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Suggestion for advanced Quest: Change the Doom Tower mission

Suggestion for advanced Quest: Change the Doom Tower mission

Apr 18, 2021, 00:4804/18/21

Suggestion for advanced Quest: Change the Doom Tower mission

Can´t u change the doom tower mission from "Use 5 Silver Keys" into "Fight 5 times in the Doom Tower"?

Like with tha Arenamissions of the Daylies. You have to fight 5 times in the Arena, and its equal how often u win.

This would fix the problem that many Midlvl Players cant reach the first bossroom and u have still more Focus on the Doomtower.

Apr 18, 2021, 01:5204/18/21
Apr 18, 2021, 01:53(edited)

I  have  been  playing  for  60  days  and  can  clear  to  boss  2  on  normal  So  it  can  be  done  even  as  a  low  spender.

some  floors  suck  but  i  largely  find  the  bosses  easier  than  some  of  the  floors  preceeding  them

Apr 18, 2021, 08:0104/18/21

I  have  been  playing  for  60  days  and  can  clear  to  boss  2  on  normal  So  it  can  be  done  even  as  a  low  spender.

some  floors  suck  but  i  largely  find  the  bosses  easier  than  some  of  the  floors  preceeding  them

Thats nice for u, but could u explain me ur problem with my suggestion? What would you lose if Plarium would change the avanced quest as I suggested?:)

Apr 18, 2021, 08:1304/18/21
Apr 18, 2021, 08:14(edited)

Well, i guess its called Advanced quest for a reason. Iam on the 3th Doom Tower boss (no shield champs or ally attack ones for me though). Been playing for 6 weeks. So just give it 1 or 2 more weeks of efficient gameplay. Think I got to the dragon (first boss) about 2.5weeks ago so after 3.5 weeks of playing.

Iam still stuck often on the "Kill a faction wars boss". My roster is just to small and I cant afford to level AND gear all those low level rares. So thats my queue to start working on it. Not expecting Plarium to change that requirement to "attempt a faction wars boss" or "clear level 3 of a crypt" :)

And trust me, iam really annoyed when I cant get that extra energy and extra level point for goodies.

Apr 18, 2021, 08:2904/18/21

Well, i guess its called Advanced quest for a reason. Iam on the 3th Doom Tower boss (no shield champs or ally attack ones for me though). Been playing for 6 weeks. So just give it 1 or 2 more weeks of efficient gameplay. Think I got to the dragon (first boss) about 2.5weeks ago so after 3.5 weeks of playing.

Iam still stuck often on the "Kill a faction wars boss". My roster is just to small and I cant afford to level AND gear all those low level rares. So thats my queue to start working on it. Not expecting Plarium to change that requirement to "attempt a faction wars boss" or "clear level 3 of a crypt" :)

And trust me, iam really annoyed when I cant get that extra energy and extra level point for goodies.

I still cant see what u would lose, if the quests became friendlier for other players which struggle to reach the first boss in Doom Tower.

Apr 20, 2021, 07:4304/20/21

Any reaction from a Plarium mod?

Apr 20, 2021, 07:5704/20/21

I wouldnt mind this change but i find classic arena missions far more annoying

'fight in classic arena with a champ from every affinity' = throw a fight

and 'win 30 materials in classic arena' = win 15 arena fights

They both seem more of a pain to me, but it certainly wouldnt hurt to implement OP's idea

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 20, 2021, 09:2804/20/21

Hi, CrazyMaria ! There are two basic reasons for this quest to be as it is:

1) this advanced quest, as its name suggests, is supposed to be challenging and thus requires fighting not just in a regular stage of the Doom Tower, but against a Boss. In this way game progression, not just repetition

2) generally, fights against a Boss provide you with more rewards and so are a better place to farm things 

Apr 20, 2021, 14:5504/20/21

Why are you complaining about this and not the FW Advanced quests?

Those are even harder because you need specific faction champions.

Apr 20, 2021, 15:4204/20/21

Hi, CrazyMaria ! There are two basic reasons for this quest to be as it is:

1) this advanced quest, as its name suggests, is supposed to be challenging and thus requires fighting not just in a regular stage of the Doom Tower, but against a Boss. In this way game progression, not just repetition

2) generally, fights against a Boss provide you with more rewards and so are a better place to farm things 

My logic is exactly opposite. Fighting against the same boss 5 times is repetition. Spending gold keys is progression.

I would like this quest to be "Use 5 keys in the Doom Tower".

Apr 20, 2021, 20:1604/20/21

First boss in normal mode is super easy, so you should have no issues with doing him if you are mid game. 

New players will have an issue doing it, but they should be focussed on advancing their characters, not the advanced missions.

Apr 24, 2021, 02:3404/24/21

My logic is exactly opposite. Fighting against the same boss 5 times is repetition. Spending gold keys is progression.

I would like this quest to be "Use 5 keys in the Doom Tower".

I agree :)

So far when the advanced quests get unlocked, it should be possible to finish them, not impossible so that i pay hundreds of dollars to make "progress" in the doom tower. 

Maybe ist not possible to complete these missions every day(Like the Arenamission oder Faction War Mission) but at least a few days in a week, which ist atm not possible when the doomtowermission is daily and u cant reach the first bossroom.

Apr 25, 2021, 05:1704/25/21
Apr 25, 2021, 05:20(edited)

And: In the past it was possible to finish them for me, just after the doom tower change it wasnt any more.

Anyway, I solved the problem my own way: I stop playing this game. Have fun :) 

Apr 28, 2021, 13:2404/28/21

Hi, CrazyMaria ! There are two basic reasons for this quest to be as it is:

1) this advanced quest, as its name suggests, is supposed to be challenging and thus requires fighting not just in a regular stage of the Doom Tower, but against a Boss. In this way game progression, not just repetition

2) generally, fights against a Boss provide you with more rewards and so are a better place to farm things 

Well I like the idea of changing the Doom tower mission. For us highlvl it changes nothing, but it makes for the smaller ones their life easier.

And easier life means more fun, more fun means more often playing, more often playing means higher chance to earn money for plarium^^ 

Apr 29, 2021, 08:5404/29/21

Well I like the idea of changing the Doom tower mission. For us highlvl it changes nothing, but it makes for the smaller ones their life easier.

And easier life means more fun, more fun means more often playing, more often playing means higher chance to earn money for plarium^^ 

I agree with CrazyKrauthead :)

Apr 30, 2021, 11:0404/30/21

Well I like the idea of changing the Doom tower mission. For us highlvl it changes nothing, but it makes for the smaller ones their life easier.

And easier life means more fun, more fun means more often playing, more often playing means higher chance to earn money for plarium^^ 

I also agree :)