's a curve that flattens after a while.

Apr 22, 2021, 11:4304/22/21

No! Especially if the opponents have low def, reducing effects enhace the damage a lot. The effect of def is not linear, it's a curve that flattens after a while.

True. But Savage decreases the defence by a percentage, not a flat amount.

So while the curve is steeper at the start, the amount of defence you are ignoring with Savage is much smaller at the start. So the 'bonus damage' from Savage ends up not that huge. 

f.e. If someone has 2500 Def. (not bad for a beginner I would say). With def down that's 1500. That's about 53.7% mitigation.

With Savage, it drops to 1125. That's about 44.8% mitigation.

That's just 8.9% difference.

But if you put on 1 Crit damage set, that's +9.3% damage (counting in the 53.7% mitigation). Not significantly better, but better. 


Apr 22, 2021, 12:0004/22/21

Why is one crit damage set allways +9,3% damage? You just quoted any numbers from somewhere, the savage set is weaker here, but that is no proof. And why 2500 def? I don't think that's a usual number in Bronze 1.

Apr 22, 2021, 12:1304/22/21

Why is one crit damage set allways +9,3% damage? You just quoted any numbers from somewhere, the savage set is weaker here, but that is no proof. And why 2500 def? I don't think that's a usual number in Bronze 1.

Not always. In the example scenario. Crit damage set gives +20% Crit Damage. Assuming you build your nuker right, they have 100% crit rate, so the damage always happens. And +20% with 53.7% mitigation is +9.3% bonus damage.

With more defence, Crit damage becomes worse and Savage becomes better.

Damage are numbers, so of course I am mentioning numbers. And yes, it is proof.

Why 2500 Def? It's a nice round number. And yeh, it's probably too much for Bronze I, maybe for like Silver I. Nobody mention anything about Bronze I before tho.

Apr 22, 2021, 12:4304/22/21
Apr 22, 2021, 13:12(edited)

Not always. In the example scenario. Crit damage set gives +20% Crit Damage. Assuming you build your nuker right, they have 100% crit rate, so the damage always happens. And +20% with 53.7% mitigation is +9.3% bonus damage.

With more defence, Crit damage becomes worse and Savage becomes better.

Damage are numbers, so of course I am mentioning numbers. And yes, it is proof.

Why 2500 Def? It's a nice round number. And yeh, it's probably too much for Bronze I, maybe for like Silver I. Nobody mention anything about Bronze I before tho.

2500 Def should give something around 70% mitigation, not 53,7%.

And indeed nobody mentioned exactly Bronze 1, but a guy named Walazard said: "For the lower tiers of Arena, I wouldn't bother with Savage."



Apr 22, 2021, 12:5704/22/21

For newer players it is hard to get the stats you want, a combo of enough speed, a crit rate at or near to 100, sufficient crit damage etc..

For that reason i would personally say go for stats over set bonus at early stages of the game despite the savage bonus being good. However for a speed nuking team if 'all things are equal' i would go for savage gear'

Apr 22, 2021, 13:3104/22/21
Apr 22, 2021, 15:14(edited)

As the damage mitigation of certain def numbers may help some players, I played around with the calculator a little bit:

  • 100 def = 94,5% damage (5,5% mitigated)
  • 500 def = 75,9% dam
  • 800 def = 64,8% dam
  • 1000 def = 58,6% dam
  • 1200 def = 53,1% dam
  • 1500 def = 46,2 % dam
  • 2000 def = 37,4% dam
  • 2500 def = 31% dam
  • 3000 def = 26,5% dam
  • 3500 def = 23,2% dam
  • 4000 def = 20,9% dam
  • 4500 def = 19,2% dam
  • 5000 def = 18% dam
  • 6000 def = 16,5% dam
  • 7000 def = 15,7% dam
  • 10000 def = 15,1% dam
Apr 22, 2021, 18:2704/22/21

Depends. If your sets have main/sub stats of speed, crit rate, or crit damage, use them!

Apr 22, 2021, 19:4004/22/21

What stats do you have on these Savage/Swift Parry pieces? Always remember to prioritize stats first before trying to complete a 4-piece set. 

Apr 22, 2021, 23:3704/22/21

Abbess in a Savage Set is only good if you plan to use her A3 move.

If your plan is to use Abbess A2 move in the battle, You wouldn't use Savage Set on her.

You would probably use Perception Set.

Apr 23, 2021, 15:5504/23/21

As someone who works with numbers and statistics all day, this was a great conversation to read.

I put Abbess in Savage gear and she is outperforming Turvold in dungeons and the clan boss.

I am still working on a gear set to make them better in arenas because if I don't get to draw first blood they are both too squishy.

Apr 26, 2021, 05:1004/26/21

Did you ever say what Arena Tier you are in?

Or what your Arena team is?

Apr 26, 2021, 11:5804/26/21
Player J

Did you ever say what Arena Tier you are in?

Or what your Arena team is?

at the time I wrote thispost I wasjust on the edge between Silver IV and Gold I (kept fluctuating back and forth)...althoughI woke up this morning all the way down in Silver II, so maybe I shouldn't have gone to bed

Apr 26, 2021, 16:3404/26/21

at the time I wrote thispost I wasjust on the edge between Silver IV and Gold I (kept fluctuating back and forth)...althoughI woke up this morning all the way down in Silver II, so maybe I shouldn't have gone to bed

Arena Reset was last night so people rush to get top tier ranks to recieve better rewards.

What is your full Arena team? 

Maybe, I can help you improve it.

Apr 26, 2021, 20:3304/26/21
Player J

Arena Reset was last night so people rush to get top tier ranks to recieve better rewards.

What is your full Arena team? 

Maybe, I can help you improve it.

My main team is Turvold, Arbiter, Raglin and Abbess. I've been experimenting with subbing in a few champs here and there, but this team wins most

Apr 26, 2021, 21:1404/26/21

I would argue that Raglin doesn't really fit on that team. She's very strong, don't get me wrong - but your team is a glass-cannon OTK build, and I don't think her kit makes sense for that team. I'd replace her with someone that does a hard AOE nuke, as Turvold is handling your single-target damage.

Apr 27, 2021, 14:5204/27/21

My main team is Turvold, Arbiter, Raglin and Abbess. I've been experimenting with subbing in a few champs here and there, but this team wins most

Yeah, your team seems a little off 

You might need to make some changes to it.

Kramaswamy is right.

Your Raglin doesn't really belong on that team design.

Your Turvold doesn't really fit in that team design, either.

You have Abbess in Savage gear which means she is your AOE nuker.

You need to run a hero who goes before her that does AOE Def Down.

Apr 27, 2021, 16:0004/27/21
Player J

Yeah, your team seems a little off 

You might need to make some changes to it.

Kramaswamy is right.

Your Raglin doesn't really belong on that team design.

Your Turvold doesn't really fit in that team design, either.

You have Abbess in Savage gear which means she is your AOE nuker.

You need to run a hero who goes before her that does AOE Def Down.

Thanks for the advice so far.

As far as AOE Def Down, I have Uugo maxed out and I've almost got Dhukk the Pierced at 60 (but more than a few potions short to ascend all the way). I pulled Genzin recently, but don't know how to use him yet.

If I keep Arbiter and Abbess, and then add in one of the above, what type of champ should I bring in to finish the group?