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I'm new to the game

I'm new to the game

Apr 17, 2021, 20:3004/17/21

I'm new to the game

I've played for 15 days and here is where I am:


Apr 17, 2021, 20:3404/17/21


Apr 17, 2021, 20:4104/17/21

focus  on Warmaiden if your FTP

and welcome to the game  its alot  of fun once you decide what you want to achieve

Apr 17, 2021, 20:4104/17/21


Apr 17, 2021, 21:1304/17/21

A word of warning, the more champs you get and the more gear you put on champs, the harder the arena will get.  So you should decide now if you want to do faction wars and collect champions (which is how they advertise the game) or if you want to be able to update your great hall, complete progress missions, and face people in the PvP arena who are realistic for you.  It is possible that the people you face in tournaments are also based on your account power although we haven't had that confirmed.  It is fine either way, but the game itself won't tell you that you basically have to pick one path until they admit that the arena is broken for newer players.  If you actually want to be able to make progress in the great hall (and progress missions), you should have a core group of characters (8-10) and not really expand beyond that until you are a lot stronger.

Also, when you build out warmaiden, make sure to farm the campaign stages where she is a drop.  I think it took me running those stages for about a week before I got enough copies of her to use as "books" to level up her skills.

Apr 18, 2021, 01:2204/18/21

Do NOT focus on warmaiden, FTP or otherwise.

Warmaiden can feature in virtually all of your teams early game, but she can pretty much do her job at level 50 and should NOT be your priority to level.

I highly recommend focusing all your time and energy on getting Kael maxed out at level 60 so that you have a campaign farmer to make leveling the rest of your champions easier, forever. Additionally, I highly recommend saving all your gems until you get 800 and buying Kael's masteries. This again will make your primary campaign farmer, clan boss poisoner, arena damage dealer and dungeon damage dealer the best he can be as quickly as possible. 

This will make the rest of your game much easier in the long run...

(...or you could delete the game and walk away now before you get too emotionally attached, financially invested and or aggravated.)

Both tips are free, take what you like and leave the rest.

Apr 18, 2021, 14:4704/18/21

Do not pull any shards, focus on few good champs. get good artifacts, accessories, try to accomplish goals with as little energy as possible. for example every day you are supposed to finish 7 campaign battles and spend 50 energy, you should do 7 campaign in normal mode and spend only 28 energy and save energy for other tasks. that way you save energy everyday. do not level up champs unless you know where you will need them. make your team and then stick to the champs you have.

Apr 18, 2021, 15:3704/18/21

Do not pull any shards, focus on few good champs. get good artifacts, accessories, try to accomplish goals with as little energy as possible. for example every day you are supposed to finish 7 campaign battles and spend 50 energy, you should do 7 campaign in normal mode and spend only 28 energy and save energy for other tasks. that way you save energy everyday. do not level up champs unless you know where you will need them. make your team and then stick to the champs you have.

No, don't do campaigne battles on normal (unless a mission says you have to win artifacts in actx normal mode). The gold and exp in normal is much lower than in higher difficulties. Maybe for now you can only do normal mode, but later on leave that and never go back.

Apr 18, 2021, 15:4104/18/21
Skadis Revenge

No, don't do campaigne battles on normal (unless a mission says you have to win artifacts in actx normal mode). The gold and exp in normal is much lower than in higher difficulties. Maybe for now you can only do normal mode, but later on leave that and never go back.

I only meant how to get the maximum when you run out of energy which happens in the initial phase of the game.

Apr 18, 2021, 20:3504/18/21


Apr 18, 2021, 21:4704/18/21


lmao... this thread cannot be helpful to you Bog.

my recommendation would be to go watch some videos, there are a lot of good content creators out there that have put in a lot of effort to give player help and support to new players. 

Check out hellhades ( or find another that you jive with and see what they have to offer...

Apr 18, 2021, 23:5504/18/21

Do not level another starting champ. I see you have another Kael at level 4, stop leveling him. 

You don't need more than one starting champ. Leveling an Athel, Elhain or Galek will not help your account and will artificially inflate your player power which will negatively impact your arena match-ups.

Apr 19, 2021, 04:3304/19/21

this thread is full of terrible advice lol

Apr 19, 2021, 06:1404/19/21

Mordecai, Dhukk, Warmaiden , Kael (50) Spirithost are good champs.

Do not upgrade champs without a good reason. check the raid codex for which champs are good for dragon and spider, only max out those champs

Do not waste time with the second Kael as of now

If you level up all of your champs you will never be able to reach silver 1 in arena , we know this because so many of the players are stuck at bronze level 2 or 3 and unable to proceed. 

Hit the minotaur and get all the scrolls needed to complete the mastery for kael and Warmaiden

build a team to hit dragon and spider , to at least stage 10 once you have masteries completed, this will give you all the artifacts and accessories needed.

Apr 20, 2021, 01:1904/20/21

Dont  listen  to  these  people.

Some  carry  good  advice,  while  others  play  the  game  differently.  As  others  have  said,  Id  recommend  checking  out  a  new  palyer  guide  or  F2P  series  by  HellHades  or  Chosen.

You  can  play  the  game  in  your  own  way  for  some  decisions.  Some  require  more  carefull  consideration.