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My two cents on arena rankings / difficulty / etc...

My two cents on arena rankings / difficulty / etc...

Apr 15, 2021, 20:4704/15/21

My two cents on arena rankings / difficulty / etc...

I feel that, by far, the biggest problem is that we have no "easy" way to determine how well our team will do versus the opponent. And that's normal - it should be a challenge.

The problem is that the contribution to team score that speed provides is incredibly low. So you can have a team strength of 100k winning against a team of 250k, simply because the glass cannon speed nuke team will act before the other team can do anything.

That in and of itself isn't an issue - what is, though, is that you have no way of knowing if that 100k team is a speed nuke team, or just a normal weak team that you can beat.

My suggestion - double, or perhaps even triple the amount of team power that speed contributes. Getting 250 speed is not easy, getting 300 speed even less so, and 350 requires some very good gear to accomplish. But because of how low the rating derived from that is, you end up looking like a much weaker team than you actually are.

Also, ban Hegemon and Tormin. Nobody likes them. (jk)

Apr 16, 2021, 17:2404/16/21

Team power doesn't equate to winning... I've had team power of almost DOUBLE my challenger and I have also had the Affinity bonus to boot and I've had by butt handed to me a few times...  Some teams geared the perfect way just have a synergy that is crazy tough to counter.

Apr 16, 2021, 17:3704/16/21

Team power doesn't equate to winning... I've had team power of almost DOUBLE my challenger and I have also had the Affinity bonus to boot and I've had by butt handed to me a few times...  Some teams geared the perfect way just have a synergy that is crazy tough to counter.

I mean that kinda is the whole point of my post. Speed is very undervalued, which makes team power not representative.

Apr 16, 2021, 18:0804/16/21

hmmmm maybe it's time to put Resist gear on everyone and then watch as nobody can land a debuff on my higher level team....   if only I had 20 million silver layting about to have gear in every flavor ready to go....

Apr 16, 2021, 19:0304/16/21

hmmmm maybe it's time to put Resist gear on everyone and then watch as nobody can land a debuff on my higher level team....   if only I had 20 million silver layting about to have gear in every flavor ready to go....

Resist is absolutely one of the team comps in the rock-paper-scissor arrangement they've constructed - DEF/RES should beat ATK teams, which should in turn beat pure DEF teams, which should beat the DEF/RES teams.

Thing is, that your resist team, if properly geared, will have team strength of 200k+, whereas the speed teams you're designed to beat will have team strength of 100k. That's fine if you understand how the ratings work, but for newer players especially, it's very misleading.

Apr 16, 2021, 19:1604/16/21

I think with experience you can read which teams you will beat

For non speed teams i can tell which ones i will likely beat at a glance now - my win rate for fights i start is 91% as a result, but i still struggle to stay in gold due to defence losses

But for speed teams, its a roll of the dice who is quicker

I do agree though that speed should factor into power more

Apr 16, 2021, 21:3304/16/21

I think with experience you can read which teams you will beat

For non speed teams i can tell which ones i will likely beat at a glance now - my win rate for fights i start is 91% as a result, but i still struggle to stay in gold due to defence losses

But for speed teams, its a roll of the dice who is quicker

I do agree though that speed should factor into power more

Things are much dicier down in low silver.  There is almost no way of knowing what you are going up against some of the time when you are looking at team power.  I mean, a few people put apothecary in as their lead which always makes me want to hit them assuming they don't have a team power of 160 or something.  I'm pretty sure about 1/4 of those that I went against like that were doing it as a trap (it worked).  In about 1/4 of the cases it is the easiest win of the week.  In the remaining 1/2, my win rate probably hovers below my normal win rate.  Still, I think of that particular example because you really cannot read some of the teams down there which can range from lucky/rich but ignorant to end-game accounts that people only play on occassionally.