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Boosted Summons, really ?

Boosted Summons, really ?

Apr 17, 2021, 00:0904/17/21

Boosted Summons, really ?

Is my account cursed? Has plarium hexed me?

2x ancients huh? I just opened 21 ancient shards and only 1 freaking epic. Thats 4.8%. Where is the 16%, Plarium, you lying scum? I’m sure plarium will just ban me for being so pissed and insulting them, but I am so frustrated over their greed and disregard for their player base. 

Last week during the 10x event for doompriest and vrask, I opened 98 ancient shards that I saved over 2.5 months, 2.5 months! I am day 168 and cant wait for Scyl. Do you know how hard it was to save those shards? Well, I spent all my gems trying to get the most shards to get double legendaries in hopes of counterattack for the clan boss because my best champion right now is frozen banshee. I opened them all, only 7 epics. 4 duplicates. Doompriest shard 74. Never got Vrask. Yet, multiple people in my clan got double legendaries. One person pulled 10 on one account, got legendaries, and then pulled 10 on his second account, and got 2 more legendaries. Yet, I pull 98 and get trash, minus doompriest.  Then  I  get  triggered  for  things  like  Coldbrew  on  youtube  who  opens  24  and  in  less  than  20,  gets  doompriest,  vrask,  martyr,  and  big  un.  I  do  not  have  so  many  epics  and  I  get  trash  duplicates.  Still  waiting  for  Stag  Knight!

For the week prior, I opened 24 voids and got runekeeper and umbral, yet several clan mates got legendaries between 1 and 8 voids they had. 

I cannot believe I saved for so long to have the biggest disappointment I have ever had in a video game. This could all change if I pulled valkyrie, cardiel, nekhret, or krisk but I know I will be quitting the game before that impossible chance. I have spent ~$75 dollars a month because I liked the content. After these terrible shard pulls and now this insane summoning event for brogni, goodbye Plarium. I really thought you had a good game here, but I can see your true colors now. I know my terrible "luck" is just a way for them to get more money which seems to be the only thing Plarium cares about. You  know  its  rigged  when  you  get  1  epic  in  21  ancients,  They don’t care about good content. They don’t care about player experience. They don’t consider that people have jobs and don’t have time to grind all day in these summoning events. They just want more and more money. When has a company cared so little about the players who help the company by giving them money for their work?  

I do not have enough for the brogni summon now even though the previous event for Yoshi only cost me a few sacreds and ancients (and a lot of mysteries).

Are my views flawed? Can anyone correct me? Anyone have the same experience? That is just what I conclude from playing this game for almost 6 months. Obviously, I took this game too seriously and now have to move on. I just really liked raid thought it was a great game. Too bad the investors and workers in the company are cold-hearted individuals.

Apr 17, 2021, 00:2104/17/21

Raid is pure Casino game, as in normal Casions - Casino always win. And there will be always someone who come and loose some real money for a 'chance' or 'luck'. Precentages are not set for 10,100,1000 shards. You dont have guarantee that get lego or epic per 10 ancient shard or 100 ancient shard.

It is pure casion style 'random' system.

Apr 17, 2021, 00:3004/17/21

No offense but - do you understand how probability works?

The odds of 21 pulls not getting a single epic/lego are 1 - 0.83^21 = 2%. That means, on average, one in every 50 times you pull 21 ancients, you will not get a single epic/lego.

 That's certainly a low probability - but it's far higher than zero. Yeah it sucks when it happens but - that's how the game works.

Apr 17, 2021, 00:3104/17/21

Raid is pure Casino game, as in normal Casions - Casino always win. And there will be always someone who come and loose some real money for a 'chance' or 'luck'. Precentages are not set for 10,100,1000 shards. You dont have guarantee that get lego or epic per 10 ancient shard or 100 ancient shard.

It is pure casion style 'random' system.

Not quite true - there is the pity system, so after 200 pulls you are guaranteed a lego from ancients.

Apr 17, 2021, 00:3304/17/21

yes, mecy system is % per shrad, but normal is not

Apr 17, 2021, 01:0504/17/21

i feel you

Apr 17, 2021, 01:3904/17/21
Apr 17, 2021, 01:42(edited)

It isnt really RNG, certain junk rares and epics are set to come out far more often

Today i had two big pulls, on my minnow account (now ftp) i pulled 48 and got 1 epic (jizoh which is trolling me)...but i got multiple skinks and 3 tiger souls from 48 pulls (im aware tigersoul is ok for clan boss btw)....not likely this would happen (but not impossible) given the pool if it was real rng

Then on my newish ftp account which i have been hoarding on i pulled 15, and got 2 more skinks and assorted rubbish

So 63 pulls and 5 skinks, i cant be bothered to the maths but its not likely if this was truly random

I have also pulled a crapload of voids in the last month

I always get at least 2 arbelester or whatever the junks name is every time

I feel for you - its a trashy casino game at the end of the day

Apr 17, 2021, 01:5804/17/21

Not quite true - there is the pity system, so after 200 pulls you are guaranteed a lego from ancients.

Eso no es cierto, ada te garantiza un campeon legendario, sino que despues de 200 fragmentos antiguos o del vacio va subiendo el porcentaje de probabilidad de obtener alguno.

Apr 17, 2021, 02:3304/17/21

All I can say to OP is, that's not how statistics works...